October 2022

From the President

Dear {First Name}, The What If? Conference 2023 with participation of Podcar City will be held in Lisbon, Portugal in April of 2023. The ATRA session will focus on:

Problems and Opportunities with Existing and New Transportation Technologies.


How to Improve Urban Transit in Your Community

We are looking for speakers who can present about their ATN technology and/or project. If you are interested, please send an abstract of your proposed presentation to me

This conference promises to outdo last year's which was great!  Mark your calendar and plan on attending.  Lisbon is a wonderful city to visit!

As always, enjoy reading!

Best regards,

Peter Muller, ATRA President

Upcoming Events
envisionRide, Podcar City Conference, Lisbon, April 2023
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Gadkari mulls skybus for tackling traffic congestion, RIL says trial possible in 2.5 years

Traffic jam is a common phenomenon across most major Indian cities. Whether you are in Delhi, Mumbai, or Bengaluru, the scenes are similar during peak traffic hours – cars standstill bumper to bumper, two-wheelers trying to navigate between them. In fact, the TomTom traffic index report says, if you are stuck in traffic in Mumbai, Bengaluru, or Delhi, you are probably on one of the world’s top 10 most choked roads.  


Airport connectivity: Haryana proposes cost effective Pod car proposal

The Haryana government has proposed a cost-effective personalized rapid transport based on Pod car to provide a faster connectivity between old Chandigarh International Airport terminal here and its new terminal building located in Mohali.


Sharjah is travelling into the future with skypods

The system’s ‘urban light’ track can carry pods of up to 14 passengers at speeds of 150kph, while larger carriages transport passengers in either 48 or 75 capacity pods at 500kmph


Vuba Station Operations

Vuba automated transportation networks (ATN) operate by moving people continuously throughout the network of stations, without the need for queuing large groups of people (as buses or trains would do).


‘Haridwar Darshan’ To Be India’s First Pod Taxi System

DEHRADUN: ‘Haridwar Darshan’ pod taxi transport system, covering the key cities of Haridwar-Rishikesh-Dehradun by the Uttarakhand Metro Rail Corporation (UKMRC), will be India’s first such transport system, officials told The New Indian.


GSP Airport Commission Approves Further Exploration Of Automated Transit Network System

The Greenville-Spartanburg Airport Commission recently voted to further explore the potential development of an automated transit network at GSP.

The program will be conducted under a Project Development Agreement with Plenary Americas US Holdings Inc. and will explore the installation of electric autonomous vehicles that will transport passengers between the airport’s parking lots and terminal facility.


‘Too expensive’: Pod taxis to give way to trolley buses?

GURUGRAM: The ambitious pod taxi project to connect Delhi’s Dhaula Kuan with Manesar may be converted to a “trolley bus" or tram project instead....


The above links are to articles that appear relevant to advanced transit but no guarantee is made as to their accuracy and no verification of the integrity of the associated websites has been made.

Editorial comments are in italics.
| Advanced Transit Association| 303-800-1529 | www.advancedtransit.org
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