July 2021
IE511 Partners with SoCal511 to Enhance the Traveler Network
In 2009, the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) and the Riverside County Transportation Commission (RCTC) partnered to develop and implement the Inland Empire 511 system (IE511). 

The IE511 system provides travelers with transit, traffic, rideshare and other information services. The system operates on a variety of platforms, including, landlines, cell phones, smartphone apps, as well as social media sites. The Los Angeles County Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (LA SAFE) provides the similar SoCal511 service for travelers in Los Angeles County, as well as Orange and Ventura counties.  
SBCTA Extends TDA Award Deadlines for Cities of Big Bear Lake and Fontana
At their July meeting, the SBCTA Board of Directors approved extending the deadlines for use of Local Transportation Funds (LTF) for projects in Big Bear Lake and Fontana. LTF are made available to counties and cities through the state’s Transportation Development Act for use in grants for pedestrian and bicycle projects.

SBCTA guidelines allow for two one-year extensions for projects that are moving forward but cannot be completed by the award sunset date. Following delays resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, two cities requested extensions beyond the two year allowances and the requests were granted by the Board of Directors.
Public Outreach Coming to an Event near You - Plan.Build.Move.
By car, train, bus or however you travel, come visit us this summer. We are excited to be back out in the community sharing information about the many projects and innovations we are delivering to San Bernardino County. You’ll see us out in your community at National Night Out events, summer fairs, concerts in the park, neighborhood events, and when you need it most, even at your front door. 
Testing Trains and Tracks in the East Valley - See Tracks, Think Train
SBCTA, in collaboration with Metrolink, will begin testing Arrow this summer. Arrow is the new rail service that will connect the San Bernardino Transit Center to the University of Redlands. Train testing will occur throughout the 9-mile corridor and will continue until Arrow service begins in 2022. Testing will occur weekdays and weekends during daytime hours at all intersections/crossings in the cities of San Bernardino and Redlands. Safety personnel will assist with motorists at the intersections/crossings being tested. Sidewalks will remain open and accessible; however, pedestrians will be stopped when trains are approaching.  
I-10/Mt. Vernon Interchange Environmental Studies - Virtual Public Open House
SBCTA, in cooperation with Caltrans and the City of Colton, is proposing improvements to Mt. Vernon Avenue Interchange at Interstate 10 to accommodate four continuous through lanes through the interchange, two additional left turn lanes in the northbound direction, and bike lanes in both northbound and southbound directions of Mt. Vernon Avenue in the City of Colton.

The Mt. Vernon Avenue overhead structure will be reconstructed to accommodate the widening and to span any future widening of the I-10 freeway. Mt Vernon, south of the eastbound I-10 ramps, will also be widened to accommodate a left turn lane in the northbound direction. The project will upgrade bicycle access on the bridge, add a sidewalk on the northeastern side of the bridge, and address Americans with Disabilities Act standards with up-to-date curb ramps.
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