September 2018
In This Issue
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Connecting Chino Community Event 
September 22, 2018
Chino, CA

B2B Expo
September 27, 2018
Ontario, CA

Mobility 21 Summit
October 19, 2018
Los Angeles, CA 

Focus on the Future
October 28-30, 2018
Indian Wells, CA
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About Us
The San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) is the transportation planning agency for San Bernardino County.

SBCTA is responsible for cooperative regional planning and furthering an efficient multi-modal transportation system countywide.

SBCTA proudly serves the more than 2.1 million residents of San Bernardino County.
SB County's First Express Lanes Project Advances to Design-Build Phase 
On August 16th, Executive Director Ray Wolfe, on behalf of SBCTA, signed the Design-Build contract with Lane-Security Paving Joint Venture for the design and construction of express lanes on I-10 from the Los Angeles County line to I-15, approximately 10 miles. The Design-Build contract of $672,900,000 is historic in terms of size for SBCTA and marks the beginning of the five-year design/construction phase of the project.
The contract marks a key milestone in SBCTA addressing one of the heaviest traveled corridors in the region. Years of analysis and study have resulted in a project that will look to address today and tomorrow's congestion concerns and improve a number of interchanges and bridges on the west side of San Bernardino County.
While it has been years of development, the project gets going stronger from now until 2023. Final design and construction will not only improve the infrastructure, but will also generate jobs and help nurture the local economy both during and after construction.   
To keep the public aware of the construction activity and to help mitigate construction-related impacts on this and every other project under the SBCTA umbrella, the Board of Directors approved the release for a Request for Proposals for public outreach support at the September Board meeting.  
General Assembly Combines with City/County Conference
For several years, SBCTA has held a General Assembly to communicate the accomplishments of SBCTA and SBCOG and to formally transition from the outgoing to the incoming Board President. The underlying goal of the General Assembly has been to recognize the commitment of those who help make SBCTA a leader in the Southern California transportation community.
The City/County Conference has had consistently good attendance by local elected leaders and local government staff. Since this truly represents the audience desired to reach at the General Assembly, the Board approved a recommendation to combine efforts with the City/County Conference as a means to report on our agency's accomplishments and to recognize the annual change in leadership in lieu of a separate General Assembly. 
This change will result in a cost savings to the organization as SBCTA had previously spent $20,000 annually on the General Assembly. Additionally, staff resources will be optimized by not being required to coordinate two separate events.
SBCTA Receives Award for IE Commuter Rideshare Program
San Bernardino County Transportation Authority's IE Commuter Ridershare Program was recognized by the Association for Commuter Transportation (ACT) on August 1st at their International Conference in Anaheim, CA.  

ACT recognizes and honors outstanding achievements in the field of transportation demand management.  SBCTA's 2017 National Rideshare Week "Go Green, Save Green" Campaign was awarded the Marketing and Outreach Award.  

To learn more about Rideshare options, visit IE Commuter's website at ie511.org/iecommuter.
Business 2 Business Expo
On Thursday, September 27th, SBCTA will hold its 6th Annual Business 2 Business (B2B) Expo at the Ontario Convention Center. TheB2B Expo connects prime and subcontractors, enhances awareness of local labor, and educates prospective bidders on what makes for an effective proposal for SBCTA contracts.   
Past participants have expressed that collectively they have experienced more than $10 million in contract opportunities as a result of the contacts made at past B2B events.
To participate as an exhibitor or attendee, click here
Call Made for RFQs for Mt. Vernon Viaduct Project in West San Bernardino
The Board of Directors this week approved the issuance of a Request for Qualifications to Design Build (DB) firms for their qualifications/capabilities to demolish and reconstruct the Mt. Vernon Bridge. SBCTA was provided DB authority for the Mt. Vernon Viaduct project through Assembly Bill 1523 which was signed by the Governor on July, 31, 2017.  
Qualified firms are anticipated to be shortlisted later this year, issuance of the Request for Proposals in early 2019 and award the DB contract in mid-2019. Demolition of the current bridge is scheduled to take place in late 2019 and the new bridge open to traffic near the end of 2021.
San Bernardino County Community Indicators Report 
The purpose of the San Bernardino County Community Indicators Report is to regularly measure the progress that San Bernardino County is making toward the realization of our shared Countywide Vision. The 2017 report marks the County's eighth consecutive year of taking an objective look at this large and diverse county, specifically our economy, our schools, healthcare, public safety, environment, and our overall quality of life. The County understands that a successful community is not fully realized unless all of these elements are performing well. 
The goal of this report is to inspire government leaders, business people, community- and faith-based organizations, and others to come together and discuss strategies that are succeeding so we may work together to bring those efforts to scale to serve our entire county. 
To view the 2017 Community Indicators Report, click here 
SBCOG to Welcome CIvicSpark Fellow 
CivicSpark is a Governor's Initiative AmeriCorps program dedicated to building capacity for local governments to address community resilience issues such as: climate change, water resource management, and access to opportunities. Each year, CivicSpark recruits 90 Fellows, who serve with local governments for 11 months. In collaboration with local government staff, CivicSpark Fellows implement a needed sustainability project, while also building long-term capacity to ensure the work is sustained after their service year is completed.

SBCOG is excited to welcome the CivicSpark Fellow to the team to spend the next several months working in partnership with the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) to complete research on the correlations between Active Transportation and Public Health. The Fellow will help staff with data gathering, public outreach, data analysis, and reporting that will allow SBCOG to identify metrics to measure the public health benefit of active transportation projects. The research conducted will inform staff recommendations to the Board that are consistent with the Countywide Vision and have a positive impact on our community.
Fire Chief Mark Hartwig and San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon talk about San Bernardino County's latest initiative, Vision4Safety. Click here to watch the video.