1. Join us! The PTSA General Meeting is Wed, Feb 5. Come for coffee at 8:30 am and our meeting will begin at 9 am. We are welcoming Langley's new Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist Jennifer Maddox-Byrd. Help us welcome her to Saxon Country and hear her plans for supporting our students.
2. The PTSA Hospitality Committee is hosting the Winter Appreciation Lunch on Fri, Feb 7, for the amazing Langley staff and teachers, with a fun beach theme to give the teachers a break from the winter blues! Consider bringing a dessert to share. Sign up here to bring a dessert or here to volunteer.
3. The Langley Art Show is Tues, Feb 11, at 6:30 pm. Come support the talented artists at Langley! Submissions will engage the theme Investigating Normal.
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Read below for class news. Click the green class buttons to go to each class's webpage. | |
all night grad party (angp): The All Night Grad Party Committee is happy to announce this year's party will be at Punch Bowl Social Arlington. ANGP is a safe and drug-free party the night of graduation, Jun 5, from 11 pm to 3 am. Activities include bowling, casino, dancing, karaoke, skee-ball, darts, cornhole, photo booth, prizes, unlimited food and more. Check the ANGP webpage for information and updates.
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senior yard signs: Let your graduate know how proud you are of them and support the ANGP. Purchase a Congrats Class of 2025 sign with their name on it to display in your yard! Deadline is tomorrow, Jan 31! Click here to order.
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junior class dinner and college night: Junior parents and students, join us for our annual Class of 2026 Dinner on Tues, Feb 4 in the Cafeteria starting at 5:30 pm, catered by Cafe Rio. Tickets are $25 per person. The class dinner will raise funds to support Class of 2026 activities but is optional and not required for attendance at the LHS Student Services presentation. Click here to purchase tickets thru MySchoolBucks.
After dinner, Junior College Planning Night will begin at 7 pm. Juniors and their parents/guardians are invited to attend an informative panel discussion led by college representatives in the LHS Auditorium. Come learn more about creating the college list, the admission process, testing, letters of recommendation and much more!
class of 2026 parent coffee: Our next Junior Class Coffee will be held on Thurs, Feb 6 (8:30 am coffee/9 am program) in the Langley Lecture Hall. The program will include a presentation by Student Services on curriculum options and course registration for rising seniors.
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save-the-date: Our College Application Case Studies Night and Sophomore Class Dinner is scheduled for Wed, Feb 26. Sophomore students and their parents/guardians are invited to join us from 5:45-6:45 pm for our class dinner. This fundraiser will be catered by Cafe Rio. College Night will begin at 7 pm. More information and registration links to come. Mark your calendar for this great event!
sophomore class forum: Did you miss the most recent class forum and Dr. Peterson's outstanding presentation and Q&A session? Be sure to check out the Academic Advising page to view a wealth of materials that you and your student can reference when choosing classes for junior and senior year. Sophomores will meet with counselors to select courses starting Jan 30.
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Check us out on Facebook and stay in the know for anything related to the Class of 2028!
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Saxon Stage is excited to announce auditions and interviews for our spring production of The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie!
This thrilling murder mystery is set at Monkswell Manor, where a murder has occurred in the nearby town. Stranded by a snowstorm, seven strangers must face the unsettling truth: the killer is one of them.
If you're interested in auditioning for a role or applying for a position on the tech crew, join our Schoology Group to access all necessary information and forms. Look for Saxon Stage - Spring Play Auditions and use the Group code 4ZC2-89WT-FXVDP.
The deadline for tech applications is tomorrow, Jan 31. Auditions will be held Feb 4-6. Note that spots for both the cast and crew are limited!
For any questions, feel free to reach out to Mr. Kaufman at bkaufman@fcps.edu.
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Help support this year's seniors! All Night Grad Party (ANGP) is selling Valentine's Day Candy bags! Bags will be distributed on Thurs, Feb 13 and Fri, Feb 14 in the Cafeteria during lunch. Order here.
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Calling all chess lovers! The Langley PTSA is hosting a Chess Tournament on Sat, Feb 22 at 9 am! There are both USCF-Rated and Non-Rated Sections! See the flyer here for more details and register here.
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comprehensive boundary review | |
There is one more chance to attend a virtual Community Boundary Review Meeting. The virtual meeting will follow the same format as the recently held in-person meetings and the same information will be shared.
Click on the date below to register. The virtual meeting is limited to 400 participants and each participant will receive their own unique Zoom link. Language interpretation will be available.
Mon, Feb 10, 2025, 6:30-8 pm
View the meeting slides here.
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spring sports athlete registration: Athlete Registration begins soon! First day of tryouts is Mon, Feb 24. Visit the Langley Athletics website for more information about registration and tryout dates for each sport.
Registration must be done each year. If you registered for the 2023-2024 school year, you need to re-register for the 2024-2025 school year. Register your child here.
- To participate in Langley sports, students must complete a physical after May 1, 2024. The physical must be done on the official VHSL form. Send completed VHSL forms to langleyathletics@fcps.edu.
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Rise Against Hunger – Langley Pyramid
Colvin Run ES
1400 Trap Road
Vienna, VA 22182
Sat, Feb 1, 8:30 am-3:30 pm
The Langley Pyramid Rise Against Hunger event is this weekend and we are still in great need of donations! Our Pyramid goal is to prepare 75,000 meal packages for schools and orphanages around the world. We can only pack meals that are pre-purchased and are at only 30% of our goal. See the website for more info and click here to donate.
Thank you to all who have volunteered to pack meals! All volunteer and waitlist spots are full.
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scc parent discussion: autism and social skills | |
The Safe Community Coalition offers monthly parent discussion groups facilitated by licensed mental health professionals. This month’s topic, Autism and Social Skills, will address the challenges children and teens with symptoms of Autism may experience with emotional regulation, communication, social interaction, transitions, and flexible
Join Robyne Davis, MA, LPC and Becky Kohm, M.A.T, Ed.S. as they share strategies to provide support in these areas in both the home and school settings. Assessment, symptoms, and treatment approaches will be discussed as well.
This discussion will take place Feb 13 at 7 pm at the McLean Community
Center (MCC).
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Sign up for alerts! Sign up for advance email alerts regarding construction updates at 495NEXT.org. | |
Looking for volunteer or other opportunities? PTSA volunteers maintain this running list of opportunities for our students. The Service and Jobs Opportunities Committee's goal is to help connect students to summer internships, jobs and volunteer opportunities to fulfill community service requirements, gain job experience and explore career paths. | |
Feb 4: Junior Class Dinner & College Planning Night, 5:30 pm Dinner, Cafeteria / 7 pm Program, Auditorium
Feb 5: Principal Q & A | PTSA General Membership, 9 am, Location TBD
Feb 5: Partners in Safe Teen Driving, 6:30 pm, Auditorium, Doors close promptly
Feb 6: Junior Parent Coffee, 8:30 am Coffee / 9 am Program, Lecture Hall
Feb 7: Winter Appreciation Lunch
Feb 11: Langley Art Show, Time TBD
Feb 17: Presidents’ Day Holiday
Feb 21: Saxon Service
Feb 22: PTSA Chess Tournament, 9 am, Location TBD
Feb 26: Sophomore Class Dinner and College Application Workshop, Location TBD
Feb 27: Choral Pre-Assessment Concert with Cooper MS, 7 pm
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Join the LHS PTSA! Click Here.
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LHS PTSA eNews Editors
Rehenuma Asmi, Juli Nix, Chai Puri and Marci Thomas
Amy P
Submit items by Tuesday noon for publication on Thursdays to enewslangley@gmail.com
The Langley eNews is published by PTSA volunteers and includes news that pertains to LHS, PTSA and FCPS.
Any opinions expressed herein are those of the submitter and not necessarily those of LHS, PTSA or FCPS.
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