Early April 2023
news & updates

Happy Spring Holy Season!

This year Passover, Holy Week, and Ramadan all happen in April! Please check out these following opportunities and be in touch with us about how you are celebrating.

Whether you observe these holidays or are just curious, know you are welcome in these spaces!

Hilary Martin Himan
Director of Spiritual Life and Chaplain
Chag Pesach Sameach! Joyous Passover.

April 5 - 13
Passover commemorates the exodus of the Jews from slavery in Egypt. Also called Pesach or Pesakh, this week often begins with a ritual meal, the seder, telling the story of the exodus. It is an opportunity when Jewish communities remember how God "passed over" the houses of the Israelites during the tenth plague in Egypt. This week, we celebrate freedom and community.
Passover Seder

Wednesday, April 5th
Celebrate the first night of Passover with Hillel on Wed. April 5 at 6pm. The seder will be held in Stamm in the renovated Fowler Center. Registration is open until April 5th, but please sign up as soon as you can to guarantee a spot for you and your friends! This is open to anyone and everyone, regardless of faith identity and how you come into the Jewish community. Contact hillel@lclark.edu or Hillel staff Maddie (maddieh@lclark.edu) for more information or with questions. Please use this sign up using our google form.

We will be getting food from Fields Dining Hall (the Bon) and returning to Stamm. There will be outdoor areas for eating to accommodate people who want it. This will be an alcohol-free event.

Ramadan Mubarak! Blessed Ramadan.

Mar 22 - Apr 20
Ramadan is a sacred time for Muslims all over the world. It honors the month during which the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. It is a period of both intimacy and great community. Many observe fasting from dawn to dusk, prayer, reflection, and community. Celebrations and practices are as diverse as the people that make up this incredible global community.

For information about iftars for Ramadan and upcoming Eid plans, please reach out to the Muslim Student Association: msa@lclark.edu.
Blessed Holy Week and Happy Easter!

Apr 2 - 8; Easter April 9
Holy Week and Easter conclude a series of events and holidays throughout the 40 day month of Lent. In Western Christianity, Holy Week comprises Palm Sunday, Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. Easter celebrates the the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Fitness and Prayer? Soul Core for Holy Thursday

Thursday, April 6th
South Campus Chapel (Grad School)
Want to move your body and pray at the same time? Experience Soul Core with Anne Le Chevallier, the Catholic Student Life Coordinator. Wear fitness clothing and bring a mat to the South Chapel, Graduate Campus on Thursday, April 6 from 4-5pm. All are welcome regardless of affiliation or background.
An Outdoor Stations of the Cross for Good Friday

Friday, April 7th
South Campus Chapel (Grad School)
Gather together to walk through the Stations of the Cross to pray and reflect on Jesus’ journey to his crucifixion.

All are invited to the ecumenical Good Friday service focusing on Stations of the Cross. Using the prayers of Irish poet Pádraig Ó Tuama and Christian scripture, we will walk outdoors to the different stations carrying a wooden cross with us as we reflect of Jesus’ journey and sacrifice.

Meet in front of the South Chapel on the Graduate Campus to begin. Please wear clothing appropriate for the outdoors. In the event of heavy rain, the Stations of the Cross will be moved indoors into the South Chapel.
Easter Worship Celebration- this Sunday

Sunday, April 9th
Agnes Flanagan Chapel
Come celebrate the Risen Christ at this ecumenical Easter Service!

Hear the Casavant organ played by Matthew O’Sullivan, Instructor of Organ at Lewis & Clark College. Rev. Hilary Martin Himan, Director of Spiritual Life and Chaplain, will lead worship.

All are invited and welcome to attend!

A special Easter reception will follow in Gregg Pavilion, with Easter candies, treats and Easter egg dying.
Ongoing Events & Opportunities
Call for Seniors! Baccalaureate 2023
We are excited to announce the Senior Baccalaureate 2023: Venturing Beyond!

This event is an opportunity for the Class of ‘23 to come together to reflect, honor, and celebrate our experiences together over the last several years as we graduate and transition forward. On May 5th at 1pm, we will gather in Agnes Flanagan Chapel for stories, music, and conversation. Please bring your loved ones. Learn more about the Baccalaureate ceremony.

The Senior Baccalaureate Planning Committee is looking for seniors to sign up to share their creations, expressions, and reflections at this event! Please sign up to contribute by April 20th, 2023We are looking for songs, poems, dance, words, visual art – anything you’d like to share – that speaks to how you’ve become rooted in, and are growing beyond, this place on the hill.

Please feel free to reach out to Clara Daikh and with any questions.
Students please join us to discuss the Pioneer Mascot at one of the Community Dialogues opportunities this week or next. Registration required. We look forward to these discussions.
-Community Dialogues Committee, President's Office
Full Moon Meditation
Wednesday, 7:30
Meditation and Prayer Room
Join the Earth Based Spirituality and Paganism Club for their regular moon inspired meditation gatherings. All are welcome.
LC Group Nap
12noon - 4:30pm
Agnes Flanagan Chapel
Sponsored by the Office of Spiritual Life, we are offering LC Group Nap to our Lewis & Clark community. This is silly and also entirely serious. Inspired by Tricia Hersey and The Nap Ministry, we want to hold this important space for rest. Come rest for a while - for as little or as long as you need. This is not a space for socializing. Please respect the nap space. ALL are truly welcome.
on being 2023
The On Being Conversations
Today: Grace in a Fractured World
Lower Agnes Flanagan (online tod)

Join us in community and conversation as we reflect on episodes of the On Being podcast.

Listen on your own and then join us in a reflective discussion. Tea and treats are shared. Meet lower level of Agnes Flanagan, outside weather permitting. Come once or every time. All community members welcome!
Meditation Club

Tuesdays, 5:00pm
Gregg Pavilion
Come sit for a while. Everyone is welcome. No previous experience necessary :)

Contact the meditation club, Siana, or Jivan for more information or to be added to the email list. Email addresses linked below.
Community Resources
Meditation and prayer room open for student use!
Additionally we offer free tea, coffee, and cozy space for anyone and everyone. Please come make yourself welcome anytime.