National Edition 2

Health & Wellness

October 2022

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Welcome to iFoster’s October Newsletter focused on Health and Wellness. This newsletter has some of our top resources and information to strengthen both physical and mental health. Our 1st Edition on Back-To-School was a huge success, with over 2,100 requests for the resources we listed. We hope this edition is just as helpful.

Up to 80% Off Braces and All Your Treatments

Smiles Change Lives provides pro bono orthodontics. Braces are available for less than 20% of the cost through Orthodontic Doctors who donate their time. The cost of the service is $650 plus a $30 application fee (a lot lower than the typical $6,000 cost). The fee covers all traditional orthodontic treatments for as long as it takes to correct the teeth.     

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iFoster's Life Coach Support

Foster has a Life Coach available for transition-age foster youth to speak, text and email with during business hours to provide support in developing and accomplishing self-sufficiency goals. If you are looking for a mental health therapist, we can also assist you in finding resources near you. 


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Discounted Prescription Drugs & Medical Supplies   

US Pharmacy Card provides discounts on more than 60,000 brand name prescription drugs,

as well as dental, vision and hearing products, lab and imaging services. The overall national discount is over 50% with average savings per prescription of $24. Cardholders receive up to 60% off dental, vision and hearing needs.

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Healthy Mind Training

iFoster is creating self-directed trainings covering all life skills our youth need to become self-sufficient. Our Healthy Mind Training covers: understanding emotional wellness, recognizing its importance, identifying signs of emotional wellness and emotional distress, and developing a plan for emotional wellness self care.

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Free State Photo ID

iFoster and Project ID Action can help youth age 16+ cover the costs of getting or replacing State Issued Photo ID Cards or Driver's License. Having a State ID is required to: obtain employment, open a bank account, sign up for government benefits like SNAP, HUD housing vouchers, renting an apartment medical treatment, voting, and much more! 

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Healthy Body Training

A companion to Healthy Mind is Healthy Body. This training focuses on physical health and covers: what is physical health how to take care of yourself, recognizing what to do when you're sick and identifying ways to take care of yourself, developing a health and wellness plan. More self-directed trainings including certificates for passing quizzes will soon be available in the portal.

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Voice of the Community Survey- LAST CHANCE!

Last chance to win $500 and help improve foster care. It only takes 5 minutes to have your voice heard by CLICKING HERE.

Make your voice heard!


Last month we launched our iFoster Newsletter with our Back-to-School edition. Wow, what a response! We’ve been busy all month fulfilling the over 2,100 requests we received and connecting our community to the resources we highlighted. Don't worry if you missed out, click HERE to view last month's newsletter.

Resource Request Breakdown:

  • 657 phones
  • 474 laptops
  • 360 discounted school supplies
  • 305 youth, caregivers and workers signed up to be iFoster Members
  • 252 scholarships for extracurricular activities
  • 210 K-12 students requesting tutoring
  • 209 free eye exams and eye glasses

What is Mental Health by Our

TAY AmeriCorps Ambassadors

Learn more about what mental health is, why it's important, and what positive coping skills can help you. Our very own TAY AmeriCorps Ambassadors will guide you through understanding mental health.

Mindful Meditation with iFoster

iFoster values wellness for our members and staff! We provide an opportunity for staff, interns and TAY AmeriCorps members to participate in 30 minutes of self-care during their working hours twice a month. You can experience a session for yourself!

Did You Know?

In Crisis? Help is available by dialing 988. 

Did you know if you or someone you know is ever experiencing a mental health crisis, call or text 988 or chat at for the suicide & crisis Lifeline. Available 24/7. Provides free and confidential support for people in distress - provides prevention and crisis resources. 


FAFSA applications are now open. 

Did you know that in order to receive financial aid for college you need to fill out a FAFSA? If you plan to attend college during the 2023-2024 school year, the FAFSA is available as of Oct 1st. The sooner you fill it out the better! Work with your guidance counselor or contact iFoster for help. iFoster members can check out tips and tricks in the How Do I’s section in the iFoster portal or watch a how-to do your financial aid video HERE.


Mental health first aid classes available to iFoster members. 

iFoster is now able to provide Mental Health First Aid training to community partner organizations and caregivers. Mental Health First Aid for Adults teaches people how to recognize signs of mental health or substance use challenges in adults ages 18+, how to provide initial help, and how to guide a person toward appropriate care if necessary. If you are interested in having your organization become certified, please click HERE.

Free health insurance for foster youth.

If you were in foster care at the age of 18, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) provides FREE health insurance through Medicaid until the age of 26.

It is important to have insurance to help keep you physically and mentally well.

Click HERE for more information.

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855-936-7837 / text 530-550-8001/

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