Join us this Friday at the LGBTQ+ Faculty, Staff, & Graduate Mixer!
image text: LGBTQ+ faculty, staff, and student mixer. Hotel Congress: Copper Hall. 311 E Congress St. Friday, February 28th, 2020. 5:00 - 7:00PM. Appetizers provided. Cash bar. Please RSVP at: TinyURL.com/LGBTQMixer2020. Contact Sarah Maaske with questions about disability-related acommodations or about the mixer in general at: smaaske@email.arizona.edu. LGBTQ.arizona.edu
ILGBTS is proud to co-sponsor...
TOMORROW: Global Judaisms Corner Concert presents Ezra Furman
image text:
Global Judaisms Corner Concert/Jewish History Museum/Holocaust History Center. Ezra Furman, genderqueer musician, will play a mini solo set in the Global Judaisms music exhibition followed by a short Q&A on queer Jewish experiences & expressions. 2.25. 4PM.
The Power of Joy: Lecture with Wanuri Kahiu
Thursday, Feb. 27th, 2020
7:00 PM
Health Services Innovation Bldg (HSIB) | 1670 E Drachman St
The College of Humanities and Africana Studies Program are excited to present Black History Month 2020 with filmmaker and artist Wanuri Kahiu. She is part of AFROBUBBLEGUM a collective of African artists whose ambition is to create fun, frivolous and fierce work. Acclaimed as an artist and filmmaker, Wanuri Kahiu shatters convention around African representation-by celebrating art that's made for the joy of it. Born in Nairobi, Kahiu is part of the new generation of African storytellers, screening films around the world and receiving international acclaim. In her vibrant, optimistic lecture, Kahiu explains why showing fun is a political act, when happiness is so often seen as a privilege.
Register in advance for this lecture here. Read more details here.
Film Screening & Discussion with Wanuri Kahiu
Friday, Feb. 28th, 2020
7:00 PM
The Loft Cinema | 3233 E Speedway Blvd
20.00 or free entry with CatCard
The second feature film from award-winning Kenyan director Wanuri Kahiu, Rafiki is a love story about two young women, forced to choose between happiness and safety as they pursue their dreams in a conservative society. Kahiu will speak about her approach to storytelling, which endeavors to show an authentic representation of Africa.
Read more about this event here. Purchase tickets here.
**If using your CatCard, please present at box office!
Join Mothers of Color in Academia for a community meet-up!
Tuesday, Feb. 25th, 2020
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Guerrero Center, Chavez Rm 205 | 1110 E James E Rogers Way
Free, Dinner & Child Care Provided
MOCA is a collective of student-parents who aim to create a supportive space and community for Mothers of Color on campus and beyond. Our Feb. 25th gathering will be an opportunity to introduce ourselves, connect with other community members, and plan for the future! Food and beverages will be available, with gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian options. Children are welcome to accompany you throughout the gathering! Alternatively, Child care will be available!
**Please note that MOCA honors the experiences of and welcomes all people of color who identify as parents--including but not limited to LGBTQ+/non-binary and/or gender non-conforming parents, adoptive parents, parents of older children, parents-to-be, and legal guardians.
Read more about this event and RSVP here. Have questions? Email MOCA here.
Chicana Krip Parenting: Creating Your Own Path Amid Intersecting and Diverging Expectation under Neoliberal Capitalism
Thursday, Feb. 27th, 2020
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Disability Cultural Center | 1224 E Lowell St
Food & beverages are provided
Alisha Vasquez will use testimonio to share her own experiences of disabled motherhood to highlight and examine social expectations placed on Chicana, disabled, and female-bodied parents in our modern society. During Alisha's talk, the audience will be encouraged to draw portions of Alisha's story that stand out to them in order to have a conversation on the topics at hand. Educator, queer Chicana parent, and Alisha's comadre, Brieanne Buttner, will also share her experienced on Chicana parenting and reflect how her experiences as a parent fit into the themes of the workshop. Brieanne will additionally serve as a mirror to Alisha, highlighting the similarities and differences in Chicana parenting between able-bodied and disabled bodies. After Alisha and Brieanne share their stories, the audience will be encouraged to share their thoughts in small and large groups.
RSVP for this event here.
THEM Youth Ensemble Presents: SHINE
Thursday, Feb. 27th, 2020
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Thornhill-Lopez Center on 4th| 536 N 4th Ave
SHINE is THEM Youth Ensemble's first performance of spring 2020, and it explores the transcendent nature of queer narratives through comparison with the stars, planets, and sky. THEM Youth Ensemble is Tucson's first LGBTQ+ youth music ensemble and is open to singers ages 13-24. Launched in January 2019, THEM offers explicitly gender-affirming music education and prioritizes creating a culture of self-acceptance for all participants. As a partnership with SAAF's Thornhill Lopez Center on 4th, THEM participants receive access to crucial support services such as a food pantry, gender-affirming clothing pantry, free bus passes, sexual health resources, and a variety of other education programming. SHINE is made possible through support from The Stonewall Foundation and the Community Foundation for Southern Arizona LGBTQ Alliance Fund.
Learn more about SHINE here.
DocScapes & Lesbian Looks Presents: UNSETTLED: Seeking Refuge in America
Thursday, Feb. 27th, 2020
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
The Loft Cinema | 3233 E Speedway Blvd
Please join DocScapes and Lesbian Looks for a free screening of UNSETTLED: Seeking Refuge in America.
UNSETTLED tells the stories of LGBT refugees and asylum seekers who have fled intense persecution from their home countries and are now resettling in the U.S. As new leadership in America continues to demonize immigrants and drastically restrict the flow of refugees and asylum seekers into the U.S., UNSETTLED humanizes a group few people know, who are desperately trying to create new and safer homes. Producer and Cinematographer Jen Gilomen and Prof. Benjamin Lawrence will join in person for Q&A following the screening.
Read more information about this event here.
Workshop: The Many Roles of the Documentary Producer w/ Jen Gilomen
Friday, Feb. 28th, 2020
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Join filmmaker Jen Gilomen, producer and director of photography of UNSETTLED: SEEKING REFUGE IN AMERICA (directed/produced by Tom Shepard) for a discussion about what it takes to produce an independent feature documentary. Producers wear many hats, and each film is different - which means the role of a producer is always morphing to fit the needs of each production. The workshop will cover producer roles, and delve into behind-the-scenes case studies in collaboration on Unsettled and other films Jen has produced.
Learn more about this workshop here. If you are interested in attending this workshop, please email bsecking@email.arizona.edu to RSVP.
Support SAAF at Out Brunch 2020
Saturday, Feb. 29th, 2020
Doors at 10:30AM; Event begins at 11AM
Tucson Marriot University Park | 880 E 2nd St
70.00 per individual ticket; table discounts available
The Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation (SAAF) is pleased to be able to host the 3rd Annual Out Brunch as a way to bring together the community to celebrate LGBTQ+ pride and to honor leaders who are doing exceptional work for the LGBTQ+ community in Southern Arizona. This engaging community event provides a time to reflect on the great steps that have been taken not only by SAAF, but by the community at large, to build and support the LGBTQ+ community. Out Brunch raises awareness and funds to support the LGBTQ+ initiatives, programs, and services of the Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation.
Find more information about Out Brunch 2020
here. Purchase tickets for the event
WOSAC & GWS Present: FIESTA* Storytelling!
image text: FIESTA Storytelling, Join us for an inspirational, all-ages storytelling event! Saturday, February 29th, 2:00PM. Unscrewed Theater, 4500 E Speedway Blvd #39. Tickets - 10.00. Call 621-5656. Ticket prices are not tax-deductible. Visit our FIESTA Storytelling event on Facebook for updates! Questions? Contact Leigh at spencerl@email.arizona.edu. * Stories will be on the following themes: Feminism, Identification, Empowerment, Solidarity, Testimonio, Activism.
Act Now! Nominations needed for Rainbow Graduation's Fabulous Faculty/Staff Award!
image text: University of Arizona Rainbow Graduation, May 9th, 2020. Fabulous Faculty/Staff Award. Visit https://tinyurl.com/fabulousaward to submit your nominations. Deadline: March 30th, 2020. Nomination form only takes 5-10 minutes to complete. Please contact Sarah Maaske at smaaske@email.arizona.edu with any questions.
CFP: 33rd Teaching, Learning, and Sociocultural Studies Graduate Student Colloquy
Thrive Center Wellness Presents: Cultural Awareness Week!
Unseen Documents with Ariel Goldberg
image description: A centered black and white photograph of Ariel Goldberg on a background image of a stapled telephone pole. image text reads: Unseen Documents, Ariel Goldberg. Ariel Goldberg will give a talk on the lesbian and queer, trans and unnameable, undercurrents of the predominantly Jewish New York Photo League, a school, social group, and center for debate on social documentary photography from 1936-1951. Goldberg will examine the cross-sections of Jewish assimilation of immigrant Jewish League photographers in the mid-twentieth century with closeted queer life of this era. Tuesday, Mar. 3rd, 5PM. Jewish History Museum, 564 South Stone Ave, Tucson, AZ 85705. Read more about Ariel's publications
The Queer Migration Research Initiative Presents:
(Un)Documents by Jesus I. Valles - workshop and stage play!
Workshop: April 9th, 2020
image description: A photograph of writer and performer of (Un)Documents, Jesus I. Valles, standing in front of a document taped to the wall. image text: ¿Y, de dónde? Telling Migrant Stories. Date: April 9, 2020. Time: 11:00AM - 1PM. Location: Gender & Women's Studies 100. For more information contact Ruben Zecena at rubenz@email.arizona.edu
Play: April 10th, 2020
image description:flyer featuring U.S.-required immigration documentation and images of Latinx folx. Flyer reads: (Un)Documents. Written and performed by Jesus I. Valles. Directed by Rudy Ramirez. An excerpt reads, "somewhere in an archive, i am burning soft and young i am pages of testimonies, receipts, report cards, case numbers making up the limbs i lack on the page and somewhere else my brothers, their papers deportation proceedings, testimonies, receipts, criminal records scratched and bound and gone and case number making up the limbs they lost leaving and why." Dates of performance: April 10, 2020, Time 7:00PM. Where to go: Harold Dixon Studio, Tickets forthcoming.