iLGBTS Spring 2020 Workshop & Programming Update
Dearest friends, colleagues, and community,
We wish to sadly share that
the Institute for LGBT Studies is cancelling all of the events we were scheduled to host in the last months of the 2019-2020 academic year. In light of the University of Arizona's ongoing response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus), we cannot in good consciousness host face-to-face events. We are taking this action to potentially protect participants and speakers/artists and also in consideration of our larger community, especially those who are immunocompromised or have underlying medical conditions. We will be working to reschedule all of our events for the 2020-2021 academic year.
During this time, we will still be working and are happy to answer any questions that might arise surrounding these changes. We appreciate your understanding about these unexpected changes, and thank you for your ongoing support of the Institute.
Please stay informed, safe, and healthy! The latest updates regarding COVID-19 and related policy/practice implementations can be found at the following links:
Queer Closet is taking a break!
Since its launch, we have been delighted with and grateful for the amazing outpouring of community support for the Queer Closet! At this time, however, we will be temporarily closing to align with University policies surrounding COVID-19. Additionally, we ask that any donations that folks might have for the Queer Closet be held until such time that we are able to re-open. We thank you again for your support and aim to make the Queer Closet available again as soon as possible!
**Please note that the event information shared below is subject to change or cancellation. Be sure to follow official event links and check organizational announcements for the most up to date information.
CFP: 20th & 21st Century French & Francophone Studies Colloquium
Deadline: September 15, 2020
Conference Dates: April 15-17, 2021
University of Arizona
Loews Ventana Canyon
Dr. Denis M. Provencher and Dr. Alain Philippe-Durand
invite paper proposals in the following fields: literatures of French expression, literary theory, cultural studies, anthropology, history, gender and postcolonial studies, sexuality studies, translation, and art, including music, dance, film and media studies, photography, and the graphic novel.
In addition to individual proposals, they encourage the submission of complete panel proposals.
The organizing committee will welcome particularly, but not exclusively, proposals addressing the following themes:
- Time/space upheaval and reorganization
- Artificial trans-plants
- Oasis and desert
- Empire and desert
- Indigeneity and desert
- Artificial and authentic paradises
- Mirage and simulacra
- New emerging cultures
- New horizons and the living
- Humans, non-humans, cyborgs, mutants, and endangered species
- Solitude
- Migrations and trans-plants in the desert
- Pathways and self-inquiries
- Zoopoetics
- Anthropocene
- Ecology
- Adaptation, climate change, and survival
- Water and sustainability
- Baudrillard, Virilio, and the speed of the image
- Modernity and utopia
- Place and food
- Gastronomy
- Places and non-places
- Fertility, reproduction, and regeneration
- Queer futures and non-reproduction
- 20/20 vision in 2021
- Two decades into the 21st century
- The state of the field of 20th/21st century French and Francophone Studies
- Our place in the Academy and the evolving Humanities
- Global and local heritage sites (UNESCO, etc.)
The organizing committee
also welcomes proposals for papers and panels on the works of our plenary speakers Kettly Mars and Abdellah Taïa (subject open).
Read full CFP details
**This section will now be included in the iLGBTS newsletter to share university and community-based resources for LGBTQ+ folx
Join LGBTQ+ Tucson Give Help/Get Help on Facebook!
LGBTQ+ Tucson Give Help & Get Help is a Facebook group was organized as
a community response to COVID-19 concerns.
As noted in its description, "it is for anyone in our community who is having trouble adjusting to the novel coronavirus. We are here to help one another get connected to care, find guidance, and ensure we all have the supplies we need to get through this. Join if you are able to help us protect the health and economic security of Tucson's queer community. Keep an eye out as we work with non-profit partners to increase the availability of care packages, food delivery, social opportunities, and making sure we get through this season stronger than when we came into it."
Visit and/or join the group here
Stress Relief in Times of Crisis: A free community resource!
Stress Relief in Times of Crisis is a free resource co-crafted by a team of fabulous healers and practitioners in the Tucson LGBTQ+ community, including our very own Sarah Maaske! This resource is filled with strategies for nervous system regulation, including self-regulation, co-regulation, herbal remedies, breathing exercises, rituals, body love, and pleasure.
Access/download this resource by visiting the following links:
En español/ in Spanish:
In need of supplies? SAGA & LGBTQ+ Tucson Give Help/Get Help are teaming up to help you!
LGBTQ+ Tucson Give Help & Get Help and SAGA members have teamed up to provide an amazing community resource for those folx in need of basic supplies!
this link to access an anonymous Google Docs survey where you can submit a request for supplies. Please note that the survey does require you to include an address so that volunteers can drop supplies to you. However, if you are not comfortable providing a personal address, feel free to list major cross streets or some other neutral location instead.
After submitting, your request will be anonymously posted on the Give Help & Get Help page so that volunteers who are able to can give support.
Folx who do not have a Facebook can email AJ Tiedeman (SAGA program manager) at:
for a request form.