Dear Friend,
As a community development and environmental nonprofit, Isles focuses on both self-reliant people and healthy, sustainable places. That’s why we provide youth with education options, offer first time homebuyer workshops, as well as clean up homes to prevent childhood lead poisoning, build gardens, create green spaces, and so much more.
Today, as we ramp up efforts to tackle the existential threat of climate change, we must ensure that our urban areas are included as part of the solution. All too often, places like Trenton are left out of the conversation around electric vehicles, solar panels, or the green job economy. But cities will be the key to a sustainable future, and now is the time to invest in their success.
Isles’ decades of on-the-ground experience have prepared us well for this moment. To date, we have weatherized more than 1,000 homes, made nearly 500 lead-safe, and trained more than 3,800 adults in energy and environmental focused careers. We’ve taken what we learned through this experience and advocated for smarter, safer policies to ensure the health and sustainability of our communities.
To that end, I’m pleased to share exciting news! First, as you can read about in more detail below, Isles received funding in partnership with the City of Trenton to launch an electric vehicle transportation pilot! This pilot, which will include a carshare, rideshare, and shuttle service, will increase residents’ mobility and access to jobs, healthcare, and new opportunities while addressing public health challenges imposed by greenhouse gases and air pollution.
In addition, Isles has been invited to join the NJ Council on the Green Economy, where we’ll leverage our experience connecting those who have been left out of this economy in places like Trenton to future-focused green jobs. We look forward to continuing to develop economic and environmentally just solutions for places that need them the most.
So as you can see, February has been a busy month for Isles! We’re excited about the possibilities the future holds.
Thanks for being here for us – your support really matters.
In community,
Chief Executive Officer