Fostering self-reliant families and healthy, sustainable communities.
January 2020
Dear Friend,

Each year, January’s pristine calendar page calls many of us to take stock in ourselves and to resolve to make changes to improve our lives. That clean slate imbues us with the hope and energy to resolve to make difficult changes. Gym membership! New notebook and organizer! Download that financial app! Let’s do this!
Sadly, by January 17 th, 80% of New Year’s resolutions have hit the wall and are abandoned. Why is that? Behavioral science gives us some insights into that. We know that as human beings, we need support from others to achieve our goals. But the key is the coaching and feedback from a trusted person to keep us moving forward.

The success of Isles Financial Solutions and our housing counseling service is built on several behavior change pillars – goal setting, coaching (feedback), knowledge acquisition and repetition. As you’ll see in the story below, it often takes a significant amount of time and effort to get to a major goal. Those successes don’t revolve around an app or a great marketing slogan or a 30-day free trial - they rely on fundamental behavior change, driven by the relationship that’s created between our financial coaches and their customers. Together, they turn coaching into permanent habits, putting our customers on the path to financial self-reliance.

Happy 2020!
A Solution Towards Saving
“Gail” was in the process of getting ready to buy a house, but as with most customers she needed to work on improving her credit score and to take care of some debts.  Click here to read about how Gail worked with an Isles Financial Solutions coach to create a savings and spending plan for future payments.
CEO Column
Isles' Founder Marty Johnson standing alongside honorees of the 2020 YWCA Princeton's Tribute to Women Awards
Read the latest CEO Column from Isles' Founder Marty Johnson for updates regarding the next phase of his transition as well as being recognized as YWCA Princeton's 2020 Man of Achievement.