On being human
COVID-19 has tested us as human beings, forcing us to dramatically change our lives in lightspeed time. The experience is asking us to think about what it means to be human.
To have empathy and respect for others on every level. To not take our health and our lives for granted. To reexamine our philosophy on how we live and what we consume and why. To be self-sufficient, to cook and clean for ourselves. To appreciate where our food comes from.
To help us remember what is most dear to us.
For the past few weeks I've been in the home office zooming like everyone else, reading, listening and learning for content, comfort and connection.
Here are some words of wisdom and acts of kindness that made me
pause for thought.
(Photo courtesy of Junzi Linked in)
"During our deliveries to hospitals and ER rooms throughout the week, we came to understand the hard reality: so many healthcare heroes battling COVID-19 do not have time, access or budget for a healthy, balanced meal..so we launched our
Share a Meal initiative a little more than a week ago. Since then, we have onboarded with five new neighborhood hospitals and we are extending our program to cover essential workers. Make a contribution next time you order junzi delivery by adding "Share a Meal" at checkout. THANK YOU or coming together and for your continued support".
Junzi, NYC.
On Community
"The impact is way beyond us. It works its way through the food chain: You're talking about fishermen, farmers, suppliers.
I was talking to an oyster farmer on the south shore of Long Island. He's scrambling to put together a home delivery service. There are crops in fields that just got picked - what do you do with them?...The optimist in me looks at this as an opportunity for the country to examine its priorities....hopefully we'll come out of this and build something stronger and better for everyone". Marker Interview with Chef Tom Colicchio.
On Consumers as Human Beings
"A big part of coming through it will be adapting to the new economic realities left in the virus' wake. We must innovate for real consumer needs, helping people;
be heroes when they may feel financially inadequate
feel in control in a world gone awry
find solace in the face of external stresses
find simplicity in the face of hyper-stimulation
manage scarce time and elevating their quality of life with the family, friends and communities that matter more than money"
Innovation agency Fahrenheit212: The New Normal
On sustainability
"We are learning from this pandemic. We can apply these principles to other problems we must solve, like climate change, for example. We have to change what we're doing for the common good-the kind of products we buy, the things we do"
"Perhaps it's time to recognize the high price of cheap food. To acknowledge the failure of economic integration. To recognize that when it comes to the crunch, we have to look to our neighbors, our local community, and our own backyards. To build and support that supply chain to move local and seasonal food from farm to fork"
Treehugger: Coronavirusandfuturefood)
The Irish are rarely at a loss for words, and have a gift for being human.
From their USA ad for Guinness, "We'll Toast Again": "When we're through the crisis, we'll see you back at the pub. We signed a 9000 year lease, we're not going anywhere".
Our plates are full, but hopefully we can find joy during these very challenging times. We look forward to healthier days ahead.
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