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e-Zine: Weekly Updates for Northern Berkshire

November 10, 2022

Dear Northern Berkshire,

The weekly e-zine offers updates about our upcoming programming, local events of interest, and area agencies and resources


  1. Events for today through next Wednesday
  2. Save the Date: Upcoming Events
  3. Food Access & Distribution Sites
  4. Additional resources and resource updates

For a more comprehensive guide to ongoing area resources, please download the nbCC's Community Resource Guide.

Do you have an event or resource you'd like to see included? Send an email to

Want to read this email in your browser? View this as a web page.

Thank you and stay healthy,

The Staff at the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition

NOTE: Remember to click on the "[Message clipped]  View entire message" link at the bottom of the page to read the entire newsletter.

WE'RE HIRING! Join the nbCC Team... FOR MORE INFO.
Join Our Mailing List!

nbCC's Community Resource Guide is out now in English 2022 Edition and Spanish 2022 Edition is available for download below.

It's a FREE, comprehensive, 44-page booklet that can help you find the right community resource to help yourself or your neighbor, whether it's food access, legal services, elder services, veterans services, immigrant support services, health care, substance use, or youth programming (just to name a few).

Call us at 413-663-7588 to pick up a copy (or multiple copies), or download the PDF of the English version here, and the Spanish version here.



Upcoming blood drives:

11/10  First Congregational Church Williamstown, 9am-2:30pm

11/14  North Campus of BMC, 9am-2:30pm

11/22   Adams Community Bank, Park St, 9am-2:30pm

11/28   North Adams Walmart, 9am-2:30pm

All donations made via Berkshire Health Systems help local patients, and for those dealing with cancer, other illnesses, and emergencies, the need is great. Donors are requested to be healthy and without any symptoms of cough, cold, or fever. To schedule an appointment, please contact Chris Amuso at (413) 447-2597 x 2 or

Anyone donating blood before November 18th will be entered in a raffle to win a turkey!

11AM | Adams COA Veterans Day Event | Please join us at the COA as we honor our Veterans. Call the COA to register. 413-743-8333

1PM | Harper Center Pie Sharing Extraveganza | Ages 55+ to sign-up 413-458-8250

1 PM | Balance Exercise Class | Ages 55+

 Spitzer Center,116 Ashland St., North Adams. For ages 55+. Presented by the North Adams Council on Aging. 413-662-3125

3:30-5PM | Homework Help at ROOTS | Grades 9-12

Free weekly homework help and study space. For more information call or tex 413-663-0250. at ROOTs Teen Center, 51 Ashland Street.

4-5 PM | CCB Born to Learn Playgroup | Ages 1-8 yrs.

Born to Learn Playgroup, Thursdays 4 to 5 pm inside the Family Center. Ring the bell to enter. 210 State Street, North Adams. For children ages 1 to 8 years old. Call 413-664-4821 for more information. Drop in Playgroup.

 5-7PM | Youth Health Collaborative | Ages 14-19

Are you passionate about making life better for young people in your community? Do you want to put your skills to work to help your peers? The Northern Berkshire Youth Health Collaborative brings together young people from across north Berkshire to address issues relevant to youth in the region. In conjunction with the Northern Berkshire Youth Collaborative, the group will work on projects and initiatives that they deem important. Participants will receive a stipend for their contributions. Apply online at



With gratitude for your service to America on Veterans Day and always.


10:40AM | North Adams: Veterans Day Parade

steps off from the American Legion on Ashland Street at 10:40 a.m. and marches to the Veterans Memorial on Eagle Street. Participants are asked to arrive at the Legion by 10 a.m.; doughnuts and coffee will be available beginning at 9:30. All veterans and veterans groups are welcome to march.


The keynote speaker will be Louis Brault, past Massachusetts American Legion commander and past national executive committeeman; Mayor Jennifer Macksey will also offer remarks and the master of ceremonies will be Post 125 American Legion Cmdr. Mitchell Keil. 

Joseph Poplaski and the Sons of the American Legion Squadron 125 will be handing out flags for the ceremony.

10AM | Adams Free Library Storytime | Preschoolers

Every Friday at 10AM in the Lower Annex Meeting RoomTalk, sing, read, write, and play with us! Preschoolers and their caregivers are invited to join us for fun songs, rhymes, stories, finger plays, and crafts all designed to build early literacy skills.This is a free program hosted by the Adams Free Library

10AM | CCB Baby Group | 0-12 Months
Friday mornings 10-11am outside of the Haskins Center at 210 State Street, North Adams. For parents and children under 12 months. Call 413-664-4821 for more information. Drop in group.
1-4 PM | UNO Community Center Coffee Time | Everyone
157 River St., North Adams: Each Friday, 1-4pm. Come on over and join the UNO neighbors for coffee and conversation. All are welcome.  

3-7 PM | ROOTS Teen Center Drop-In Hours | Ages 13-19 51 Ashland Street, North Adams. Play games or foosball, watch movies, use art supplies, eat snacks, and hang out with your friends! FREE. No registration required. Open to all youth ages 13-19. or 413-663-0250

2-4PM | nbCC Monthly Forum: Retaining & Engaging New Community Members

85 Main Street, North Adams. All are welcome! Join us for our monthly community conversation.

This month’s conversation will focus on how we can engage and retain new residents in our community. What aspects of our community make YOU feel most welcome? How do you engage with the community?


2-4PM at Terra Nova, 85 Main Street, North Adams.

This month we're encouraging all attendees to bring a friend that is either new to the area or new to the forums. Also, wear your local swag! What's your favorite piece of clothing that shows your pride in your community?

Be heard and listen to the concerns and voices of your friends and neighbors.

Masks optional.

Questions? Call us! 413-663-7588

5-7:30PM | Ronald F. Davis Memorial 6th Annual Veterans Dinner (FREE) All Veterans & A Guest Dinner All Saints Episcopal Church, North Adams. Service of Appreciation & Remembrance at 5:00pm. TAKE OUT at 5:45pm. IN HOUSE DINING following the service @ 6:00pm *Seating Limited to 60 for Veterans’ Dinner. Please RSVP by November 3. All Saints Parish Office (413) 664-9656 Sue Davis - (413) 664-9461

6-8 PM | Kids' Night Out at the Y | Ages  7-12

Give yourself some TLC while your kids enjoy time socializing with peers. Drop-off your 7-12yr olds at the Northern Berkshire YMCA to enjoy activities like games, pool time, crafts, and pizza while you take a couple of hours to yourself. Free to BFYMCA members/ $5 for non-members. For more information: 413-663-6529 or

6-8 PM | Common Craft Night | Everyone
Open invitation for creators and makers to work on projects in our space to build connections and friendships within the creative community. All are welcome!

7PM | Dueling Pianos Fundraiser for Adams Theater 27 Park Street, Adams. Tickets & more info. here.

8PM | MCLA Theater's Main Stage production of The Tempest

Tickets: free for current MCLA students, $5 for MCLA faculty, staff, alumni, and non-MCLA students, and $10 for general audience members. Dates: Nov. 4 - 8pm, Nov. 5 - 8pm, Nov. 11 - 8pm, Nov. 12 - 8pm, Nov. 13 - 2pm. Runs for 90 minutes with no intermission Location: MCLA's Venable Theater, 375 Church Street, North Adams, MA 01247


10-11AM | nbCC Family Event: Clay Ornaments UNO Community Center. FREE. All supplies are included. Space is Limited. REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Contact us at 413-663-7588 or  MORE INFO

10:30AM | CCB Three Little Pigs STEM Event  | At the Lanesborough Library. Build your house out of different materials and test its strength. Snacks and storytime included. More Info.


This 4-wk series is in partnership with MCLA Arts and Culture.

Saturdays, 12--1:15pm: Oct. 29th, Nov. 5/12/19th. Gallery 51, Main St., North Adams

Free! Live music! Tap shoes provided! More Info. and registration.

1- 4PM | Free Tours & Concert at All Saints Episcopal Church | Everyone

Tour an Historic Building and enjoy the Tiffany Priceless Artworks! Open free to the public from 1:00pm-4:00pm every Saturday in July All Saints Episcopal Church, 159 Summer Street,North Adams, MA . Concert following the tour by Dr. Matthew McConnell.

 1-3PM | FRC Parenting Workshop: Budgeting First Baptist Church, 131 Main Street, North Adams. Join us for FREE workshop. Be in control and reach your goals! Learn the importance of budgeting. Create a budget that best suits your family. To Register, contact: (413) 663-7588 or


6-7PM | The Tempest Round Table: a conversation with Jeremy Winchester, MAC Director, MCLA Faculty; Alex Reed of Steppenwolf Theatre; MCLA Faculty member Michael Dilthey; Director Tom Truss; and Composer Trevor Wheelock. MCLA Art Lab, 49 Main St.,North Adams, MA 01247. FREE

8PM | MCLA Theater's Main Stage production of The Tempest

Tickets: free for current MCLA students, $5 for MCLA faculty, staff, alumni, and non-MCLA students, and $10 for general audience members. Dates: Nov. 4 - 8pm, Nov. 5 - 8pm, Nov. 11 - 8pm, Nov. 12 - 8pm, Nov. 13 - 2pm. Runs for 90 minutes with no intermission Location: MCLA's Venable Theater, 375 Church Street, North Adams, MA 01247

11/13 SUNDAY

1-2 PM | Pups At the Park | Dogs and their Humans
Berkshire Pup People, we love to play and meet other pups (and humans) who feel the same. That’s why we’re headed to the North Adams dog park every Sunday from 1 - 2pm (ish)! Why don’t you meet us there?

2PM | MCLA Theater's Main Stage production of The Tempest

Tickets: free for current MCLA students, $5 for MCLA faculty, staff, alumni, and non-MCLA students, and $10 for general audience members. Dates: Nov. 4 - 8pm, Nov. 5 - 8pm, Nov. 11 - 8pm, Nov. 12 - 8pm, Nov. 13 - 2pm. Runs for 90 minutes with no intermission Location: MCLA's Venable Theater, 375 Church Street, North Adams, MA 01247

 3-5PM | Adams Artist Meet-up | These Adams Artist Meet-Ups at the Adams Incubator will happen every second Sunday of the month moving forward! We're so grateful for Yina Moore to host us in the NEW Incubator Space. Connect with fellow creators, as we have all been pretty isolated over the past couple of years.⁠ A collaborative effort with the Adams Arts Advisory Board, Rapoza Center for the Arts, and the Adams Theater.

11/14 MONDAY

Upcoming blood drives:

11/14  North Campus of BMC, 9am-2:30pm

11/22   Adams Community Bank, Park St, 9am-2:30pm

11/28   North Adams Walmart, 9am-2:30pm

All donations made via Berkshire Health Systems help local patients, and for those dealing with cancer, other illnesses, and emergencies, the need is great. Donors are requested to be healthy and without any symptoms of cough, cold, or fever. To schedule an appointment, please contact Chris Amuso at (413) 447-2597 x 2 or

Anyone donating blood before November 18th will be entered in a raffle to win a turkey!

10-11AM | The CCB Family Center's Drop-In Playgroup at Broad Brook Playground on Harrison Ave, Williamstown. For families with children ages 1 to 5 years. Call 413-664-4821.

11AM-3PM | FRC Parenting Workshop: Holiday Meals on a Budget UNO Community Center, 157 River Street, North Adams. First 5 to sign up will receive a $10 Walmart gift card! Participate in the preparations! Sampling and sharing our meal. Recipes of cooked items. Leftover ideas. Budget friendly recipes! Transportation available with at least 24hrs. notice. Registration required: 663-7588 or email 


3-7 PM | ROOTS Teen Center Drop-In Hours, 51 Ashland Street, North Adams. Play games or foosball, watch movies, use art supplies, eat snacks, and hang out with your friends! FREE. No registration required. Open to all youth ages 13-19. or 413-663-0250

3:30-5:30 PM | The nbCC Bike Collective, located at the North Adams Armory, 206 Ashland St., North Adams. Look for the garage in the back; outside weather permitting. If you are in need of a bike, we have bikes to sell or that can be earned. If you are looking to fix, maintain or tune your bike, we can help with that too. We accept bike donations. All residents from Northern Berkshire are welcome!

4:30-6PM | CCB Childhood Anxiety Workshop | (on Zoom) Learn tools to help your children with anxiety. More Info.

5-6:30 PM | nbCC Youth Empowerment Program, 61 Main Street, Rm. 213, North Adams. Free and open to youth, 6-8th grade, who live in or attend school in North Berkshire. A weekly group to talk about school, emotions, navigating teen years, making friends and more. Snacks provided; transportation available. Register 413-663-7588

6PM | NA Chamber Tech Makeover: Session 2: Get Found | Businesses

$15.00. Part 2 of the NAC Fall Workshop Series in the Tech Makeover is all about getting found. Learn about Google Business, Search Engine Optimization and tips on keeping your web presence up-to-date to keep customers coming. When: November 14, 2022 from 6-8 p.m. Where: 85 Main St., Suite 200A. Please provide your email upon checkout in order to receive a confirmation email. TO REGISTER


9-11AM | Berkshire Nursing Families Baby Group | Breast Feeding Families

A support and social group for nursing mothers/families. Family Center Play Space at 210 State Street. For more information.

10:30-11:30AM | Toddler Time at the North Adams Public Library located at 74 Church Street. Let's read some stories and get the wiggles out! No registration required. Masks please.

 11AM-1PM | Parenting Workshop: Active Parenting- The First 5 Years

Tuesdays, Nov. 15-Dec.6, at 61 Main Street, Rm. 213, North Adams. Learn the 5 different stages children go through in the 1st 5 years. To register: 413-663-7588 or MORE INFO

2-4PM | Not Only Knitters Group at the North Adams Public Library located at 74 Church Street. All ages and abilities welcome! Love to crochet or needlepoint? No problem. You do you. Whatever fiber craft you can do from an easy chair, you're welcome to join in! 

3-4:30PM | Real Talk with OH at ROOTS | Ages 13-19

Free weekly group with local clinical social worker Keith Jones.To register: call or tex 413-663-0250. at ROOTs Teen Center, 51 Ashland Street.

5-7 PM | nbCC Youth Leadership Program, 61 Main Street, Rm. 213, North Adams. Free and open to youth ages 14-19 who live in or attend school in North Berkshire. Young people are changing the world and you can too. Make a positive change in yourself and the world around you. Develop leadership skills, discuss what drives you, meet other young leaders and plan projects in your community. Snacks provided; transportation available. Call 413-663-7588


9:30 AM | Tai Chi | Ages 55+

Spitzer Center,116 Ashland St., North Adams. For ages 55+. Presented by the North Adams Council on Aging. 413-662-3125

10-11 AM | Baby & Me at the Y | Ages 6-18 months
22 Brickyard Ct., North Adams. This is a program for children ages 6-18 months and their parents. All parents are welcome! FREE to Y members. Y membership required. 30-minutes of optional swim time in a dedicated pool space with you, your child, and other playtime members! To register: Brandon, 413-663-6529,

10:30-11:30 AM | Family Center's Toddler/Preschool Playgroup | Ages 16mo. - 4yrs

The Family Center playroom at 210 State Street. For families with children 16 months through 4 years in the Family Center Playroom at 210 State Street. Drop In playgroup. Call 413-664-4821 with any questions.

10:30 AM | Story and Craft Time with Nora | 4yrs+

At the North Adams Public Library. 10:30AM. Read a story and make a craft with community guests and library staff. Drop in Wednesdays at 10:30am. More info.

10:30AM-12:30PM | A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls 

The Berkshire Family YMCA is offering A Matter of Balance: Managing Concerns About Falls on Wednesdays through November from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. The program is designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels among older adults. Participants learn to set realistic goals to increase activity, change their environment to reduce fall risk factors, and learn simple exercises to increase strength and balance. The program is free and runs from Nov. 2 to Dec. 28. Call to register: (413)- 663-6529. More Information

1 PM | Chair Yoga | Ages 55+

Spitzer Center,116 Ashland St., North Adams. For ages 55+. Presented by the North Adams Council on Aging. 413-662-3125

3-7 PM | ROOTS Teen Center Drop-In Hours, 51 Ashland Street, North Adams. Play games or foosball, watch movies, use art supplies, eat snacks, and hang out with your friends! FREE. No registration required. Open to all youth ages 13-19. or 413-663-0250

5-7PM | The Neighborlies Award Celebration

The Northern Berkshire Community Coalition (nbCC) will host the Neighborlies, an annual community recognition celebration on Wednesday, November 16 from 5:00 to 7:00p.m. at the MCLA Church Street Center in North Adams.

This event is free and open to the public.

Snacks and light refreshments will be available. MORE INFO

5-7 PM | nbCC Teen Writing Workshop | Ages 13-19

nbCC Conf. Rm. 213, 61 Main Street, North Adams. Free and open to youth ages 13-19 who live in or attend school in North Berkshire. Aspiring writers and poets! Join this incredibly supportive group and get 1-on-1 support from peer and creative mentors! with your writing and performance style. Opportunities to perform and be published. Snacks and supplies provided; transportation available. Register online: or call 413-663-7588


11/17 - 11:30AM | Turkey Dinner at Spitzer Center  Reservations are Required. Please call Norman at 413-664-9826. No walk-ins . The Center will be closed on November 25th & 26th.

11/17 - 7PM | MCLA Michael S and Kitty Dukakis Public Policy Lecture with Dr. Eddie Glaude, Jr  will be speaking about “Race & Democracy: America is Always Changing, But America Never Changes” This event is free and open to the public.

Call 413-662-5224 or email for more information.

11/18 - 4-6PM | Vaccine Clinic at Brayton Elementary School

11/19 - 10:30AM | CCB STEAM-giving | At Adams Free Library. Thanksgiving themed STEAM projects for families with children 8yrs and under. More Info.

11/21 - 6PM | NAC Tech Makeover: Session 3: Get Social | Businesses $15.00

Part 3 of the North Adams Chamber Fall Workshop Series  TO REGISTER

11/22 - 10AM | Blood Pressure and Tic Screening Clinic at North Adams COA Spitzer Center. Anyone who is hypertensive will get a BP cuff to take home. Any questions or to sign up, call the Spitzer Center 413.662.3125.

11/23 - 10:30AM | CCB Field Trip to North Adams Fire Station | Toddler- Preschool Age

Meet local firemen and learn about fire safety. Take a tour of the station and trucks. More Info. 

11/23 - LumiNAMA! Kick-off 

11/23 - North Adams Tree Lighting

11/24 - Happy Thanksgiving!

11/29 - Decorative Picture Frame Craft class at the Spitzer Center.Please call the center at 413-662-3125 if you would like to participate. Beautiful items are created while having lots of fun. 

11/30 - 3-4PM | Positive Discipline for Infants To register: 413-663-7588 or

12/6 - 7-8PM | Zoom Event: Berkshire History, Government, Race and The Life Of Elizabeth Freeman. Program presented by storyteller Desiree Taylor, and supported by a grant from the Cultural Council of Northern Berkshire and the Mass Cultural Council. Email for the zoom link. 

New Resources and Agency Updates

THANKSGIVING DINNER FOR SENIORS  For Seniors 60 years of age and older who are alone on Thanksgiving and have no way of having a traditional Thanksgiving meal. The meals are delivered on Thanksgiving Day by Volunteers between 11:00am-12:00pm and are FREE. All Seniors who wish to receive a meal must make a reservation. 

Reservation can be made from November 7 - November 18 by calling All Saints Berkshires Episcopal Church at 413-664-9656 

Monday thru Thursday from 8:00am to 1:00pm. If no answer: Leave your name, address, town, phone number and someone will return your call to reserve your reservation. 

COVID-19 In-Home Vaccination Program (info link below). This is for anyone who has difficulty getting to or using a community vaccination location, for whatever reason. This program is available statewide, including the Islands. Ages 6 months and up. (What a great way to get an entire busy family with young kids vaccinated – or folks who have transportation issues- or homebound elders!) More Information. All vaccine types (Pfizer, Moderna, Novavax, and J&J) and boosters are available. You can sign up for an appointment by phone at (833) 983-0485 or online. 


COVID-19 In-Home Vaccination Program |

MassHire is now sitting at the BCAC office every Tuesdays (9am-3pm). They are offering help with job searches (not unemployment). People can make an appointment by calling 413-499-2220. They do also accept walk-ins. Masks are required.

"Level UP" Workshop Series for NONPROFITS ( Sept 13- Dec. 13)Nonprofit Center of the Berkshires and BRPC have dozens of upcoming workshops in their "Level Up" Series for nonprofits. Some are in-person and some are webinars that take place on zoom. For a full list of upcoming workshops or to register:

The Ecu-Health Care office doors are open. Due to our office being in a medical complex, masks are required when you enter the building. We want to remind everyone of Open Enrollment which begins on November 1st and runs through until January 23, 2023. This is the time to enroll without needing a qualifying event to enroll in insurance or to make changes to your current application. 

Medicare Open Enrollment begins October 15th through December 7th 2022

The SHINEProgram Representatives will be conducting half hour appts at the Spitzer Center, Tues, Nov. 8th, 10AM-4PM. This is an opportunity for you to review your current health insurance and make changes. Appt. required. Call 413-662-3125

DTA: EBT Benefit Theft: EBT card users are being encouraged to re-PIN their cards to prevent benefit theft. More info here and here

DTA North Adams Satellite Office located at 45 Main Street in North Adams. Effective October 1, the North Adams Satellite Office will be open for business on Tuesdays from 8:45am – 5:00pm; the office will no longer be open on Thursdays, after October 1. The agency will have signs on the door to notify clients and will be updating the website.Clients can continue to use the DTA Assistance line 877-382-2363, DTA Connect mobile app and for their DTA needs.

BCAC is seeking volunteer van drivers! For those interest in learning more of applying please contact Michelle Sylvester at (413) 418-3675 or email:

They are also seeking volunteer to help “KEEP OUR KIDS, BERKSHIRE WARM!!”

2022 ELF/Warm Clothing Program (Pittsfield office only)

Goodwill Industries: Do you want help creating a resume, receiving job interview techniques or job search assistance? Goodwill Industries of the Berkshires and Southern Vermont can help you. Call Lynette Livermore at 413-442-0061 x32. Office hours: 8:00 a.m. -3:30 p.m.

The Veterans Office/Pantry at North Adams City Hall is in need of donations of the following items:Toiletries needed for the Veterans' Food Pantry: Toothbrushes, Shampoos, Chapstick, Dental Floss, Hand Soap, Combs, Hairspray, Foot Powder, Toothpaste, Mouthwash, Conditioners, Body Wash, Bar Soaps, Shave Cream, Body Washes, Dish Soap, Shave Cream, Q-Tips, Brushes, Mousse, Band aids, Body Lotions, Denture Adhesive, Toilet Paper. For more info Contact Tina:413-662-3040

Berkshire Nursing Families SEEKS new Ex. Director - More information and application

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED at Berkshire Food Project. Food Prep, Dishwashing, Cleaning Helpers Needed The Berkshire Food Project has various jobs for volunteers to fill. Among the most needed are for dishwashers, food preparers, and cleaners. Contact Mark: 413-329-4960 or

Milton Hershey School is one of the world’s best private schools, where qualifying students in pre-K through 12th grade live on campus. Students receive an exceptional educational experience, nurturing home life, college and career readiness support, and comprehensive health and wellness care, including medical and dental services, food, and clothing—with all costs covered. For more information, visit


Food Access and Distribution Sites


Download a PDF of county-wide food pantry and meal site resources here. (Updated Nov. 10, 2022)


  • 2nd & 4th TUESDAYS, 10-11 AM: The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts Mobile Food Bank PANTRY, Adams: Adams Council on Aging/Adams Visitors’ Center, 3 Hoosac Street 413-247-9738, ext. 121; No proof of eligibility required. Must be Berkshire County resident. One distribution per household.
  • WEDNESDAYS, 11AM - 1PM: St. John Paul II Charity Center PANTRY, Rte. 8 across from Walgreens, Adams, 413-743-0577. Assistance to residents of Adams, Cheshire, and Savoy.
  • MON. - THURS. Congregate meals MEAL SITE at 11:30AM. FRI. GRAB & GO MEALS: Adams COA, 3 Hoosac Street, Adams 413-743-8333. Mondays thru Fridays. Congregate meals available for grab & go. Must call Adams COA 24 hours prior.


  • 1st SATURDAYS, 11AM-Noon: Cheshire Food PANTRY at the Cheshire Community Center, 119 School Street, Cheshire 413-743-9719. Available to all Cheshire residents with proof of residency. Emergency food is also available.
  • MON. thru FRI., 10:15AM-Noon: GRAB & GO MEAL SITE: Cheshire COA Cheshire Community Center, 119 School Street, Cheshire 413-743-9719. Congregate meals available for grab & go. Must call Cheshire COA.


  • TUESDAY, Noon-3 PM for In-Person / (*WEDNESDAYS, Noon-2 PM for delivery) | PANTRY The Salvation Army Gateway New Life Center 393 River Street, North Adams. For Emergency Pantry please call 413-663-7987. Deliveries on Wednesdays.*Call 413-663-7987 on Tuesdays 10:00am-noon to schedule a delivery. For North County residents only.
  • WEDNESDAYS, 10 AM - 2 PM for In-Person / *THURSDAYS, 9:30AM -Noon for Delivery | PANTRY Al Nelson Friendship Center 45 Eagle Street, North Adams, 413-664-0123. Go to the First Baptist Church (Eagles St. entrance) for intake and menu completion. *Those who cannot physically come to the pantry may call 413-664-0123 on Wednesday from 9:30am-2:00pm to set up a delivery for Thursday between 9:30am-Noon. Boxes are pre-packaged based on household size for Thursday deliveries. Please specify cans or no cans. Due to COVID rates we can no longer offer rides home. We will post updates on FACEBOOK. IF UNVACCINATED, PLEASE WEAR A MASK.
  • 4th WEDNESDAYS, 5 - 6:30 PM (multiple locations) | PANTRY Berkshire Dream Center Mobile Food 413-522-3495. North Adams Locations: Mohawk Forest at 5:00pm, Brayton Hill at 5:45pm, Greylock at 6:30pm. No requirements.
  • 1st & 3rd FRIDAYS, 10-11 AM | PANTRY The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts Mobile Food Bank Brien Center Lot, 124 American Legion Drive, North Adams 413-247-9738, ext. 121; No proof of eligibility required. One distribution per household.
  • Berkshire Food Project GRAB & GO MEAL SITE | MON./WED./FRI. 11:30 AM - 1 PM: First Congregational Church of N. Adams, 134 Main Street, North Adams 413-664-7378.
  • First Baptist Church Community Soup Kitchen MEAL SITE | SATURDAY, 11 AM - 12:30 PM: Eagle Street Entrance, 131 Main St., North Adams, 413-652-7619.
  • North Adams COA Brown Bag distribution will be at the Harper Center, 118 Church St. in Williamstown on 4th Fridays from 12:30-1:30PM..


  • Williamstown Food PANTRY | 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 9AM-Noon: at St. Patrick & St. Raphael Parish, 53 Southworth Street, Williamstown, 413-458-4946, x11 or 413-458-3149. Drive or walk-thru. Assistance to residents of Hancock, New Ashford, Williamstown, and Pownal, VT.
  • Community Bible Church PANTRY. 3rd WEDNESDAYS, Noon-2 PM: 160 Bridges Road, Williamstown, 413-458-5556. Must be a Mass. residents.


Brown Bag Program: Supplemental monthly food program for eligible 55+ yr. olds, free or for a small donation. For income eligibility requirements or more information, call your Council on Aging.

Elder Services’ Elder Nutrition Program: Noontime meals for those 60+ years of age at several senior centers throughout the County.Call Elder Services of Berkshire County for details and locations at 413-499-0524 or 1-800-981-5201.

Elder Services’ Meals on Wheels Program: Nutritious, hot noontime meals offered Monday - Friday to homebound Berkshire seniors, 60 years of age or older. A suggested donation of $2.00 is requested to help cover the cost of food preparation and delivery. There are eligibility requirements. Please call Elder Services of Berkshire County at 413-499-0524 to make a referral for yourself, family member or friend.

Take and Eat Program: For homebound individuals 60+ years of age, unable to prepare meals, shop, or get out. Meals are delivered on Sundays and are provided for weekends and three-day holiday weekends. More info.: Kathleen Ryan at 413-672-1404 or 413-664-1041



  • The Ecu-Health Care office doors are open. Due to our office being in a medical complex, masks are required when you enter the building. If you or someone you know is looking for public health insurance options such as coverage through MassHealth of Massachusetts Health Connector we may be able to help. MassHealth not only provides health insurance coverage but may also provide “Premium Assistance” to qualifying individuals who are enrolled in employer plans. Ecu-Health Care provides a free public service and is available to assist with applications, annual reviews and renewals, plan selection and enrollment, submission of requests for information or just general information. Give us a call at 663-8711 to schedule an appointment with one of our Health Coverage Counselors. The Ecu-Health Care staff wishes you and your families all the best during this difficult time.”
  • MassHealth has expanded eligibility and coverage in response to COVID19. See the MassHealth website for more information. 
  • The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Berkshire County Warm Line, 413-445-1136 Call center accepts calls until 8PM. If operators are not available, callers will receive a callback within 24 hrs. Information is confidential.
  • SafeLink is Massachusetts's statewide 24/7 toll-free domestic violence hotline. Confidential and anonymous. 1-877-785-2020. For more resources, visit here.
  • Elizabeth Freeman Domestic Violence Prevention Center: (866) 401-2425; website
  • Department of Children and Families: (413) 236-1800; website
  • Al-Anon meetings are being held virtually. Visit the Berkshire Al-Anon website .
  • The Massachusetts Smokers' Helpline Receive up to $50(total) of gift cards for completing coaching call series. More info. or call 1-800-Quit-Now to enroll.
  • For more info. on nicotine addiction email Joyce Brewer 
  • MA residents who believe they are victims of fraud or other criminal activity related to the pandemic should contact the United States Attorney's Office at or 888-221-6023. Members of the public can also contact the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) by visiting The Consumer Protection Hotline: (617) 727-8400
  • Wheels for Wellness - 413-395-0109 Free rides for the elderly, prioritizing health-related activities. For more info., visit the website or call 413-395-0109.
  • UPDATED COVID-19 Guidelines: The CDC Community Levels are a new tool to help communities decide what prevention steps to take based on the latest data. Levels can be low, medium, or high and are determined by looking at hospital beds being used, hospital admissions, and the total number of new COVID-19 cases in an area. Take precautions to protect yourself and others from COVID-19 based on the COVID-19 Community Level in your area.
  • Funds available for funeral expenses for COVID-19 related deaths. Applications for the benefit begin by calling FEMA's hotline.
  • Digital Vaccination Records: Check out MyVaxRecords.Mass.Gov.
  • The COVID-19 vaccine is free for everyone. Register yourself or your child at Download this list of vaccination locations and opportunities.
  • CDC COVID Data Tracker: Visit the CDC website for national-, state-, and county-level data on COVID-19.
  • Need free transportation to get a vaccine? AdLib, Inc. and County Rainbow Taxi (CRT), offer no-cost transportation to vaccine appointments for Berk. County residents with disabilities. If interested, please call AdLib at 413-442-7047 and leave a message.
  • ROOTS Youth Board is looking for new members to join! Participants need to be between 15 and 21 years old. If you have any questions or are interested in joining, contact Youth Board president Alexa Macdonald at
  • Student Tools for Emergency Planning (STEP): The program is an emergency preparedness module designed to empower youth to prepare for disasters and to train them to become leaders in family preparedness. The program is geared for youth or students in the 4th and 5th grade but can be adapted for other age groups. Materials are available for download here. For further information contact or


  • The Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA) is issuing emergency SNAP (food stamp) supplements to many SNAP households to help buy food during the pandemic crisis. Click here to see if you will get extra SNAP benefits.
  • If you are in need of or would like to check on your eligibility for SNAP, please call 413-992-6204. Visit the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts website for more information.
  • Lower Cost CSA Shares Available - High quality, fresh produce grown locally available now through a CSA. Shares are usually for 20 weeks (June-October). ​Lower Cost Shares Available based on income through Hoosac Harvest at local farms. Contact Hoosac Harvest via for more information on lower cost shares.  Some farms accept SNAP/HIP for share payments.
  • The nbCC Family Resource Center is open! Give us a call at 413-663-7588 if you'd like to learn more about the services we provide, or stop in during our office hours.
  • The Family Center, a program of Child Care of the Berkshires, is offering virtual and in-person parent and child groups. Open to the public. Families can call The Family Center to access our FREE Children's Clothing Exchange with sizes 0-10. We can still provide diapers or formula through contactless pick up. Please contact the office by calling 413-664-4821. Visit the Family Center's Facebook page and Instagram page for updates on programming. FREE and open to northern Berkshire families with children under age 8.
  • Want to learn more about your child’s development and different activities to help your child learn? Take our free Ages and Stages Questionnaire! Answer questions about your child’s development here: ASQ Online . One of our team members will follow up with your child’s results and different activities you can do to keep your child learning while playing! Questions? Email
  • Berkshire Community Diaper Project: We would be willing to bring diapers to sites for families who need them. Please contact us by email ( or call me at 413-446-5038 
  • Berkshire Nursing Families: 413-743 5338,
  • Childcare Vouchers are available from Seven Hills Foundation by calling 413-236-5890; or contacting Jean at 508-796-0270,, or Mabel at 508-796-0271,
  • Department of Early Education and Care: (413) 788-8401
  • WIC: 510 North Street & North Adams WIC sites are currently closed until further notice, but we are serving our Participants over the phone. If you do not have a scheduled appointment or if you have questions, please call our Pittsfield office at (413) 447-3495 - if we are unable to answer, please leave a voicemail. We will call you back as soon as possible and apologize for the delay. Find the income eligibility guidelines here. Available in Spanish
  • Parents Helping Parents Massachusetts is offering online support groups for parents. Visit the Parents Helping Parents website for more information.
  • Parental Stress Line. 24-7, free and confidential. CALL: 800-632-8188. 
  • Child Mind Institute: Will My Child Bounce Back From the Coronavirus Crisis? Trauma, resilience and how parents can help. [En Español.]
Adult Education, Job Readiness, Housing and Other Assistance
  • The Department of Unemployment Assistance can be reached at (877) 626-6800. Please reach out if you need assistance. You should apply for unemployment benefits during your first week of total or partial unemployment. Most claims are processed within 21-28 days after filing
  • Housing Navigator website: This newly launched website offers information on 2000+ affordable properties across Massachusetts.
  • End-of-Eviction-Moratorium Resources: There are resources that can be accessed to support individuals and families that are facing eviction or already in the eviction process. The Housing Consumer Education Center intake forms [PDF] are the entry point for the suite of programs offered through Berkshire County Regional Housing Authority. This is an outline of the various programs that are offered [PDF], including Tenancy Preservation Programs (which can be particularly helpful in cases where there is an eviction due to condemnation by the Board of Health) and the Dispute Resolution Program/Mediation Center. For more information or to access the forms online please visit Folks can call Community Legal Aid staff specializing in housing related issues, toll free (855-252-5342), and can apply online to access services. nbCC's Family Resource Center (FRC) can support families with filing for housing support, housing search and programs that might be helpful through their Family Support Workers. Download their referral form here.
  • Community Legal Aid’s CORI and Re-Entry Project of Berkshire County: Having trouble finding or keeping housing or employment because of your Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI)? We may be able to help by assisting you with: sealing and expungement of CORI, public and subsidized housing denials, public and subsidized housing terminations, employment denials, and/or housing discrimination based on substance and alcohol use disorder issues. Contact us at 413-499-1950 or apply online Download a flyer here.
  • If you are concerned about being able to pay your rent or mortgage arrears when the eviction and foreclosure moratorium ends, Berkshire Housing services are available to help you, including tenant/landlord/homeowner housing counseling; dispute resolution; tenancy preservation; financial assistance if eligible; and much more! The first step is to complete the Assessment Form found here. Available in English and Spanish and can be submitted via PDF. If a household must print the form it can be faxed to 413-496-9831 or mailed to Berkshire Housing Development Corp./Berkshire County Regional Housing Authority; ATTN: HCEC Assessment, P.O. Box 1180, Pittsfield, MA 01202. If you don't have a computer or need additional guidance, please call (413) 499-1630, ext. 157, and leave a message. The phone line is checked multiple times during the week Monday through Friday.
  • Although Berkshire County Regional Housing Authority's (BCRHA) physical office space will be closed to the public, BCRHA staff will continue to work with households in need of assistance through telephone and video conferences, when possible. You may leave a message at (413) 443-7138. Messages will be checked periodically throughout each weekday. You can also go to BCRHA's website for a staff directory.
  • Louison House, Inc. remains OPEN for services and has returned to the Church Street Flood House. For all Housing needs contact Louison House at 413-663-6323, ext. 3 during regular hours. Ext 4 has staff on duty 24/7 for after hours. Louison House provides assistance for individuals for their immediate housing needs in order to support them in obtaining and/or maintaining safe affordable housing. Email to be added to our newsletter list.  
  • St Joe’s (Pittsfield Emergency Shelter) Pittsfield, 413-320-6550, website
  • Our Friend's House (Shelter for Families) 292 West Street, Pittsfield (413) 499-2877
  • The HomeBase Program is a new program designed to provide a housing solution to families who are at serious risk of homelessness, and provide an alternative to going to a family shelter or motel. IF YOU KNOW OF A FAMILY IN A HOUSING CRISIS WHO NEEDS HELP, TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE HOMEBASE PROGRAM, YOU CAN CONTACT BCRHA: 1-800-248-9002.
  • The Neighbor to Neighbor Grant is available to assist with unforeseen costs. Individuals work with partner agencies to address costs associated with housing, medical bills, utilities and more.
  • Dial 211 for general information about programs that may be available, or visit

61 Main Street, Suite 218
North Adams. MA 01247
Tel: (413) 663-7588 | Fax: (413) 663-9877
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