e-Zine: Weekly Updates for Northern Berkshire
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Dear Northern Berkshire,
The weekly e-zine offers updates about our upcoming programming, local events of interest, and area agencies and resources
- Events for today through next Wednesday
- Save the Date: Upcoming Events
- New Resources & Agency Updates
- Food Access & Distribution Sites
- Additional resources and resource updates
For a more comprehensive guide to ongoing area resources, please download the nbCC's Community Resource Guide. The guide can be found in both English and Spanish versions on our site and linked in the section below.
Do you have an event or resource you'd like to see included? Send an email to phzine@nbccoalition.org.
Want to read this email in your browser? View this as a web page.
NOTE: Remember to click on the "[Message clipped] View entire message" link at the bottom of the page to read the entire newsletter.
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nbCC's Community Resource Guide is out now in English 2022 Edition and Spanish 2022 Edition is available for download below.
It's a FREE, comprehensive, 44-page booklet that can help you find the right community resource to help yourself or your neighbor, whether it's food access, legal services, elder services, veterans services, immigrant support services, health care, substance use, or youth programming (just to name a few).
Call us at 413-663-7588 to pick up a copy (or multiple copies), or download the PDF of the English version here, and the Spanish version here.
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10AM - 12PM | Incredible Years: Helping Preschoolers with Autism
This program provides parents and teachers of children on the autism spectrum (aged 2-5 years) with strategies for promoting children's optimal social, emotional, language, and academic competence.
Verbal and nonverbal strategies to help caregivers to enter in children's attention spotlight and expand their interest and joy in relationships with others.
Sample adult-child social and emotion coaching scripts for interacting with children and suggestions for modeling, initiating, and prompting social behaviors and joint activities.
Connection and communication strategies such as sensory games, visual prompts and pictures, gestures, pretend and puppet play, and intentional communication.
This child-focused and developmentally based way of communicating and teaching leads to a stronger relationship, more emotional connection, more emotion regulation, and less frustration for parents, teachers, and the child!
MORE INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER: 413-663-7588 or nkennedy@nbccoalition.org
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10:30 AM | Story and Craft Time with Nora | 4yrs+
At the North Adams Public Library. 10:30AM. Read a story and make a craft with community guests and library staff. Drop in Thursdays at 10:30am. More info.
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11:30 AM | Chair Yoga | 60+ Years
Chair yoga; Thursdays at 11:30 for everyone 60 and over. 712 West Cross Road, Clarksburg. Work at your own level and pace. Donation.The class is open to everyone age 60 and over.
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12 PM | Afternoon Meditation
All are welcome! Have Hope Peer Recovery Center, 37 Main St. Suite 201 (right above Berkshire Bank) in North Adams, MA. My phone number is (413) 346- 8896 cell or (413) 398-1388 office.
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1 PM | Balance Exercise Class | Ages 55+
Spitzer Center,116 Ashland St., North Adams. For ages 55+. Presented by the North Adams Council on Aging. 413-662-3125
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2:30-7PM | Drop-in Hours.
Join us at ROOTS Teen Center for a month of programming dedicated to the art of Anime. Programs are FREE and open to all teens ages 13-19.
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4-5 PM | Jumping Beans Playgroup | Ages 1-8 yrs.
Inside the Family Center at 210 State Street North Adams. For children ages 1 to 8 years old. Join us for activities, story time and songs. Free drop in Playgroup, use doorbell for entering building. Call 413-664-4821 for more information.
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7:30AM | Eagle Street Coffee Date
It's that time of year again, when we get to come together, make new friends, caffeinate ourselves, and appreciate the warm months in our NAMAzing City at our favorite little downtown community location.
We are excited to kick off the 5th season of this loved community event.
These events are FREE and open to the public, so come on by, and bring a friend!
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11 AM | Discover Greylock
DISCOVER GREYLOCK, 11:00 a.m. Free. For all ages . Join a Park Interpreter for a guided hike, walk or special program that explore the unique natural and cultural history of Mount Greylock. Discover flora, fauna, and unusual landmark features that make this park special. Be prepared for the weather, wear sturdy shoes, bring water, a snack, bug spray and sunscreen. Meeting locations and program times may vary. Call the Visitor Center to register and get updates. For more information call (413) 663-8469. ADA/Reasonable Accommodations Contact: Moneesha.dasgupta2@mass.gov , or call (617) 645-0358.
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10 AM | Pitch | Ages 55+
Spitzer Center,116 Ashland St., North Adams. For ages 55+. Presented by the North Adams Council on Aging. 413-662-3125
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10 AM - 12 PM | CHP Mobile Health Same Day Urgent Care
Fridays 10AM-12PM & 12:30-3PM at the Brien Center, 144 American Legion Drive, North Adams.
Same-day Sick Visits, blood pressure checks, vaccines for flu and covid, primary care referrals, nutrition services, health screenings, insurance help, food security, family services + WIC.
More information: https://chpberkshires.org/medical/mobile_health_units/mobile/ or 413-528-0457
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10AM | Adams Free Library Storytime | Preschoolers
Every Friday at 10AM in the Lower Annex Meeting RoomTalk, sing, read, write, and play with us! Preschoolers and their caregivers are invited to join us for fun songs, rhymes, stories, finger plays, and crafts all designed to build early literacy skills.This is a free program hosted by the Adams Free Library
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10AM | Babies & Beyond | 0-24 Months
Friday mornings 10-11am inside of the Family Center at 210 State Street, North Adams. For parents and children 0-24 months. Siblings always welcome. Meet other parents, gain support and enjoy play with your baby. Free drop in Playgroup, use doorbell for entering building. Call 413-664-4821 for more information.
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12 PM | Afternoon Meditation
All are welcome! Have Hope Peer Recovery Center, 37 Main St. Suite 201 (right above Berkshire Bank) in North Adams, MA. My phone number is (413) 346- 8896 cell or (413) 398-1388 office.
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2-3:30 PM | Family Friendly HIke
FAMILY-FRIENDLY HIKE, 2:00—3:30 p.m. All ages. Join an interpreter for a guided hike along one of Savoy’s easy nature trails. Lean more about the history of the park and its unique wildlife. Meet at Campground Nature Center. Directions available from Contact Station.All programs are free and open to the public. An adult must accompany children. The Campground Contact Station is located at 300 Central Shaft Road, Florida, MA. For more information call (413) 663-8469. ADA/Reasonable Accommodations Contact: Moneesha.dasgupta2@mass.gov , or call (617) 645-0358.
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12:30 - 3 PM | CHP Mobile Health Same Day Urgent Care
Fridays 10AM-12PM & 12:30-3PM at the Brien Center, 144 American Legion Drive, North Adams.
Same-day Sick Visits, blood pressure checks, vaccines for flu and covid, primary care referrals, nutrition services, health screenings, insurance help, food security, family services + WIC.
More information: https://chpberkshires.org/medical/mobile_health_units/mobile/ or 413-528-0457
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5 PM | Movie Night
All are welcome! Peer-led recovery support. Have Hope Peer Recovery Center, 37 Main St. Suite 201 (right above Berkshire Bank) in North Adams, MA. My phone number is (413) 346- 8896 cell or (413) 398-1388 office.
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6:15-10:15 PM | Friday Night Magic: The Gathering
at the UNO Center, 157 River Street, North Adams. A collaborative storytelling game where one person plays the narrator and supporting cast to the ensemble played by the other players. Open to the public to drop in, learn how to play and connect with the community of gamers.
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9AM - 1PM | North Adams Farmers Market
NEW LOCATION!! Meet us on MAIN STREET! The market is BACK.
Join us every Saturday through October, rain or shine, to shop local farms and food producers for fresh local veggies, fruits, eggs, breads, baked goods, meats, honey, syrup, jams, jellies, pickles and more, plus a rotating variety of local crafters.
The market PROUDLY accepts HIP, Wic & Senior Coupons, and SNAP and we DOUBLE SNAP up to $30! https://www.facebook.com/NorthAdamsFarmersMarket
9AM - 1PM | Williamstown Farmers Market
The market is BACK in its summer home at the parking lot by Lickety Split at the bottom of Spring Street in Williamstown.
Join us every Saturday , rain or shine, to shop local farms and food producers for fresh local veggies, fruits, eggs, breads, baked goods, meats, honey, syrup, jams, jellies, pickles and more, plus a rotating variety of local crafters. For more information: https://www.facebook.com/WilliamstownFarmersMarket
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9AM - 1PM | Makers on Main!
We are hosting Makers on Main, an artsy market featuring local and regional art, vintage goodies & more! We will be right next to the North Adams Farmers Market starting May 25th and running on Main Street all summer long!
We'll be announcing our super rad lineup of vendors every week on Wednesdays!!
We are super grateful to the North Adams Cultural District for supporting this market via grant funding from @masscultural!
Spread the news far and wide!
Apply here: https://airtable.com/appbciJJKRlji7R3C/shr9GThuHKAnZozU7
or email sweens@commonfolk.org if you want to sign up as a vendor
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9:30-11AM | Growing Healthy Gardens Community Gardening
Join other gardening enthusiasts in caring for and enjoying the many community garden beds near the UNO Community Center and River Street. The group meets every Saturday. For more information call: 413-663-8131
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1 - 4 PM | FREE Stained Glass Window Tours & Organ Concert
Explore the captivating beauty of stained glass windows with guided tours showcasing their history and artistry. Stay for a concert following each tour at 3pm! All Saints Episcopal Church. 59 Summer Street, North Adams. All July.
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1 & 2 PM | Scenic Summit Tours
SCENIC SUMMIT TOURS, 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. All ages. Park Interpreter-guided short and easy walk along paths explore the cultural landscape and unique ecology of the highest point in Massachusetts. Wheelchair accessible. Two programs each day at 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. Program duration 20—30 minutes. Meet at the circular relief map at the Summit. ADA/Reasonable Accommodations Contact: Moneesha.dasgupta2@mass.gov , or call (617) 645-0358.
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12 PM | Afternoon Meditation
All are welcome! Have Hope Peer Recovery Center, 37 Main St. Suite 201 (right above Berkshire Bank) in North Adams, MA. My phone number is (413) 346- 8896 cell or (413) 398-1388 office.
4 PM | Karaoke
All are welcome! Peer-led recovery support. Have Hope Peer Recovery Center, 37 Main St. Suite 201 (right above Berkshire Bank) in North Adams, MA. My phone number is (413) 346- 8896 cell or (413) 398-1388 office.
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6:30 PM | SteepleCats Vs. Vermont Mountaineers
SteepleCats Vs. Vermont Mountaineers home game at Joe Wolfe Field, 310 State Street, North Adams. There is an admission fee. Children under a certain age are free. More info: schedule
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9:30AM - 1:30PM | Mini Makers Market
Greylock WORKS' mini maker market returns to the Berkshires! Find a synergetic group of local artisan vendors set up inside the doors of our 135+ year old, stunningly renovated mill building.
Held every Sunday from 9:30am - 1:30pm. Enjoy thoughtfully inspiring food from The Break Room alongside this uniquely intimate shopping experience.
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10 AM - 3 PM | Nature Scavenger Hunt
NATURE SCAVENGER HUNT, 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Suitable for children and families. Program is self-guided. Adventurous quests invite you to search for natural treasures along park trails. Several “seek and find” scavenger hunts are available for different age and skill levels at the Visitor Center and at the Summit during program times. Ask a Park Interpreter for more information. ADA/Reasonable Accommodations Contact: Moneesha.dasgupta2@mass.gov , or call (617) 645-0358.
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11 AM - 4 PM | Community Day
Community Day takes over the Clark once again, and you’re invited! Join us as engaging stories unfold and surprising festivities take place—inside the museum and around our 140-acre campus. All day long, enjoy free admission to the permanent collection galleries and special exhibitions, including Guillaume Lethière, Kathia St. Hilaire: Invisible Empires, Fragile Beauty: Treasures from the Corning Museum of Glass, Edgar Degas: Multi-Media Artist in the Age of Impressionism, and David-Jeremiah: I Drive Thee. Learn about glass, printmaking, and collage through art-making activities and artist demonstrations. Immerse yourself in the techniques of academic art and themes of our special exhibitions by trying your hand at live figure drawing. Throughout the day, enjoy live music performances, delicious food from local vendors, and more fun surprises. This all-ages event is sure to bring a smile to your day!
Free and open to the public. Refreshments and select activities available for purchase. Held rain or shine.
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12 - 6 PM | Adams Street Fair
July 14th (rain date July 21)
Here is our 2024 line up:
11:30 AM - 1st Responders Parade, Starting at Renfrew field by 711 and traveling down Columbia St to the fair area.
Main Stage
12 PM - Opening Ceremonies
12:30-2:30 - Band, Tame the Rooster
3-3:30 - Dance performance
4-6 - Band, Whiskey City
Kidsfest Area
1 PM and 4 PM - David Garity
2:30 - Bryson Lang
Hoosac St
2 PM - Wrestling Show
Please be sure to visit our vendors, food trucks, 1st responders area and raffle tables all day long.
We can't wait to see you all and thank you for your support.
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Ximena Bedoya, an interdisciplinary artist and designer from Peru; currently based in New York, explores transitional states of mind, body, and space through audiovisual experiences. Bedoya’s work teaches viewers to embrace life's fluctuating moments, following discomfort with inquiry alongside inevitability and absurdity. Bedoya is half of Lobby Art Editions, a record and cassette label with roots in Western Massachusetts. She received an MFA in Applied Craft & Design from the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Portland.
LOCULUS opens. A dance collective founded in 2015 in Western Massachusetts by Five College Dance alumni, LOCULUS is the creative platform of Olana Flynn and Madison Palffy. LOCULUS's performances are site-specific and rooted in engagement with DIY artist communities, often taking place in bars, yards, and houses.
Free. Accessible seats available; for information, call 413 458 0524. This program is presented in collaboration with Belltower Records, North Adams, Massachusetts.
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4:00 PM | SteepleCats Vs. Danbury
SteepleCats Vs. Danbury home game at Joe Wolfe Field, 310 State Street, North Adams. There is an admission fee. Children under a certain age are free. More info: schedule
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10AM - 12PM | Develop Skills to Deal with Anger & Stress
Youth ages 10-13 will join in a small group to learn various skills to cope with anger and modern day stress. Registration limited (maximum 10 children).
Program free, snacks provided, no materials needed.
Two hour Session will include one game or fun activity, snack break, and one hour of talking, practicing, and skill building.
Call to register (413) 663-7588 or email
Stephanie Quetti at squetti@nbccoalition.org
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10:30AM | Gardening Club Meeting at the North Adams Public Library located at 74 Church Street. One hour drop-off event, best for ages 7 and up. No registration required. (413)663-3133
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10 - 11 AM | Busy Bees Playgroup Drop-In Playgroup
Williamstown Youth Center, 66 School Street Williamstown.
For children ages infant to 8 years old. Join us for activities, story time and songs. Free drop in Playgroup. Siblings are always welcome.
Call 413-664-4821 with any questions.
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10AM | Cribbage | Ages 55+ Don't know how to play? We'll teach you.
12:30 PM | Bridge Games | Ages 55+
Spitzer Center,116 Ashland St., North Adams. For ages 55+. Presented by the North Adams Council on Aging. 413-662-3125
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10:30 - 11 AM | Baby & Toddler Story Time
We'll have songs and stories aimed at babies and toddlers, but older kids are welcome too. Milne Public Library, 1095 Main St, Williamstown, MA 01267, US REGISTER HERE
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11AM - 12PM | Al Anon Meeting
AlAnon Meeting
Meeting - Monday @11:00am-12:00pm
All Saints Episcopal Church (door closest to the post office)
59 Summer Street, North Adams.
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12 PM | Afternoon Meditation
All are welcome! Have Hope Peer Recovery Center, 37 Main St. Suite 201 (right above Berkshire Bank) in North Adams, MA. My phone number is (413) 346- 8896 cell or (413) 398-1388 office.
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2 PM | Group Yoga
All are welcome! Have Hope Peer Recovery Center, 37 Main St. Suite 201 (right above Berkshire Bank) in North Adams, MA. My phone number is (413) 346- 8896 cell or (413) 398-1388 office.
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4- 6PM | Active Parenting of Teens
This program provides the guidance and support you need to turn the challenges of raising a teenager into opportunities for growth.
You’ll learn:
Methods of respectful discipline
Skills for clear, honest communication
Concrete strategies to prevent risky behavior
How to be an encouraging parent
To learn about our programs supporting other stages or to register for this program, please call 413-663-7588 or email nkennedy@nbccoalition.org
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4PM | Community Kickball with Williamstown PD
Monday July 15, 4:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Community Bible Church, Williamstown
Join the Williamstown Police for a friendly summer game of kickball! All are welcome.
No registration necessary. More info/registration: 413-663-7588 or gglasier@nbccoalition.org
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5 PM | nbCC Summer Neighborhood Basketball League
FREE and open to all youth, 9-13 in the northern Berkshires. Transportation is available from the "visitors" neighborhood to "home" court and back. Shirts and water are provided. Games are Monday & Wednesday evenings at 5PM. Guardians must fill out a permission form. Please call us for the details or with any questions: 413-663-7588
7/8 Mohawk Forest @ Brayton Hill
7/10 Greylock @ UNO
7/15 Brayton Hill @ Greylock
7/17 UNO @ Mohawk Forest
7/22 UNO @ Brayton Hill
7/24 Mohawk Forest @ Greylock
7/29 Greylock @ UNO
7/31 Brayton Hill @ Mohawk F.
*UNO home games will be played at Freeman Park. Mohawk Forest home games will be played at Berkshire Landings
For more info, call us at 413-663-7588. Click here for locations and schedule
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10AM-12PM | Berkshire Nursing Families Baby Group | Breast Feeding Families
free breastfeeding support - hosted by Berkshire Nursing Families Staff in Family Center playroom at 210 State Street North Adams - Call (413) 743-5338 For more information.
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10:30-11:30AM | Toddler Time at the North Adams Public Library located at 74 Church Street. Let's read some stories and get the wiggles out! No registration required.
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12 PM | Afternoon Meditation
All are welcome! Have Hope Peer Recovery Center, 37 Main St. Suite 201 (right above Berkshire Bank) in North Adams, MA. My phone number is (413) 346- 8896 cell or (413) 398-1388 office.
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12:10 PM | Bingo | Ages 55+
Spitzer Center,116 Ashland St., North Adams. For ages 55+. Presented by the North Adams Council on Aging. 413-662-3125
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1 - 3 PM | Tent of the Beloved
Tent of the Beloved offers coffee and conversation every Tuesday from 1:00pm-3:00pm in the All Saints parking lot in North Adams. Join us!
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2-4PM | Knot Only Knitters Group at the North Adams Public Library located at 74 Church Street. All ages and abilities welcome! Love to crochet or needlepoint? No problem. You do you. Whatever fiber craft you can do from an easy chair, you're welcome to join in! | |
2-4PM | Summer Session!
FREE and open to youth ages 14-19 who live in or attend school in North Berkshire. A space for young people to hang out, meet others, go on adventures & have fun! July 2 -Aug 20
Registration is limited! Register soon! Transportation available. Snacks provided. Give us a call us at 413-663-7588, email Carrisa at csacherski@nbccoalition.org
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2:30-7PM | Drop-in Hours
Open to ages 13 - 22. Drop-in and hang out! Snacks available. Take home meals. Play games, make art, read, or just hang out and meet new friends.
More info
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3 PM | Zumba Gold | Ages 55+
Spitzer Center,116 Ashland St., North Adams. For ages 55+. Presented by the North Adams Council on Aging. 413-662-3125
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3:30 - 4:30PM | Drop-In Art Club RETURNS!
(weekly at UNO Community Center)
Tuesdays, 3:30 - 4:30 PM, UNO Community Center, 157 River Street, North Adams
A weekly after school drop-in Art Club, for youth, ages 8-19. Supplies and snacks provided. No registration required. Caregivers do not need to attend, but the program facilitators are not responsible for child care. Facilitated by MASS MoCA and The Clark. Call us at 413-663-7588 or email gglasier@nbccoalition.org for more information.
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5 PM | Messy Art Event
The Family Center playroom at 210 State Street. This event will be held in the grass behind the building. Dress to make a mess! Splater Paint, marble art and more! Call 413-664-4821 with any questions. Siblings always welcome.
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5:30 - 7:30 PM | 24/7 Dads Parenting Support Group
Starting May 7, Tuesdays 5:30 - 7:30 PM, 61 Main Street, Suite 218, North Adams.
A support group for dads. Children need their fathers. Fathers need their children. Discuss difficult issues and develop more effective coping techniques. To learn more or sign-up: 413-663-7588 or nkennedy@nbccoalition.org
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6:30-8PM | Live Music on the Lawn @ Adams town Commons
The Adams Free Summer Concert Series is back with Brian Benlein, this year to be hosted on the TOWN COMMON LAWN! Join us with your blankets and chairs.
The concerts will begin at approximately 6:30PM. This event is free and open to the public.
The Summer Concert Series is brought to you by the Adams Events Committee and their generous sponsors:
Adams Community Bank
Town of Adams
Adams Plumbing & Heating
Whitman's Crystal Clean
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6:30 PM | SteepleCats VS. Valley Blue Sox
SteepleCats Vs. Valley Blue Sox home game at Joe Wolfe Field, 310 State Street, North Adams. There is an admission fee. Children under a certain age are free. More info: schedule
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9:30 AM | Tai Chi | Ages 55+
Spitzer Center,116 Ashland St., North Adams. For ages 55+. Presented by the North Adams Council on Aging. 413-662-3125
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10:00AM - 12:00 PM | Nurturing Families
At Adams Free Library, 92 Park Street, Adams. Classes can be taken individually. FREE. For more info. please contact us: 413-663-7588 or nkennedy@nbccoalition.org
July 3rd – Ages & Stages (Infants and Toddlers)
To increase parents’ knowledge of appropriate expectations of children.
To increase parents’ knowledge of stages of children’s development.
To review stages of development for infants and toddlers.
July 10th – Brain Development in Children & Teens
July 24th – Communicating with Respect
July 31st – Building Self-Worth
Aug. 7th – Understanding Feelings
Aug. 14th – Morals, Values, and Family Rules
Aug. 21st – Praising Children & Their Behavior
Aug. 28th – Dealing with Stress & Anger
To learn more or sign-up: 413-663-7588 or nkennedy@nbccoalition.org
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10:30 - 11 AM | Pre-K Story Time
We'll be reading lots of picture books for the pre-K age group; any age kids are welcome to join.
Milne Public Library, 1095 Main St, Williamstown, MA 01267, US REGISTER HERE
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10:30-11:30 AM | Terrific Toddlers Play & Learn Group | Ages 16mo. - 4yrs
The Family Center playroom at 210 State Street. For families with children 18 months through 4 years in the Family Center Playroom at 210 State Street. Drop In playgroup. Call 413-664-4821 with any questions. Siblings always welcome.
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12PM | Afternoon Meditation
All are welcome! Have Hope Peer Recovery Center, 37 Main St. Suite 201 (right above Berkshire Bank) in North Adams, MA. My phone number is (413) 346- 8896 cell or (413) 398-1388 office.
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1 PM | Chair Yoga | Ages 55+
Spitzer Center,116 Ashland St., North Adams. For ages 55+. Presented by the North Adams Council on Aging. 413-662-3125
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4 - 7:30 PM | Dungeons & Dragons | Adults ages 18+
Gamers of the Berkshires: Every Wednesday from 4 to 7:30PM, adults (18 and up) are invited to NAPL for Dungeons & Dragons!
Join the North Adams Family Gamers to embark on an epic & unforgettable adventure! All materials will be provided. New & experienced players are encouraged to attend.
To register, please call (413) 662-3133, ext. 13 or 16, or email Adult Services Librarian Ryan Miller at rmiller@northadams-ma.gov.
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4 - 6 PM | nbCC Bike Collective
Wednesdays, 4-6 PM, North Adams Armory basement, 206 Ashland St, North Adams.
Bring your own bike or work on a bike at the bike collective. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from other community members on basic bike fixes, or team up with more experienced bike mechanics to rebuild a bike. Tools and stands are provided. All NB residents are welcome! Children welcome. 413-663-7588 or jbyrne@nbccoalition.org
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5 PM | nbCC Summer Neighborhood Basketball League
FREE and open to all youth, 9-13 in the northern Berkshires. Transportation is available from the "visitors" neighborhood to "home" court and back. Shirts and water are provided. Games are Monday & Wednesday evenings at 5PM. Guardians must fill out a permission form. Please call us for the details or with any questions: 413-663-7588
7/8 Mohawk Forest @ Brayton Hill
7/10 Greylock @ UNO
7/15 Brayton Hill @ Greylock
7/17 UNO @ Mohawk Forest
7/22 UNO @ Brayton Hill
7/24 Mohawk Forest @ Greylock
7/29 Greylock @ UNO
7/31 Brayton Hill @ Mohawk F.
*UNO home games will be played at Freeman Park. Mohawk Forest home games will be played at Berkshire Landings
For more info, call us at 413-663-7588. Click here for locations and schedule
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5:30 - 7:30 PM | Family Resource Center: Parenting Together Group
Wednesdays, 5:30 -7:30 PM, nbCC 61 Main Street, Ste. 218, North Adams.
A peer-driven/peer-supported group in a judgement-free, confidential space. Snacks provided. Children welcome. 413-663-7588 or nkennedy@nbccoalition.org
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6-7 PM | NB Beginner's Meeting of Overeaters Anonymous
Every Wednesday evening, All Saints Church, 59 Summer Street, North Adams.
Compulsive overeating, under-eating, food addiction, anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, over exercising... No matter what your challenge with food or body image may be, you are welcome here.
Facing the front of the church, please enter the side door near the parking lot. Once inside, the meeting is straight up the ramp on the left. You may bring your own beverage if you like, however, as a courtesy to others, please do not bring food for yourself or anyone else to the meeting.
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Free. Bring a picnic and your own seating.
In the event of inclement weather, the concert will be moved into the auditorium in the Manton Research Center building. Seats will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. A decision to move the concert indoors will be made by late morning on the day of the concert. Check this page for updates.
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6:30 PM | Concert at Windsor Lake: Brad Chapman Trio
This FREE weekly concert series is hosted by the City.
Meet us up at Windsor Lake every Wednesday starting at 6:30pm unless otherwise noted.
These concerts combine great music with the beautiful natural backdrop of Windsor Lake, located at the intersection of Kemp Ave. and Bradley Street. Pack a picnic, bring a chair or blanket, and let the sweet sounds of music and water carry you away on a warm summer night.
Parking is free and the bathrooms will be open at the time of these concerts.
Swimming, fishing, kayaking, and canoeing are allowed at the lake. All cancelations will be called by 3PM on the day of the concert.
7/31-Hale Mountain Band
8/7- Sydney Worthley
8/14-No Concert- North Adams Downtown Celebration
8/21-Pandemic Relief
8/28-Matchstick Architects
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6:30-10:30 PM | Berkshire Gamers - Board Game Night
No Admission fee. Open to the Public. UNO Center, 157 River Street, N. Adams
Learn new board games from around the world! Taught by our friendly welcoming table leaders! We also circle back to favorites like Catan, Ticket to Ride, Wingspan, Splendor, Azul, Just One, 7 Wonders, Sushi Go! and more!
Expect a theme every other week!- in the past we’ve done evenings on Trains, Dogs, Auctions, City Building, Ancient Egypt & Greece, Space, game of the year winners, Roll & Writes, cooperative games, games of famous authors, plants & flowers, Cats, bees & pollen, food, racing, Art and Galleries, movies & plays....and more.
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7/8 - 8/6 - 5PM | Mondays & Wednesdays | Summer Basketball League
7/16 - 5-6PM | Messy Art Day
7/19 - 6PM | WoW Workshop: Healthy Meal Prep at First Baptist Church North Adams
7/20 - Dusk | Family Movie at Noel Field
7/22 - Lead Info Session with CCB at UNO
7/27 - 3:30-10PM | Eagle Street Beach Party
8/6 - National Night Out
8/7 ( Every Wednesday) - Dusk | Free Outdoor Movie at the Clark
8/14 - 5:30-8PM | Downtown Celebration North Adams
8/25 - 9AM-3PM | North Adams Motorama Car Show
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New Resources & Agency Updates | |
North Adams COA July Newsletter
Adams COA June Newsletter
Williamstown COA Facebook Page for Calendar & Updates
Child Care of the Berkshires Calendar
North Adams Public Library Calendar
Milne Library Calendar
Kids Eat Free This Summer – List Dated 6/27/24
Free Breakfast, Lunch, and Snacks for Kids 18 and Under
Adams July 1 – August 16. Closed July 4 & 5
Location: Hoosac Valley Elementary School, 14 Commercial Street, Adams
Days: Mondays – Fridays
Times: Breakfast: 8:15am – 9:15am/ Lunch: 11:15am – 12:15pm
North Adams June 25 – August 16. Closed July 4
Location: Mohawk Forest Apartments: Tuesdays & Fridays
Times: Bagged Breakfast & Lunch, 11:00am – 11:30am
Bagged meals can be taken and consumed anywhere
Location: Greylock Valley Apartments: Tuesdays & Fridays
Times: Bagged Breakfast & Lunch, Noon – 12:30pm
Bagged meals can be taken and consumed anywhere.
Location: Colegrove Elementary: Tuesdays & Fridays
Times: Bagged Breakfast & Lunch, 11:30am – 12Noon
Bagged meals can be taken and consumed anywhere
Location: North Adams Splash Pad: Mondays – Fridays
Times: Bagged Lunch, 12:30pm – 1:00pm
Location: Greylock Elementary School: Mondays – Fridays
Times: Lunch only, Noon – 12:30pm To be eaten on-site each day
Berkshire Bounty Seeking Volunteers
Tuesday and Thursdays at 2pm: Stop and Shop in North Adams to Berkshire Food Project in North Adams. We are looking for ongoing volunteer to pick up donations on a weekly basis from Stop and Shop and deliver to Berkshire Food Project. We will plan to begin this route in June. If interested reach out to Jenny at jenny@berkshirebounty.org
Have Hope Peer Recovery Center
Have Hope Peer Recovery Center is Open. Our hours are 11:00 am - 7:00pm, Monday through Saturday. We are located at 37 Main St. Suite 201 (right above Berkshire Bank) in North Adams, MA. My phone number is (413) 346- 8896 cell or (413) 398-1388 office. (Becky Dodge)
Berkshire Mobile Farmers Market Coordinator
We are hiring 2-3 Market Coordinators. This person will be the on-site lead for 1-3 Mobile Farmers Markets per week. They will be the primary liaison at the markets, coordinating the market logistics with site hosts, shoppers, market ambassadors and volunteers. This is a seasonal, part-time position requiring 1-3 days/week, with on-site work at Berkshire Mobile Farmers Market sites from June - October, with a start date in late May. For more information at https://www.berkshiremobilefarmersmarket.org/
Community Health Needs Assessment 2024
Your Voice Matters.
Southwestern Vermont Medical Center (SVMC) is initiating a comprehensive health assessment of the communities it serves. Conducted every 3 years, the Community Health Needs Assessment allows SVMC to understand the current health needs of its region, assess the services available to residents, and identify where and how improvements can be made.
The short, anonymous survey will ascertain health and wellness information from respondents and will help to identify health-related priorities at the community-level. LINK TO SURVEY
Questions? Please email vista.svhealthcare@gmail.com
Massachusetts State SNAP Supplement
The Department of Transitional Assistance is pleased to announce the launch of the new State SNAP Supplement effective February 14th, 2024. This supplement will help lawfully-present immigrants who are living in Massachusetts buy food. People who do not qualify for federal SNAP benefits may qualify for this. Starting February 14, many individuals and families will begin receiving the State SNAP Supplement.
- If a person applied for SNAP before December 4 and was denied, they should reapply.
- If a person applied for SNAP after December 4, they do not need to reapply, even if they were denied.
- If a person newly applies, DTA will contact them to process their application
The department has also set up a web page with FAQ and helpful information: mass.gov/statesnap For more information about SNAP and to apply: https://www.mass.gov/snap-benefits-formerly-food-stamps
If you or someone you know is looking for public health insurance options such as coverage through MassHealth of Massachusetts Health Connector we may be able to help. MassHealth not only provides health insurance coverage but may also provide “Premium Assistance” to qualifying individuals who are enrolled in employer plans. Ecu-Health Care provides a free public service and is available to assist with applications, annual reviews and renewals, plan selection and enrollment, submission of requests for information or just general information. Give us a call at 663-8711 or stop by the office at 99 Hospital Ave Suite 208, North Adams to schedule an appointment with one of our Health Coverage Counselors.
The Berkshire Regional Planning Commission is working with the Massachusetts Broadband Institute on a long-term plan to improve internet and electronic device access, affordability, and digital literacy. We identified your organization as either one currently providing residents digital support, or a trusted community resource positioned to do so.
We would like to know your interest in expanding your work or starting new programs. Please take this short survey about your capacity to provide digital services and what you need to bolster your work in these areas.
Remedy Hall, a new charitable organization in Williamstown, MA., offering basic life necessities to those in need, free of charge. The “shop” will open on November 1 in room B4 of the First Congregational Church, 906 Main Street.
If we don’t have something that satisfies an urgent need, we will work to find it.
Starting November 1st our hours are 1 to 5 Monday through Friday (subject to expand as we get going). For those with urgent need, we are always available and can be reached through phone/text and Facebook messenger. 413-884-3051.
Join your neighbors, and start with a no-cost Mass Save Home Energy Assessment. You may be eligible for:
- No-cost energy-saving products
- Programmable thermostats, high-efficiency faucet aerators and showerheads, and advanced power strips
- Discounts on high-efficiency heating and cooling equipment and appliances
- No-cost air sealing
- 100% off for rental units and moderate income
- households
- 75-100% off approved insulation upgrades
If you or your tenants qualify as low-income, you may be eligible for additional benefits through your Community Action Program (CAP) agency. There are also benefits for 5+ unit buildings. Learn more on the website below. Get your energy assessment today:
masssave.com/berkshires , (413) 613-4937
Beginning September 25, every U.S. household can again place an order to receive four more free COVID-19 rapid tests delivered directly to their home. Before You Throw Out "Expired" Tests: Check to see if your COVID-19 tests' expiration dates have been extended.
NB EMS has a partnership with Berkshire Post Overdose Program (BPOP) to send teams out and provide outreach to those who have recently experienced an overdose and/or are at risk for future overdose.
- Wellness checks
- Overdose education and Narcan leave behind
- Linkage to recovery supports
- Harm Reduction
- Treatment resources
- Linkage to additional community resources
Communities serviced at this time: North Adams, Clarksburg, Florida, Williamstown, Hancock, New Ashford, Monroe and Rowe. Please return any referrals directly to aoneil@northadamsambulance.com or they can be dropped off at 10 Harris St North Adams Ma.
The Mass Department of Public Health’s Community Health Equity Survey (CHES) has just been launched. We need to make sure we have rural voices and experiences in the survey results too! We sincerely hope you will take the survey, and that as a trusted partner in public health, that you will help us spread the word about it.
Some ways you can help:
- Send a link to family, friends, and colleagues in Massachusetts
- Promote the survey on organizational mailing lists
- Post about survey on social media
- Post flyers about the survey in places like beauty/barber shops, food pantries, grocery stores
- Use staff or volunteers to identify and support survey takers
Promote the survey in your email signature. Just add “Take the Community Health Equity Survey: mass.gov/HealthSurvey” to your email signature.
Welcome North County Residents!
Goodwill Industries of the Berkshires and Southern Vermont would love to meet you. Our career center is open on Thursday from 9:00-4:00 p.m.
Drop in and meet Kelly Brennan, Director of Mission Services and learn how she can
help you get ready for a job, build your resume or coach you for your interview.
(You can also call 413-442-0061 x35 to arrange an appointment on another day)
Is there room in your home and heart for a foster child? There are over 7,000 children in the MA foster care system. The Department of Children and Families is actively recruiting foster parents for children in your community. We are searching for individuals or families with the love and patience to help foster children. You can be single, married, partnered, divorced or widowed. You can own your home or rent.
Our goal is to provide our foster children with a supportive and healing environment in a home in their own community until they can be reunited with their families or another plan can be made on their behalf. The rewards of providing daily care, guidance and acceptance are immeasurable.
If you are thinking about becoming a foster parent, we urge you to call us today! Your local recruiter can be reached at
1800-KIDS-508/ mass.gov/dcf
MassHire is now hosted in a satellite office in North Adams every Tuesday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at 74 Church Street, at the North Adams Library, North Adams, MA. The following services are available:
· Career Planning
- Employment Counseling
- Local Job Listings – Updated Daily
- Job Search Assistance
- Online Job Application Assistance
- Labor Market Information
- Occupational Skills Training Information (Eligibility Applies)
And if a customer contacts us needing something that is not listed, we are more than happy to discuss accommodations.CALL TO BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT TIME TODAY! REGISTRATION REQUIRED. Call MassHire Berkshire Career Center at (413) 499-2220 Ext. 110 to book an appointment time. Appointment duration: 30 Minutes
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Food Access and Distribution Sites | |
Download a PDF of county-wide food pantry and meal site resources here. (Version Updated June 3, 2024)
En Espanol
1st & 3rd TUESDAYS, 1-2:30PM: CHP MOBILE FARM STAND CHP Adams Family Services, 19 Depot St. Free bag of fresh farm produce. For CHP clients/patients ONLY.
2nd & 4th TUESDAYS, 12:30-1:30PM: The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts Mobile Food Bank PANTRY, Adams: Adams Council on Aging/Adams Visitors’ Center, 3 Hoosac Street 413-247-9738, ext. 121; No proof of eligibility required. Must be Berkshire County resident. One distribution per household.
3rd WEDNESDAYS, 5-7PM: First Congregational Church of Adams PANTRY, Adams: 42 Park Street Adams 413-346-8884
MON. - THURS. Congregate meals MEAL SITE at 11:30AM. FRI. GRAB & GO MEALS: Adams COA, 3 Hoosac Street, Adams 413-743-8333. Mondays thru Fridays. Congregate meals available for grab & go. Must call Adams COA 24 hours prior.
FRIDAYS, 11AM-1PM | MOBILE MARKET Berkshire Bounty Mobile Farmers Market, Depot Street Parking Lot, 19 Depot Street, Adams
1st SATURDAYS, 11AM-Noon: Cheshire Food PANTRY at the Cheshire Community Center, 119 School Street, Cheshire 413-743-9719. Available to all Cheshire residents with proof of residency. Emergency food is also available.
MON. thru FRI., 10:15AM-Noon: GRAB & GO MEAL SITE: Cheshire COA Cheshire Community Center, 119 School Street, Cheshire 413-743-9719. Congregate meals available for grab & go. Must call Cheshire COA.
2nd & 4th MONDAYS, 1-2:30 PM MOBILE FARM STAND CHP North Adams Family Medical and Dental, 71 Hospital Avenue, North Adams. Free bag of fresh farm produce. For CHP clients/patients ONLY.
TUESDAY, Noon-3 PM for In-Person / (*WEDNESDAYS, Noon-2 PM for delivery) | PANTRY The Salvation Army Gateway New Life Center 393 River Street, North Adams. For Emergency Pantry please call 413-663-7987. Deliveries on Wednesdays.*Call 413-663-7987 on Tuesdays 10:00am-noon to schedule a delivery. For North County residents only.
WEDNESDAYS, 10 AM - 2 PM for In-Person / *THURSDAYS, 9:30AM -Noon for Delivery | PANTRY Al Nelson Friendship Center 45 Eagle Street, North Adams, 413-664-0123. Go to the First Baptist Church (Eagles St. entrance) for intake and menu completion. *Those who cannot physically come to the pantry may call 413-664-0123 on Wednesday from 9:30am-2:00pm to set up a delivery for Thursday between 9:30am-Noon. Boxes are pre-packaged based on household size for Thursday deliveries. Please specify cans or no cans. Due to COVID rates we can no longer offer rides home. We will post updates on FACEBOOK.
4th WEDNESDAYS, 5 - 6:30 PM (multiple locations) | PANTRY Berkshire Dream Center Mobile Food 413-522-3495. North Adams Locations: Mohawk Forest at 5:00pm, Brayton Hill at 5:45pm, Greylock at 6:30pm. No requirements.
THURSDAYS, 12-2PM | MOBILE MARKET Berkshire Bounty Mobile Farmers Market, North Adams Armory, 206 Ashland Street
1st & 3rd FRIDAYS, 11AM-12PM | PANTRY The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts Mobile Food Bank Brien Center Lot, 124 American Legion Drive, North Adams 413-247-9738, ext. 121; No proof of eligibility required. One distribution per household.
Berkshire Food Project MEAL SITE | MON.- FRI. 11:30 AM - 1 PM: First Congregational Church of N. Adams, 134 Main Street, North Adams 413-664-7378. * Now returned to in-house seated dining.
First Baptist Church Community Soup Kitchen MEAL SITE | SATURDAY, 11 AM - 12:30 PM: Eagle Street Entrance, 131 Main St., North Adams, 413-652-7619.
- North Adams COA Congregate meals are Monday through Friday starting at 11:30am.
- North Adams COA Brown Bag distribution will be at the Spitzer Center at 116 Ashland Street on 4th Fridays from 12:30-1:30PM..
Williamstown Food PANTRY | 1st & 3rd WEDNESDAYS, 9AM-Noon: at St. Patrick & St. Raphael Parish, 53 Southworth Street, Williamstown, 413-458-4946, x11 or 413-458-3149. Drive or walk-thru. Assistance to residents of Hancock, New Ashford, Williamstown, and Pownal, VT.
Community Bible Church PANTRY. 3rd WEDNESDAYS, Noon-2 PM: 160 Bridges Road, Williamstown, 413-458-5556. Must be a Mass. residents.
Brown Bag Program: Supplemental monthly food program for eligible 55+ yr. olds, free or for a small donation. For income eligibility requirements or more information, call your Council on Aging.
Elder Services’ Elder Nutrition Program: Noontime meals for those 60+ years of age at several senior centers throughout the County.Call Elder Services of Berkshire County for details and locations at 413-499-0524 or 1-800-981-5201.
Elder Services’ Meals on Wheels Program: Nutritious, hot noontime meals offered Monday - Friday to homebound Berkshire seniors, 60 years of age or older. A suggested donation of $2.00 is requested to help cover the cost of food preparation and delivery. There are eligibility requirements. Please call Elder Services of Berkshire County at 413-499-0524 to make a referral for yourself, family member or friend.
Take and Eat Program: For homebound individuals 60+ years of age, unable to prepare meals, shop, or get out. Meals are delivered on Sundays and are provided for weekends and three-day holiday weekends. More info.: Kathleen Ryan at 413-672-1404 or 413-664-1041
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The Massachusetts telehealth service for COVID-19 treatment can now be accessed by a telephone number (833-273-6330) in addition to the website below. The telehealth service can tell you if the COVID-19 pill is right for you, and the pills can be sent to your pharmacy or to your home for free.Please see this new flyer and share this new resource with your residents. Translated versions will be ready soon.Easy, free care for COVID-19 (color.com)
MassHealth has expanded eligibility and coverage in response to COVID19. See the MassHealth website for more information.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Berkshire County Warm Line, 413-445-1136 Call center accepts calls until 8PM. If operators are not available, callers will receive a callback within 24 hrs. Information is confidential.
SafeLink is Massachusetts's statewide 24/7 toll-free domestic violence hotline. Confidential and anonymous. 1-877-785-2020. For more resources, visit here.
Elizabeth Freeman Domestic Violence Prevention Center: (866) 401-2425; website
Department of Children and Families: (413) 236-1800; website
Al-Anon meetings are being held virtually. Visit the Berkshire Al-Anon website .
The Massachusetts Smokers' Helpline Receive up to $50(total) of gift cards for completing coaching call series. More info. or call 1-800-Quit-Now to enroll.
- For more info. on nicotine addiction email Joyce Brewer jbrewer@berkshireahec.org.
MA residents who believe they are victims of fraud or other criminal activity related to the pandemic should contact the United States Attorney's Office at USAMA.victimassistance@usdoj.gov or 888-221-6023. Members of the public can also contact the FBI's Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) by visiting www.IC3.gov The Consumer Protection Hotline: (617) 727-8400
Wheels for Wellness - 413-395-0109 Free rides for the elderly, prioritizing health-related activities. For more info., visit the website or call 413-395-0109.
Funds available for funeral expenses for COVID-19 related deaths. Applications for the benefit begin by calling FEMA's hotline.
Digital Vaccination Records: Check out MyVaxRecords.Mass.Gov.
The COVID-19 vaccine is free for everyone. Register yourself or your child at maimmunizations.org. Download this list of vaccination locations and opportunities.
- Need free transportation to get a vaccine? AdLib, Inc. and County Rainbow Taxi (CRT), offer no-cost transportation to vaccine appointments for Berk. County residents with disabilities. If interested, please call AdLib at 413-442-7047 and leave a message.
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ROOTS Youth Board is looking for new members to join! Participants need to be between 15 and 21 years old. If you have any questions or are interested in joining, contact Youth Board president Alexa Macdonald at rootsybpresident@gmail.com
Student Tools for Emergency Planning (STEP): The program is an emergency preparedness module designed to empower youth to prepare for disasters and to train them to become leaders in family preparedness. The program is geared for youth or students in the 4th and 5th grade but can be adapted for other age groups. Materials are available for download here. For further information contact Arlene.magoon@fema.dhs.gov or Jedidiah.fiato@associates.fema.dhs.gov.
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- The nbCC Family Resource Center is open! Give us a call at 413-663-7588 if you'd like to learn more about the services we provide, or stop in during our office hours.
The Family Center, a program of Child Care of the Berkshires, is offering virtual and in-person parent and child groups. Open to the public. Families can call The Family Center to access our FREE Children's Clothing Exchange with sizes 0-10. We can still provide diapers or formula through contactless pick up. Please contact the office by calling 413-664-4821. Visit the Family Center's Facebook page and Instagram page for updates on programming. FREE and open to northern Berkshire families with children under age 8.
Want to learn more about your child’s development and different activities to help your child learn? Take our free Ages and Stages Questionnaire! Answer questions about your child’s development here: ASQ Online . One of our team members will follow up with your child’s results and different activities you can do to keep your child learning while playing! Questions? Email mbelanger@ccberkshire.org
- Berkshire Community Diaper Project: We would be willing to bring diapers to sites for families who need them. Please contact us by email (daltreyt@gmail.com) or call me at 413-446-5038
Berkshire Nursing Families: 413-743 5338, www.berkshirenursingfamilies.org
Childcare Vouchers are available from Seven Hills Foundation by calling 413-236-5890; or contacting Jean at 508-796-0270, jburris@sevenhills.org, or Mabel at 508-796-0271, mcimini@sevehills.org.
- Department of Early Education and Care: (413) 788-8401
WIC: 510 North Street & North Adams WIC sites are currently closed until further notice, but we are serving our Participants over the phone. If you do not have a scheduled appointment or if you have questions, please call our Pittsfield office at (413) 447-3495 - if we are unable to answer, please leave a voicemail. We will call you back as soon as possible and apologize for the delay. Find the income eligibility guidelines here. Available in Spanish
Parents Helping Parents Massachusetts is offering online support groups for parents. Visit the Parents Helping Parents website for more information.
- Parental Stress Line. 24-7, free and confidential. CALL: 800-632-8188.
Child Mind Institute: Will My Child Bounce Back From the Coronavirus Crisis? Trauma, resilience and how parents can help. [En Español.]
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Adult Education, Job Readiness, Housing and Other Assistance
Northern Berkshire Adult Education Program, located at the North Adams Armory (206 Ashland St.) has openings for In-Person and Online Remote Adult Basic Education (ABE), GED Preparation, Individualized Tutoring, College & Career Readiness, Digital & Fnancial Literacy, and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). We offer morning, afternoon, evening, and remote class options. Prepare to take and pass your GED tests or your TOEFL test and get ready to enroll in post-secondary education or career development. Contact our Program Director, Annie Pecor, at (413) 412 – 1118 or via email at apecor@napsk12.org, and visit us online at https://www.napsk12.org/page/adult-education
The Department of Unemployment Assistance can be reached at (877) 626-6800. Please reach out if you need assistance. You should apply for unemployment benefits during your first week of total or partial unemployment. Most claims are processed within 21-28 days after filing
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development understands that our schools are often called upon to assist in connecting families to key resources such as housing, health services and access to food. To assist in helping to connect you with these resources I wanted to share the links to our Massachusetts Housing Resource Guide that is available in both English and Spanish. This guide is also available in hard copy by emailing ma_webmanager@hud.gov. The guide includes information on a number of different housing and homeless services that are available to assist families.
Attached is the Berkshire County Regional Housing Authority scope of services and HCEC intake forms. All of this information and a fillable online form to request housing support is also available on the BCRHA website: https://bcrha.com
Mass Health has launched a new program called Mitigating the Cost of Housing Program (MATCH).The program will allow clients to receive funds to support moving into a new apartment. This would include all managed care plans (Berkshire Fallon, Tufts Together, CommonWealth Care Alliance, MBHP).
- Eligible families can receive up to $5500 per member in their family. This means a family of four could get as much as $22,000
- To qualify you must be entering the community:
- Renting an apartment that is not currently in your name (just moving in/new lease)
- This could include new members to the community
- People house sharing
- People just getting out of Rehab, Prison or a Psychiatric Hospitalization
- Homeless and moving into an apartment
For more information and to review eligibility criteria please visit Masshealth's MATCH website.
Housing Navigator website: This newly launched website offers information on 2000+ affordable properties across Massachusetts.
End-of-Eviction-Moratorium Resources: There are resources that can be accessed to support individuals and families that are facing eviction or already in the eviction process. The Housing Consumer Education Center intake forms [PDF] are the entry point for the suite of programs offered through Berkshire County Regional Housing Authority. This is an outline of the various programs that are offered [PDF], including Tenancy Preservation Programs (which can be particularly helpful in cases where there is an eviction due to condemnation by the Board of Health) and the Dispute Resolution Program/Mediation Center. For more information or to access the forms online please visit www.bcrha.com. Folks can call Community Legal Aid staff specializing in housing related issues, toll free (855-252-5342), and can apply online to access services. nbCC's Family Resource Center (FRC) can support families with filing for housing support, housing search and programs that might be helpful through their Family Support Workers. Download their referral form here.
Community Legal Aid’s CORI and Re-Entry Project of Berkshire County: Having trouble finding or keeping housing or employment because of your Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI)? We may be able to help by assisting you with: sealing and expungement of CORI, public and subsidized housing denials, public and subsidized housing terminations, employment denials, and/or housing discrimination based on substance and alcohol use disorder issues. Contact us at 413-499-1950 or apply online www.communitylegal.org. Download a flyer here.
Louison House, Inc. For all Housing needs contact Louison House at 413-663-6323, ext. 3 during regular hours. Ext 4 has staff on duty 24/7 for after hours. Louison House provides assistance for individuals for their immediate housing needs in order to support them in obtaining and/or maintaining safe affordable housing. Email kkeeser@louisonhouse.org to be added to our newsletter list.
St Joe’s (Pittsfield Emergency Shelter) Pittsfield, 413-320-6550, website
- Our Friend's House (Shelter for Families) 292 West Street, Pittsfield (413) 499-2877
- The HomeBase Program is a new program designed to provide a housing solution to families who are at serious risk of homelessness, and provide an alternative to going to a family shelter or motel. IF YOU KNOW OF A FAMILY IN A HOUSING CRISIS WHO NEEDS HELP, TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE HOMEBASE PROGRAM, YOU CAN CONTACT BCRHA: 1-800-248-9002.
The Neighbor to Neighbor Grant is available to assist with unforeseen costs. Individuals work with partner agencies to address costs associated with housing, medical bills, utilities and more.
Dial 211 for general information about programs that may be available, or visit www.mass211help.org.
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61 Main Street, Suite 218
North Adams. MA 01247
Tel: (413) 663-7588 | Fax: (413) 663-9877
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