Nurturing Families (16 Week Workshop)
Thursdays, Jan. 5 - Apr. 20, 1:00-3:00 pm, nbCC Conf. Room 61 Main Street, Rm. 213, North Adams.
The Nurturing Parenting programs bring parents and children together for structured weekly sessions. Each session of the program is designed to reinforce one or more of the 5 nurturing parenting constructs:
Appropriate expectations of children. Empathy for children’s feelings & needs. Discipline with dignity. Appropriate family roles. Developing power& independence in parents and children.Registration is required. Contact 413-663-7588 or
Strengthening Families (10 Week Workshop)
Mondays, Jan. 9 - March 13, 5:00-6:00 pm, nbCC Conf. Room 61 Main Street, Rm. 213, North Adams.
This is a 10 lessons program for parents of kids ages 7-17. You will learn skills to help you have:
-A happy family
-Healthy brains
-Alcohol & drug-free kids
Registration is required. Contact 413-663-7588 or
W.o.W. Workshop: Everything in Balance
Wednesday, Jan. 11, 12:00 - 2:00 pm, Terra Nova, 85 Main Street, North Adams
The New Year is here and you overindulged again. Feeling sluggish, getting colds easily, or feeling down? Join Jessi for an hour of easy stretching and balancing exercises before diving into a nutrition discussion and how to keep everything in balance for yourself. Learn the warning signs your body gives when you are falling out of balance and how to shift back with ease. To Register, contact: (413) 663-7588 or
Learn Through Play: The Mitten
Saturday, January 14, 10:00 am - 11:00 am, UNO Community Center, 157 River Street, North Adams
In collaboration with Child Care of the Berkshires. Activities and circle time will be based off of the book, The Mitten. Best for ages 0-5 years. Registration required. Space is limited. Contact us at 413-663-7588 or
MLK Jr. Day of Service
Monday, Jan 16, 8:30 am-2:00 pm, Venable Gym at MCLA on Church Street, North Adams
All are welcome! Please join us to honor Dr. King’s legacy through volunteer community service projects.Everyone is welcome! There are appropriate projects for all ages and ability levels.
8:30AM: Registration & light refreshments
9:00AM - Noon: Volunteer service at assigned sites
(Some projects are on-site at the gym. Other locations include Berkshire Food Project,Louison House, Goodwill Industries, Habitat for Humanity and more.)
12:30PM: Lunch with entertainment and the presentation of the Annual Peacemaker Award
For more information, contact us: 413-663-7588 or
WoW Workshop: House plants
Friday, January 20th, 6:00pm - 7:00pm, Plant Connector, 73 Main Street, North Adams
FREE! All ages welcome. Registration required - 20 max. Join Emilee Yawn and Jessi Byrne at the Plant Connector to learn the amazing benefits of indoor plants. Learn how to care for your plants in the winter, what brown and yellow leaves mean, how to spot when your plant needs a little extra care. As you care for your plants, they care for you and your family to keep your air clean and so much more. To Register, contact: (413) 663-7588 or
nbCC Bike Collective Open Hours*
*1st & 2nd Mondays, 3:30-5:30pm, The Armory, 206 Ashland St., North Adams
Bring your own bike or work on a bike at the bike collective. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from other community members on basic bike fixes, or team up with more experienced bike mechanics to rebuild a bike. Tools and stands are provided. All NB residents are welcome! For more info, call us at 413-663-7588.
nbCC Youth Empowerment Program
Mondays, 5:00-6:30 PM, 61 Main Street, Rm. 213, North Adams.
Free and open to youth, 6-8th grade, who live in or attend school in North Berkshire. A weekly group to talk about school, emotions, navigating teen years, making friends and more. Snacks provided; transportation available. Register: call 413-663-7588
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 4:00pm - 6:00pm. nbCC’s FRC living room, 61 Main St., Suite 212, North Adams
This is a group for grandparents who are actively parenting their grandchildren giving them a safe and confidential space to share similar experiences with other grandparents. Free pizza and childcare are provided, but you must register beforehand.663-7588 or email
Youth Leadership Program
Tuesdays, 5:00pm - 7:00pm. nbCC’s Conf. Room, 61 Main St., Suite 213, North Adams
Free and open to youth ages 14-19 who live in or attend school in North Berkshire. Young people are changing the world and you can too. Make a positive change in yourself and the world around you. Develop leadership skills, discuss what drives you, meet other young leaders and plan projects in your community. Snacks provided; transportation available with 24 hrs. notice.
Teen Writing Workshop
Wednesdays, 5:00pm - 7:00pm, UNO Community Center, 157 River Street, North Adams.
Free and open to youth ages 13-19 who live in or attend school in North Berkshire. Aspiring writers and poets! Join this incredibly supportive group and get 1-on-1 help from a professional with your writing and performance style. Opportunities to perform and be published. Snacks and supplies provided; transportation available.
Family Resource Center Peer Parenting Group
2nd & 4th Thursdays, 9:30 am -10:30 am, UNO Center, 157 River Street, North Adams.
A peer-driven/peer-supported group in a judgement-free, confidential space. Snacks provided. Children welcome. 413-663-7588 or
UNO Community Center Coffee Time
Fridays, 1:00pm - 4:00 pm, 157 River St., North Adams
Come on over and join the UNO neighbors for coffee and conversation. All are welcome.