Please enjoy a sampling of articles from our July 2022 newsletter. To read the entire issue, download the PDF here.
nbCC Hosted Its 36th Annual Meeting Honoring Northern Berkshire Hero, Mary Morrison & Peacemaker Award Recipient, Kerri Nicoll
The Northern Berkshire Community Coalition (nbCC) held its annual meeting at Greylock WORKS on Friday, June 17th, marking its 36th year as a community organization. Over 130 guests attended the event. This year the Coalition entered all attendees into a “Pay It Forward” bike raffle, where the lucky winner wins a bike from the nbCC Bike Collective to be gifted to a person of their choice. This year’s lucky winner was Cynthia Vadnais. 

nbCC Board President, Jennifer Civello welcomed everyone and introduced Executive Director, Amber Besaw, who thanked the nbCC Board of Directors and staff for their support of the Coalition over the past year.

Due to the cancellation of this January’s MLK Day of Service, the event included the presentation of the Peacemaker Award. The Peacemaker Award is given once annually to individuals or groups in our region. The award, which originated as part of the local celebration of the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr. is made to persons who have contributed substantially to peace in this region.

 In general, the Peacemaker Award recognizes persons who have worked with people and/or neighborhoods and communities to provide for greater tolerance, understanding, and caring and should exemplify the teachings and model of Martin Luther King Jr. This year, Alex Daugherty presented the annual award to Kerri Nicoll, recognized for her active service in the Williamstown community at an especially difficult time.

Also, presented this afternoon were two MLK Day of Service Creative Writing Awards, presented for original works by local youth that exemplify and were inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I Have a Dream” speech. This year’s recipients were Riley Aiken and Leo Duffy, both students at Pine Cobble School in Williamstown. 

The speeches and presentations were broken up with a segment called, “A Little Bit of Fun!” A newer annual tradition of the Coalition. This year’s attendees were asked to team up with their table and use the updated 2022 Community Resource Guide to complete a regional services “scavenger hunt” by referencing the guide to find the pages where those services are listed in the guide. The winning table included former North Adams Mayor, Tom Bernard and Jennifer Flynn Bernard, Paul Gordon, and Gene and Justyna Carlson.

Kevin Davis, Mark and Cynthia Vadnais, Stephen Bailey, Cheryl Shanks, and Carol Witek presented The Northern Berkshire Hero Award, awarded every year at the annual meeting to individuals or groups who have an impact on the quality of life for the region. This year’s recipient is Mary Morrison for her dedicated service to the work of Northern Berkshire Habitat for Humanity for almost two decades.

Keynote speaker, Jonathan Butler, President & Chief Executive Officer of 1Berkshire, presented insights about the North Berkshire region based on the most recent data collected and available through Berkshire Benchmarks. The presentation concluded with a brief Q&A session. Amber wrapped up the event with final thoughts and a heartfelt thank you to the crowd and all the partners involved in helping to create the event. Thank you to all those that attended, and we hope everyone can join us next year!
 -Suzy Helme, Communications Coordinator
Community Outreach Volunteer Graduation at UNO Center Celebrates Seven New COVs! 

On Monday, June 20, seven individuals graduated from this year’s Community Outreach Volunteer (COV) Training program. This group met weekly on Monday evenings for the past 20 weeks in order to learn about the various social service agencies and resources available in northern Berkshire County.
The group also participated in 15 different professional development workshops and countless icebreaker activities! This year, nbCC is proud to recognize Angelina Shupe, Casey Pease, Lindsey Rosa, Debbie Linton, Hilary Sweeny, Pam Reyome, and Carol Reyome as our 2022 graduates! 
The special evening began with words of wisdom, encouragement and gratitude from several guest speakers. North Adams Mayor Jennifer Macksey spoke to the group about the importance of engaged residents and their impact on a community. 2018 COV graduate Emilee Yawn shared her story of becoming a more engaged and active resident, opening her plant and eco-friendly house goods retail business, The Plant Connector, in the midst of the pandemic. She encouraged the group not to give up hope, and stressed the importance of having the right attitude coupled with the right timing. 
The keynote speaker, Sergeant Onorato of the Adams Police Department, recounted his time with this year’s COVs and how much he enjoyed sharing his knowledge and resources with them. The diplomas were presented once Sgt. Onorato concluded his speech. 
We are so thankful to have this wonderful group of humans in our community and we cannot wait to see what amazing things they accomplish. Once again, we want to thank them for their time, hardwork, and dedication to making north Berkshire a stronger and more connected community! Thank you, COVs! 
~Bri Hantman, Office Coordinator
UNO Kicks-off Summer with a Block Party!
On June 24th, the UNO Steering Committee, in conjunction with nbCC, held a block party to celebrate the end of the school year and bring the neighborhood together to celebrate the start to summer. The event featured face-painting, music, food, lawn games, and a bouncy house. There was a great turnout from the town and many had said that this was their first block party. It was amazing to see the neighborhood gather for a fun night out!
The block party spread from the UNO Park, across Holden Street, and into Houghton Park, filling the parks and street with food, music, games and fun! Food was provided by the North Adams Lions Club, the Mr. Ding-a-Ling Ice Cream Truck, and popcorn from North Adams Movieplex. Free face painting was a huge hit with the kiddos, as was the bouncy castle.
DJ iamsam kept the mood upbeat as community members enjoyed the two hour event, eating hot dogs and burgers while playing lawn games. The party wrapped up at 7pm as the volunteers put finishing touches on the final few faces being painted, and children did their last bounces and flips in the castle. All in all, it was a great success, and we can’t wait to do it again next summer!
The UNO Steering Committee is a volunteer group of neighborhood residents; Charles Bonenti, Mary Jirkovsky, Mike Putnam, Sheri Iodice, Gail Grandchamp, Sara Klein, Billy Blay, and Dee Webber. 
UNO residents interested in learning more about the Steering Committee or how to get involved in UNO events and programming should call our office or swing by the UNO Community Center during the free Friday Coffee Time from 1-4pm, every Friday.
-Lindsey Rosa, Youth Prevention Coordinator
Father’s Day Fun at Valley Park Bowling!

A little Father’s Day bowling fun! This year nbCC collaborated with Valley Park Lanes for dads and caregivers to come together with their children and enjoy a morning of bowling. On Saturday, June 17th, the thunder of bowling balls and the clattering of dropping pins filled the alleys. Children’s excited voices rose above the crescendo. “I’m going to beat you, Dad” exclaimed one little boy. A little girl, keeping close tabs on the score, asked her father, “Daddy, what is the score now? Am I still winning?”

The laughter and smiles of children and their families filled the room. Families enjoyed good old fashioned family fun and enjoyed some light refreshments to refuel their energy for more frames of bowling. 

However, the fun didn’t just stop there for two lucky families. Two of the families won a raffle prize of family season passes to the SteepleCats and will enjoy family outings to see the ‘Cats play! Thank you to the dads/caregivers, families, and children for joining us, and a special thank you to Dave Soule of Valley Park Lanes for opening his doors early for this family fun event!

- Tanya Guerin, School Liaison
Another Successful Storytime Train Ride

On Saturday June 11, 2022 we hosted a train ride with the Berkshire Scenic Railway and collaborated with Childcare of the Berkshires. We had a great turnout of 4o families that attended. A volunteer reader read four train stories for the whole ride and she was very interactive with the children. They had a lot of fun. Afterwards, the families had the opportunity to meet the conductor and have their picture taken with him if they chose too. Families also had the chance to visit the gift shop that was filled with everything from toy trains, to puzzles, to old fashioned train whistles! Thank you Berkshire Scenic Railway, we’ll see you soon!!!

-Jennifer Parker , Family Support Worker
2022 July FREE Events in 
the northern Berkshires!
July 4 - 6:30PM | Mayor’s Fitness Challenge Finale & Winners Celebration! Join us at the annual 4th of July SteepleCats Baseball Game & North Adams Fireworks where we’ll be
announcing the 2022 MFC Winners! Stick around to root for the home team and 
enjoy the fireworks!
July 9 - 10-11:30AM | nbCC FRC Summer Safety Workshop on Holden Street(Reg. Required)
10-11AM | nbCC Learn Through Play: Go Away, Big Green Monster! (Reg. Required)
July 15 - 2-4PM | W.o.W. Workshop: Rockin' & Rollin" at the UNiTY Skatepark

All are welcome to join us for these weekly bike trail rides.
THURS 7/7 - 9-11AM - Meet at Adams Visitors Center
TUES 7/12 - 4-6PM - Meet at Adams Visitors Center
FRI 7/22 - 2-4PM - Meet at Adams Visitors Center
WED 7/27 - 9-11AM - Meet at Adams Visitors Center

3:30-5:30 PM | The nbCC Bike Collective  
All levels of skill are welcome to join us for this bike 
enthusiasts workshop time.
5:30 PM | Downtown Bike Around | Everyone
All are welcome to join us for this easy community bike ride
around the downtown area. Great for all ages!
TUESDAYS | 3:30 - 4:30 PM | Drop-In Art Club! | Ages 8-19
 UNO Community Center, 157 River St., North Adams. We welcome youth ages 8 -19 to come and get creative at the UNO Community Center. Snacks will be provided.  
1st & 3rd TUESDAYS | 4-6PM | Grandparents Raising Grandkids Group 
 nbCC Conf. Rm., 61 Main St. North Adams. Snacks will be provided.  
1st & 3rd THURSDAYS | 9:30 - 10:30 AM | Peer Parent Support & Stroll Group
 Meet at the Visitors Center in Adams. Kids welcome! Snacks provided.  
FRIDAYS | 1-4 PM | UNO Community Center Coffee Time
UNO Community Center, 157 River St., North Adams. Come over & join the UNO neighbors for coffee and conversation.

Every Friday morning - 7:30-9AM | NAMAZing Community Coffee Time at the Eagle Street Parklet (N. Adams)
July 4 - 11AM | 4th of July Parade | Spring Street (Williamstown)
July 4 - 6:30PM | SteepleCats 4th of July Baseball Game followed by North Adams 4th of July FIREWORKS | Joe Wolfe Field (N. Adams)
July 7 - 6PM | Party in the Park | Legal tender | Noel Field (N. Adams)
July 8 - Dusk | Movie: Sing 2 | Adams Visitors Center (Adams)
July 10th – Dusk | Images Family Flix Under the Stars | West side story   Morgan lawn, Spring Street (Williamstown)
July 11 - 5:30PM | North Berkshire Artist Meet-Up | GreylockWORKS
July 12 - Concert: Rev Tor Band | Visitors Center (Adams)
July 13 - 6:30pm | Concerts at Windsor Lake | e.r.i.e. (N. Adams)
July 14 - 6PM | Party in the Park | Full Burn | Noel Field (N. Adams)
July 16 - Eagle Street Beach Party | 2-10PM | Rain Date: 7/23 (N.Adams)
July 16 - All Day | Art for All Community Day | the Clark (Williamstown)
July 17th – Dusk | Images Family Flix Under the Stars | Raya & the Last   Dragon | Morgan lawn, Spring Street (Williamstown)
July 19 - Concert: Jack Waldheim Band | Visitors Center (Adams)
July 20 - 7:30pm | Concerts at Windsor Lake: Bang on a Can (N. Adams)
July 21 - 6PM | Party in the Park | Radio Active | Noel Field (N. Adams)
July 22 - DUSK | Movie: Up! | Visitors Center (Adams)
July 24 - 12-6PM | 2nd Adams Street Fair | Visitors Center (Adams)
July 26 - Concert: Brian Benlein Solo | Visitors Center (Adams)
July 27 - 6:30pm | Concerts at Windsor Lake | radio active (N. Adams)
July 28 - Party in the Park | Whiskey City | 6PM | Noel Field (N. Adams)

Do you know of public events happening this summer in Adams, Clarksburg, Cheshire, Florida, North Adams, Savoy, or Williamstown? Contact us with the details and we’ll add it to the list for next month! 

Click here to see what's going on at nbCC in July!