Coalition News, an update from nbCC

Dear Northern Berkshire,

Please enjoy a sampling of articles from our July 2023 newsletter. To read the entire issue and see lots of photos of what the Coalition was up to last month, download the PDF here.

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The Coalition Celebrates Our Story at the 37th Annual Meeting

The Northern Berkshire Community Coalition (nbCC) held its annual meeting at Greylock WORKS on Friday, June 16th, marking its 37th year as a community organization. Over 150 guests attended the event. This year the Coalition chose the theme “What’s Your Story?’ They celebrated their 37th anniversary by bringing their collection of old photographs from the late 1980s through early 2000s for community members to view and take home with them. 

nbCC Board President, Ben Lamb welcomed everyone and introduced Executive Director, Amber Besaw, who thanked the nbCC Board of Directors and staff for their support of the Coalition over the past year. This year the Coalition was honored to welcome back our founding director, Al Bashevkin. Al warmly remembered long time supporter, MA Congressman John Olver.

There was even a special surprise announcement this year. The nbCC announced the impending purchase of a building to be the future home for the Coalition and the community it supports. The Coalition is in the process of purchasing what was most recently home to the New Hope Church and before that Carr Hardware. nbCC looks forward to this next chapter, a permanent home after 37 years, and the conversations it plans to have with the community during the process. nbCC expects this to be a 3-5 year journey and looks forward to the community’s support. We will offer community updates on this progress as it develops.

This year Geroge and Nancy Canales were honored with the Northern Berkshire Hero Award. Nancy and George were chosen for their decades of dedication to the LaFesta Baseball Exchange and countless hours volunteering to support community organizations, and the city of North Adams. About 12 members of their family attended in support and celebration.

This year’s keynote speaker was State Senator Paul Mark, who told the room his story of growing up in Berkshire County, beginning with his father losing his job, which led his family to hard times, uncertainty, and poverty. He discussed the shame he felt especially as a teen, not being able to take a hot shower and not wanting to use his free lunch card at school. He spoke about how he worked as a lineman for the telephone company starting in his teens and how, among other benefits like health care, his company’s benefits paid for his continued education.

This gave him the opportunity to get his Associate, Masters, and Doctorate Degrees while working there. Paul’s next chapter was in politics, where we see him now, and his hard and humbling experience growing up fuels his passion for our communities and advocating on our behalf. 

The meeting wrapped up with its annual “bit of fun” segment when the attendees were asked to share a bit of their own stories on postcards that were collected and will be shared on social media throughout the year. Amber concluded with final thoughts and a heartfelt thank you to the crowd and all the partners involved in helping to create the event.

~Suzy Helme, Communications Coordinator 

Above: George and Nancy Canales, surrounded by family members and nbCC Executive Director, Amber Besaw, pose for a group photo with their Northern Berkshire Hero Award, received at the annual meeting.


Contributions can be made online or mailed to:

Northern Berkshire Community Coalition

  61 Main Street, Suite 218

  North Adams, MA 01247

Congratulations to the 2023 COV Graduates!

On Monday, June 19, seven individuals graduated from this year’s Community Outreach Volunteer (COV) Training program in a ceremony held with their friends and family at the UNO Community Center. Completing the COV training requires participants to dedicate their Monday evenings over the course of 6 months in order to learn about the various social service agencies and resources available in northern Berkshire County, and participate in many professional development workshops to prepare themselves to be better advocates for their communities. 

Annie Rodgers, the COV program facilitator, greeted the room and spoke about the importance of the COV program to the community and to her, personally. She then introduced Mayor Jennifer Macksey who came to congratulate the graduates for their accomplishment. The mayor not only offered the graduates words of encouragement and congratulations, but also of gratitude for their desire to serve their community, selflessly.

2022 COV graduate Casey Pease returned for the graduation to share his story of becoming a more engaged and active resident, finding an outlet for his community advocacy in his work for the office of Senator Paul Mark, and setting down more permanent roots by purchasing a home and becoming a volunteer firefighter. 

The keynote speaker, Mark Rondeau of the Berkshire Food Project, recounted his lifetime of growing up in a culture of volunteerism and community togetherness. He shared a mind-set that prioritized looking out for one another and pitching in to help your community thrive. Mark congratulated the group on their commitment to those same values before handing the mic back to Annie, who presented the graduates with their certificates.

This year, nbCC is proud to recognize Paula Kingsbury-Evans, Deanna Morrow, Sarah Armstrong, Kate DaFonte, Darcie Lampiasi, Megan Childers and our own nbCC staff person, Gabby Glasier. Congratulations! We are so proud of your accomplishment and grateful to have you serving your communities. 

If you are interested in learning more about the COV program or are interested in becoming a Community Outreach Volunteer by participating in the 2024 training, please, contact Gabby Glasier; or call our office at 413.663.7588.

Above: COV graduates of 2023, Gabby Glasier, Kate DaFonte, Paula Kingsbury-Evans, Deanna Morrow, Annie Rodgers (program facilitator), Sarah Armstrong, Darcie Lampiasi, and Megan Childers

Youth Substance Prevention Update

Dear community partners,

Advocating for youth in our communities is prevention work. The 2023 Prevention Needs Assessment (PNA) survey data on Past 30 Day Alcohol Use in northern Berkshire County shows that students continue to experience an alcohol use trend above the national average, by 5.2 points. Students reported 45.8% of them sourced alcohol from a party and 35.5% of those students got it from someone they knew age 21 or older. Additionally, 8.4% students reported that when they used alcohol in the past 30 days they have had 5 or more alcoholic beverages in a row. Lastly, 18.6% of those youth in our region reported either being drunk in the car or being in a vehicle with a drunk driver.

Massachusetts has not raised its alcohol taxes since Jimmy Carter was president and when compared to other states, MA licensed alcohol sellers have grown 63% from 2011-2019 that’s nearly three times as many liquor stores as Dunkin Donuts. The taxes in MA are flat taxes and don’t rise with inflation, so their actual value - and prevention power - has declined dramatically. They also don’t come anywhere near paying for the healthcare costs related to alcohol use in our state. There is much research showing that alcohol taxes reduce consumption and strengthen prevention. As of 2010 (the last year for which data are available), alcohol cost Massachusetts $5.6 billion per year, $861 per person and $1.93 per drink consumed. Of that $1.93, the government directly paid out $.77 per drink (do the math).

The bottom line is, alcohol taxes save lives. More than 3,000 people in Massachusetts die from alcohol-related causes every year and it doesn’t have to be one of our youth. As a commonwealth, we can and should do better. Your voice matters - you can make a difference for the youth in your community. 

Attached is a resolution detailing the numerous reasons to support an increased state alcohol tax. To sign the resolution as an organization and/or individual, please scan the QR code below and show your support for the tax and to increase the health and safety of the Commonwealth for our youth. Please share the resolution with others that would be interested. Signing, inviting signatures, and sharing the resolution is not lobbying. There is precedent in MA for the alcohol ads on The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority (abbreviated MBTA and known colloquially as “the T”) and in Maryland; when they worked with coalitions to raise awareness about alcohol taxes. Resolutions remain valid tools to raise awareness and show support for an evidence-based policy. In the resolution, there is no mention of specific legislation, we are not asking people to do anything, and it’s simply a statement of principle. Collected signatures will be put on a list of people who share the general sentiment that alcohol taxes in MA are too low and need to be raised, ultimately showing public support

Thank you for all you do to make our community safe and healthy!

Lindzie White, Youth Prevention Coordinator


Concerts at the Lake - Every Wednesday, 6:30-8PM @ Windsor Lake, North Adams 

North Adams July 4th Fireworks - July 4th after the SteepleCats game (rain date July 5th ) 

Williamstown Independence Day Parade - July 4th @ Spring Street, Williamstown

Party in the Park (live music)- Every Thurs. starting July 6, 6-8PM @ Noel Field, North Adams

Movies Under the Stars - 1st & 3rd Fridays of July/August, Dusk @ Adams Visitors Center

Free Concerts on the Lawn- Every Tues. starting July 11, 6:30-8PM @ Adams Visitors Center

Eagle St Beach Party – Sat. July 15th (rain date July 22nd ) 3:30 – 6:30PM for the kids’ event; 7 - 10PM for Fiesta @ Eagle St. North Adams

Free nbCC Outdoor Movies at Noel Field Sat. July 22 & Aug. 19.Dusk @ Noel Field, North Adams

Adams Street Fair- July 30, 12-6PM @ Adams Visitors Center

National Night Out - Tues. Aug. 1, Check your town for time and location. Generally 4-8PM.

Free Outdoor Movies at the Clark - Wednesdays in August, Dusk @ the Clark

Downtown Celebration –Wed. August 9th (rain date 8/10) 5:30 – 9 PM @ Downtown North Adams

Motorama Car Show– Sun. August 27th, 9 AM – 3 PM @ Downtown North Adams

nbCC Events and Programming this Month

July DIY Craft: Patriotic Wind Sock

All month long

Open to kids of all ages and their families. Share your finished craft on our Facebook page for a chance to win a prize! Call our office to register for your FREE craft kit: 413-663-7588 

Family Storytime Train Ride

Saturday,  July 1, 11:00 am,  Adams Train Depot, Adams

In collaboration with Child Care of the Berkshires. Registration required. Space is limited. Contact us at 413-663-7588 or 

Summer Neighborhood Basketball League 

Wednesday & Thursdays  starting July 5, 5:00 pm Games, Rotating location based on home courts in North Adams

FREE Neighborhood Summer League open to all northern Berkshire youth ages 9-13. Wednesday/Thursday evenings, plus 1 weekly practice. Games are at 5PM. Locations rotate depending on home team court. Transportation available. Water & shirts provided. Contact for more information or to enroll: or 413-663-7588. 

24/7 Dads Parenting Group 

Starting July 6, Thursdays, 10:00am - 12:00pm, UNO Center, 157 River Street, North Adams.

 A support group for dads. Children need their fathers. Fathers need their children. Discuss difficult issues and develop more effective coping techniques. No registration required. 

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Picnic

Friday, July 7, 10:00am - 4:00pm, Windsor Lake, North Adams

Join us at Windsor Lake for a fun day! No registration required. Come and learn about the group. We look forward to meeting new families! More info. 413-663-7588 or email

First Fridays North Adams: Play in the Street & Pedal to the Metal

Friday, July 7, 5:00-9:00pm, Eagle Street, North Adams

Join in the First Friday Fun! Bring your bicycle downtown this FIRST Friday and join the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition and MassBike for an evening of mega-fun bicycle activities!

  • Get bike safety tips in the Kids Bike Rodeo
  • Learn more about MASS MoCA’s art bike project
  • Go on a slow ride bike decorating party
  • DJ & Live Music
  • Mass Bike will be giving away FREE bike lights
  • Learn about the NBCC’s bike program 

Downtown Bike Around * NEW DAY/TIME* 

1st Friday of the month, 6:00- 6:30 pm, Meeting on Eagle Street, North Adams (check FB for weather cancellations)

Join us for the return of the Downtown Bike Around, a free, monthly, community group bike ride, suitable for all ages. Meeting on Eagle Street during First Friday. Weather permitting. Bikes available if needed. Call us at 413-663-7588 or

Learn Through Play: All About ME

Saturday,  July 8, 10:00 am - 11:00 am, UNO Community Center, 157 River Street, North Adams

In collaboration with Child Care of the Berkshires. Activities and circle time will focus on social and emotional Learning fun. Best for ages 0-5 years. Registration required. Space is limited. Contact us at 413-663-7588 or 

Nurturing Families Parenting Workshops

Tuesdays, Starting July 11, 10:00-11:00 am, UNO Center, 157 River Street, North Adams.

7/11 - Nurturing Parenting- Philosophy and Practices

7/18 - Ages and Stages of Growth for Infants & Toddlers

7/25 - Ways to Enhance Positive Brain Development in Children and Teens

Registration required. Workshops can be taken separately or consecutively. Space is limited. Contact us at 413-663-7588 or

Bike Painting and Decorating with MASS MoCA and the Bike Collective 

Thursday July 20, 3:30-5:30pm, Meeting at MASS MoCA,

Join us to get creative and brighten up some bicycles! Bikes available to decorate. Call us at 413-663-7588 or 

Family Movie in Noel Field 

Saturday, July 22, at dusk (approx. 8:30pm)  Noel Field, 310 State Street, North Adams

Bring the family and meet us in Noel Field by the playground and splash pad for a summer movie. Movie to be announced. Free! Call us at 413-663-7588 or email for more information.

Community Picnic  

Monday, July 24, 4:00-6:00pm (RAIN DATE 7/31),  Noel Field, 310 State Street, North Adams

Bring your family, friends, or just yourself and meet us in Noel Field by the playground and splash pad for a community picnic! Pack a picnic dinner and enjoy and evening of connecting with your neighbors. Free! Call us at 413-663-7588 or email for more information.


Youth Summer Session

Tuesdays, 1:00-4:00 pm, 61 Main Street, Rm. 213, North Adams. 

Free and open to youth, 13-19, who live in or attend school in North Berkshire. A weekly summer program and a space for young people to hang out, meet others, go on adventures & have fun! Snacks provided; transportation available. For questions or to register: Give us a call us at 413-663-7588, email Tim at 

Drop-in Art Club

Tuesdays, 3:30 pm-4:30 pm, UNO Community Center, 157 River Street, North Adams

A weekly after school drop-in Art Club, for youth, ages 8-19. Supplies and snacks provided. No registration required. Caregivers do not need to attend, but the program facilitators are not responsible for child care. Call us at 413-663-7588 or email for more information.

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 4:00pm - 6:00pm. nbCC’s FRC living room, 61 Main St., Suite 212, North Adams

This is a group for grandparents who are actively parenting their grandchildren giving them a safe and confidential space to share similar experiences with other grandparents. Free pizza and childcare are provided, but you must register beforehand.663-7588 or email 

Family Resource Center Peer Parenting Group

2nd & 4th Wednesdays, 9:30 -10:30 am, UNO Center, 157 River Street, North Adams.

A peer-driven/peer-supported group in a judgement-free, confidential space. Snacks provided. Children welcome. 413-663-7588 or

*NEW DAY & TIME* nbCC Bike Collective Open Hours

Wednesdays, 4:00-6:00pm, The Armory, 206 Ashland St., North Adams 

Bring your own bike or work on a bike at the bike collective. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from other community members on basic bike fixes, or team up with more experienced bike mechanics to rebuild a bike. Tools and stands are provided. All NB residents are welcome! For more info, call us at 413-663-7588.

24/7 Dads Parenting Group 

Starting July 6, Thursdays, 10:00am - 12:00pm, UNO Center, 157 River Street, North Adams.

 A support group for dads. Children need their fathers. Fathers need their children. Discuss difficult issues and develop more effective coping techniques. No registration required. 

UNO Community Center Coffee Time

Fridays, 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm, 157 River St., North Adams 

 Come on over and join the UNO neighbors for coffee and conversation. All are welcome. 

Click here to see what's going on at nbCC in JULY!

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