Coalition News, an update from nbCC

Dear Northern Berkshire,

Please enjoy a sampling of articles from our July 2024 newsletter. To read the entire issue and see lots of photos of what the Coalition was up to last month, download the PDF here.

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My Community Outreach Volunteer(COV) Training Experience

When I decided to participate in this year’s Community Outreach Volunteer training, I was not entirely sure what to expect. While I had some previous experience with volunteer work in Northern Berkshire County, I had long been interested in doing more to contribute. I knew the training would benefit me, both in that goal and in my work at the Coalition. But now, having graduated, I feel it has done so much more. Through the program, our group was introduced to numerous local leaders and discussed how to get involved in organizations and volunteer opportunities throughout the region. We also learned the skills needed to help others, form strong groups, and to make the most out of our time and effort. I also got to spend time with and learn from others who shared in the goal of making the community a better place. 

For graduation, we got to hear from three speakers, starting with North Adams Mayor Jennifer Macksey, who commended us for our dedication and hard working during the six-month training. In addition to taking part in our local government panel earlier in the training, Macksey took the group on a tour of city hall in April and sat down with us for a longer discussion. That talk, and the panel that preceded it, were perhaps some of the most insightful of the training to me. Getting to hear directly from the mayor and other municipal leaders about governance and the biggest challenges they face is crucial knowledge for anyone looking to participate in their city or town. 

Hillary Sweeney, a small business owner and past COV graduate, was also invited to speak. She said it took some time before she was able to put what she learned in the training into practice. The experience and the knowledge from it have stuck with her, however. Sweeney is currently working on a grant program where she hopes to benefit others in the community and combine the skills she learned during the training with her entrepreneurial expertise. It was encouraging to hear from another graduate and see how the lessons learned from the training inspired them to do more. 

To end, we heard from Jennifer Munoz, who runs the Growing Healthy Garden program. We got to hear from her earlier in the training during a panel focused on food access, which was filled with thoughtful discussion from the panelists, facilitators and trainees. Munoz said her work in community outreach started by accident; a chance encounter with a student peer support group in college pushed her to get involved. While hesitant at first, she found that she enjoyed it and said the experience made it possible for her to do the work she does today. 

In many ways, her example is similar to my own, as much of my early background doing outreach in North Berkshire, from news writing to volunteering with local political campaigns, happened by chance and despite my initial nervousness. 

Munoz cautioned us that community outreach work will bring both good and bad, but that the skills we’ve learned in this training will allow us to meet any challenge and make a positive impact. This thought stood out to me, because it reminded me of my biggest lesson learned during the training: volunteering and putting in time and effort for the betterment of the community isn’t just about one action or person or thing. It’s a process, something you need to stick with, something you need to work towards and build over time.

I feel that it is important to recognize and thank the community members who took time out of their busy schedules to meet with our group. I truly believe their efforts, both in the training and their professional lives, have a bigger impact than they know. I also wanted to thank my fellow graduates for this year for their participation and discussions, which enriched the training and made it better for everyone. I would especially like to thank Gabby Glasier and Annie Rodgers for co-facilitating the group and organizing workshops on topics ranging from group development and running meetings to leadership and civic engagement. Without their dedication and planning for the last six months, none of this would have been possible.

~ Brian Rhodes, Program Administrative Specialist

Here Comes Summer!

nbCC Summer Programs & Events...All programs & events are FREE. Most provide snacks. Some provide transportation when requested. To learn more details about or register for an nbCC summer program: 413-663-7588 or

  • Every Tues. thru Aug 27 | 3:30-4:30PM | Drop-In Art CLub! @ UNO Center, 157 River St.
  • Every Wednesday | 4-6PM | Bike Collective @ the North Adams Armory
  • Every Wednesday | 5:30-7:30PM | Parenting Together Group @ nbCC
  • 1st & 3rd Fridays | 10AM-12PM | Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Group @ UNO Center, 157 River St.
  • July 5/ Aug. 2 | 6PM | Downtown Bike Around during First Fridays
  • July 20/ Aug. 10 | Dusk | Family Movies Under the Stars @Noel Field
  • Mondays in July | 10AM-12PM | Middle Schoolers Group @ UNO
  • July 2 to Aug. 13 | Tuesdays 2-4PM |Summer Session -Registration required. For youth 14-19.
  • July 8 to Aug. 6 | Mon. & Wed. 5PM | Summer Neighborhood Basketball League - Registration required. For youth 9-13.
  • July 11 & Aug. 8 | 10:30AM -12:30PM | Teen Writing Workshop @ nbCC
  • July 25 | 10:30AM -12:30PM | Teen Writing Workshop @ nbCC
  • July 15 | 4-5PM | Kickball with Williamstown PD
  • Aug. 2 | 6- 7:30PM | Bike Rodeo on Eagle Street at First Friday
  • Aug. 6 | 4-7PM | National Night Out
  • Aug. 13 | 5PM | Backpacked for Success @ Florida Elementary - Registration required.
  • Aug. 15 | 1PM | Backpacked for Success @ Terra Nova - Registration required.

Other Free Summer Events!

  • Tues & Thurs | 2:30-7PM | ROOTS Teen Center Drop-in (13-19yrs) @ 51 Ashland St., North Adams
  • Fridays | 7:30-9AM | Eagle Street Coffee Date, North Adams
  • Every 3 Thursdays | 7:30-9AM | Coffee in the Courtyard Adams
  • July 5/Aug. 2 | 5-9PM | FIRST Fridays @ downtown North Adams
  • Saturdays
  • 9AM-1PM | North Adams Farmers Market & Makers on Main Market @ Main St.
  • 9AM-1PM | Williamstown Farmers Market @ Spring St.
  • 9:30-11AM | Growing Healthy Gardens Group @ UNO park
  • Wednesdays | 6:30-8PM | Concerts at the Lake @ Windsor Lake, N. Adams
  • Wednesdays in July | 6-8PM | Musics on the lawn @ the Clark
  • North Adams July 4th Fireworks - July 4th after the SteepleCats game (rain date July 5th )
  • Williamstown Independence Day Parade - July 4th @ Spring St.
  • 1st & 3rd Fridays of July/Aug. | 6:30PM | Free Family Movies @ Adams Theater
  • Tuesdays starting July 11 | 6:30-8PM | Free Concerts on the Commons @ Adams Visitors Center
  • July 14 | 11AM-4PM | Community Day @ the Clark
  • July 14 | 12-6PM | Adams Street Fair @ Adams Visitors Center
  • Sat. July 27 | 3:30 -10PM | Eagle St Beach Party @ North Adams
  • Tues. Aug. 6 | 4-8PM | National Night Out - Check your town for time and location
  • Wednesdays in Aug. | Dusk | Free Outdoor Movies @ the Clark
  • Wed. Aug. 14th | 5:30–8PM | Downtown Celebration @ North Adams
  • Sun. August 25th | 9 AM – 3 PM | Motorama Car Show @ Downtown North Adams


Contributions can be made online or mailed to:

Northern Berkshire Community Coalition

  61 Main Street, Suite 218

  North Adams, MA 01247

Mayor’s Fitness Challenge 2024

The Mayor’s Fitness Challenge wrapped up another successful season on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. The wrap party was held on a beautiful evening up at Windsor Lake where attendees could take in a picnic, swim, play games and enjoy the free live music provided by the City’s summer music series.

Mayor Macksey was present to announce this year’s winners, alongside Jessi Byrne, our Health & Wellness Coordinator who organizes this annual month-long challenge. The challenge included twenty four daily challenges and thirty seven events for participants to collect points by completing, as well as points for eating healthy foods and drinking lots of water.

This year 100 individuals of all ages and abilities participated in the Mayor’s Fitness Challenge. This year’s winners each racked up over 500 points to beat out the competition for top scores. The competition was stiff, but Ann Leonesio took top place as the individuals winner with 520 points, and team Roger’s Angels took top place for teams with an averaged score of 538.

The team winners will receive a variety of gift certificates from local businesses like Ramunto’s, Christo’s, Heart’s Pace and more! The individuals winner will be receiving a fitness package full of exercise equipment and more.

Thank you to everyone who participated in some way with this year’s challenge! We couldn’t do it without all of the support from participants, businesses offering prizes, incentives or free classes, and of course, the Mayor and City Hall. Congratulations to everyone who participated. Completing a month of healthier choices is an accomplishment in itself! We hope you’ll join us again next year. See you in 2025.

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Tips from Donna

Over the years, Grandparents’ who have raised their grandchildren have raised some famous people. Some of you may have grown up watching the Carol Burnett Show when you were younger. Did you ever wonder why she tugged on her ear at the end of the show? That was her way of saying good night to her grandmother who raised her.  

Over the years, there have been former presidents- Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. There also are some famous actors like Jack Nicholson and Jamie Foxx and a media mogul by the name of Oprah Winfrey. There also have been famous musicians like Eric Clapton, Willie Nelson, 50 Cent.  

So, to all you grandparents out there raising your grandchildren, keep up the good work and hang in there! Who knows, you could be raising a future president!  

~Donna Senecal, Family Partner

Questions? Give us a call at 413-663-7588 or email

nbCC Events and Programming this Month

Develop Skills to Deal with Anger & Stress

Mondays July 1 to 29, 10:00AM- 12:00 PM, UNO Center, 157 River St.,, North Adams

Youth ages 10-13 will join in a small group to learn various skills to cope with anger and modern day stress. Registration limited (maximum 10 children). Program free, snacks provided, no materials needed. Two hour Session will include one game or fun activity, snack break, and one hour of talking, practicing, and skill building. 

Call to register (413) 663-7588 or email 

Stephanie Quetti at

Active Parenting of Teens 

Mondays July 1 to  Aug. 5, 4:00- 6:00 PM, nbCC, 61 Main St., Suite 218, North Adams

This program provides the guidance and support you need to turn the challenges of raising a teenager into opportunities for growth. You’ll learn:

-Methods of respectful discipline

-Skills for clear, hones communication

-Concrete strategies to prevent risky behavior

-How to be an encouraging parent

Registration required: 413-663-7588 or

Summer Session!  

Tuesdays thru Aug. 13 5, 2:00- 4:00 PM, nbCC, 61 Main St. Suite 218, North Adams 

FREE and open to youth ages 13-19  who live in or attend school in North Berkshire. Transportation available. snacks provided. A space for young people to hang out, meet others, go on adventures & have fun! For questions or to register: Give us a call us at 413-663-7588, email Carrisa at 

Downtown Bike Around  

Friday July 5, 6:00- 6:30 PM, Meeting on HOLDEN Street, North Adams (check FB for weather cancellations)

Join us for the return of the Downtown Bike Around, a free, monthly, community group bike ride, suitable for adults and experienced riders. In coordination with First Fridays. More info: 413-663-7588 or

Summer Neighborhood Basketball League  

Mon. & Wed.  thru Aug. 6, 5:00- 6:00 PM, games rotate neighborhood courts. Schedule available upon registration or on FB

FREE Neighborhood Summer League open to all northern Berkshire youth ages 9-13. Monday/Wednesday evenings, plus 1 weekly practice. Games are at 5PM. Locations rotate depending on home team court. Carpooling encouraged & gas cards are available. Van transportation available. Water & shirts provided. Contact for more information or to enroll: or 413-663-7588.

Summer Session!

Tuesdays, 2:00 - 4:00 PM, nbCC, 61 Main Street, Suite 218, North Adams

FREE and open to youth ages 14-19 who live in or attend school in North Berkshire. A space for young people to hang out, meet others, go on adventures & have fun! July 2 -Aug 20. Transportation available. Snacks provided.

Registration is limited! Register soon! Call us at 413-663-7588 or email for more information. 

Nurturing Families

Wednesdays, 10:00AM - 12:00 PM, Adams Free Library, 92 Park, Adams

 We will be presenting the Nurturing Families Series in Adams this summer. Families, caregivers, parents are welcome to attend all, or take individual topics.

July 3rd – Ages & Stages (infants and toddlers)

July 10th – Brain Development in Children & Teens

July 24th – Communicating with Respect

July 31st – Building Self-Worth

August 7th – Understanding Feelings

August 14th – Morals, Values, and Family Rules

August 21st – Praising Children & Their Behavior

August 28th – Dealing with Stress & Anger

For more information contact us at 413-663-7588 or

Incredible Years: Helping Preschool Children with Autism  

Thursdays July 11  thru Aug. 29, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM, nbCC 61 Main St., Suite 218, North Adams

This program provides parents and teachers of children on the autism spectrum (aged 2-5 years) with strategies for promoting children’s optimal social, emotional, language, and academic competence. It includes verbal and nonverbal strategies to help caregivers to enter in children’s attention spotlight and expand their interest and joy in relationships with others. More info/registration: 413-663-7588 or

Teen Writing Workshop Summer Session!

Thursdays July 11 & Aug. 8 | 10:30AM-12:30PM, July  25 | 1:00-3:00PM, nbCC, 61 Main Street, Suite 218, North Adams

Free and open to youth ages 13-19 who live in or attend school in North Berkshire. Aspiring writers and poets! Join this incredibly supportive group and get 1-on-1 help with your writing and performance style. 

Snacks and supplies provided. Transportation provided if needed.

.Registration is limited! Register soon! Call us at 413-663-7588 or email for more information. 

Community Kickball with Williamstown Police Department 

Monday July 15, 4:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Community Bible Church, Williamstown

Join the Williamstown Police for a friendly summer game of kickball! All are welcome. No registration necessary.  More info/registration: 413-663-7588 or


W.o.W. Workshop: Healthy Meal Planning

Friday July 19, 6:00- 7:30 PM, First Baptist Church, 131 Main Street, North Adams

Join the nbCC Health & Wellness Coordinator, Jessi, for a Working on Wellness (W.o.W.) workshop teaching you how to plan and prepare healthy meals to fit your busy life!. To register or for more info: 413-663-7588 or

Family Movie in Noel Field 

Saturday, July 20, at dusk (approx. 8:30PM)  Noel Field, 310 State Street, North Adams

Bring the family and meet us in Noel Field by the playground and splash pad for a summer movie. Movie to be announced. Free! Call us at 413-663-7588 or email for more information.

Lead Info Session 

Monday, July 22, 5:30-6:30PM, UNO Center, 157 River Street, North Adams 

Presented in coordination with Child Care of the Berkshires. The Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program: provides home-visiting & case; management services to families whose children have high levels of lead poisoning and live in Berkshire, Franklin, or Hampshire County; offers support to families as they go through the process of de-leading; works with health care professionals, homeowners, landlords, realtors, and other community stakeholders.


Drop-in Art Club

Tuesdays, 3:30 - 4:30 PM, UNO Community Center, 157 River Street, North Adams

A weekly after school drop-in Art Club, for youth, ages 8-19. Supplies and snacks provided. No registration required. Caregivers do not need to attend, but the program facilitators are not responsible for child care. Facilitated by MASS MoCA and The Clark. Call us at 413-663-7588 or email for more information.

Family Resource Center: Parenting Together Group

Wednesdays, 5:30 - 7:30 PM, nbCC 61 Main Street, Ste. 218, North Adams

A peer-driven/peer-supported group in a judgement-free, confidential space. Snacks provided. Children welcome. 413-663-7588 or

nbCC Bike Collective Open Hours

Wednesdays, 4 - 6 PM, The Armory, 206 Ashland St., North Adams 

Bring your own bike or work on a bike at the bike collective. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from other community members on basic bike fixes, or team up with more experienced bike mechanics to rebuild a bike. Tools and stands are provided. All NB residents are welcome! For more info, call us at 413-663-7588.

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Coffee Time Group

1st & 3rd Fridays, 10 AM - 12 PM. UNO Center, 157 River Street, North Adams

This is a group for grandparents who are actively parenting their grandchildren giving them a safe and confidential space to share similar experiences with other grandparents. Coffee and light snacks provided. Please register: 413-663-7588 or email 

Here are a few other upcoming and recurring events happening at the UNO Center at no, or low cost to participants:

  • Every Wed: 6:30-10:30 PM | Berkshire Gamers - Board Game Night (No Admission fee. Open to the Public)

  • Every Sun: 2:00-6:00 pm | RPG Game Night - $2 Admission Fee. A collaborative storytelling game where one person plays the narrator and supporting cast to the ensemble played by the other players. Open to the public to drop in, learn how to play and connect with the community of gamers.

Click here to see what's going on at nbCC in JULY!

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