Coalition News, an update from nbCC

Dear Northern Berkshire,

Please enjoy a sampling of articles from our November 2022 newsletter. To read the entire issue and see lots of photos of what the Coalition was up to last month, download the PDF here.

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October Forum Explores What is Being Done to Create a More Welcoming & Inclusive Community

  The October forum welcomed over 60 members of the community to discuss the topic of how we can create a more welcoming and inclusive community. The forum topic began with a presentation from the Northern Berkshire SPIRIT Council, reporting to the group on lessons learned, beneficial information, and modest suggestions to the community, all drawn from information gathered from our northern Berkshire community members during the two-day SPIRIT event, held in 2021.

Almost two years ago our north Berkshire community announced a community convening to discuss our collective vision for creating communities that embodied equality and inclusivity. We aspired to hold an event that would result in a framework for envisioning a better community through collective action. The event culminated in the presentation of a newly formed Northern Berkshire SPIRIT Council, composed of community members who agreed to carry the work done during the program and move it forward. SPIRIT Council members have been tasked with digesting the report created and sharing the information out to the community by amplifying the work that is currently underway in each of our communities and identifying where there are gaps that still need to be addressed.

Paul Gordon began the presentation touching on some lessons learned by the group. A key lesson from the event had been that the conversation, as it was presented to the participants, was far too broad to be effective. There were so many important issues that were brought up and discussed, but they didn’t lead to precise conversations.

Another takeaway was that there is a general lack of awareness among our community members regarding what is being done in the community and who is doing the work. The SPIRIT Council expressed a need for the community to break out of our “silo-ed” thinking, and encouraged everyone to more actively be curious and explore the community beyond our personal “silos”.

The reality of our communities are that we are not isolated from issues of racism and classicism, as well as many other problems. The room was challenged to ask more questions regarding these issues. “Is someone doing this work? Who is doing this work? How can I be helping address these issues?” 

Paul concluded his portion of the presentation with some suggestions the SPIRIT Council had come up with. The group encouraged everyone, especially organizations and businesses, to continue to pursue diversity, particularly on a leadership level, across all business and community sectors. He also recommended that one step organizations could take in this effort would be to create a protocol to assess their accessibility through the lens of inclusion, equity, and diversity. 

Michael Obasohan, North Adams City Councilor and Chief Diversity Officer for the City of Pittsfield, addressed the group next. He spoke about his meetings, talking to local law enforcement about the real experiences of people of color in our communities, and what law enforcement was doing to address IDEA issues on all levels within the system. Michael spoke to the depths of the reintegration process and reflected on how we, as a community, can support this work.

nbCC Youth Development staff member, Carrisa Sacherski followed Michael, asking the group to consider, “How are you modeling behavior for our youth in the space we create? How are we sharing our stories with our youth and talking about how we’ll change?”She stressed the importance of listening to our young people and not invalidating their experiences based on their age.

 Executive Director of the Coalition, Amber Besaw, and Bryan House, VP of Youth Services at 18 Degrees, wrapped up the presentation with some reflections on the process. They shared resources the group had compiled, then opened the floor to the audience. They asked the room, “What work have you been doing to address accessibility, diversity, inclusion and equity?”

North Adams Public School(NAPS) Superintendent, Barbara Malkas, reported that the NAPS administration team and teachers had undergone IDEA trainings and workshops that led several staff to create and lead school teams to focus on these issues within their individual schools, even doing “equity walks” within individual classrooms. 

Stacy Parsons, School Housing Partnership Coordinator for the NAPS, added that many local funders have begun to look at how equity and inclusion are represented in the programs and organizations that receive their funding, and where is more funding needed to support those efforts.

Nora Zahn, Youth Services Librarian, shared that the North Adams Public Library is being more conscientious in diversifying its adult and youth literature collections, as well as, creating more displays of literature representing different cultures.

These were a few of the many actions shared towards the end of the forum by those that attended. Parting thoughts offered to everyone were to give grace to yourself and those around you as we all work to be more inclusive, and to create and hold space for the wealth of diversity that exists, adding to the richness of our community. Growth is a never-ending process and we are all fallible in that effort to become better versions of ourselves.

~Suzy Helme, Communications Coordinator

nbCC Hosts New Ashford Meet & Greet

On October 19th, nbCC held a Meet & Greet in the town of New Ashford. Residents came out to Town Hall to meet nbCC staff and their fellow neighbors and hear about the work of the coalition. 

This event is a part of a series that will be brought to other towns throughout North County to help spread the word about the work being done around youth substance use prevention in the county. Be sure to keep an eye on our social media to hear more about these events. 

Thank you to the town of New Ashford’s Select Board for hosting us!

 ~Lindsey Rosa, Prevention Coordinator

Drop-In Art Club Takes a Break After A Successful First Session

The weekly after-school program will take a break until after the holidays. Facilitators, Deb Jones and Judy Turgeon, led a group of between 8 and 14 children each week in unique art projects with new themes and focuses each week, and it was a HUGE success thanks to their passion for both the children and creativity.

The group celebrated together at the UNO Center where the program had been held. Deb and Judy had one last surprise for the group, sending each child home with a basket of supplies and keepsake book of all their projects from the program. We can’t wait to welcome them back in the new year!

Youth Development Team Aiming for 50 Participants

Tim and Carrisa are approaching a new year of youth development programming at nbCC. They have set the goal of working with 50 participants this year. The programming slate includes two relatively new programs, the Youth Health Collaborative and the Youth Empowerment Program, both in their third year. In addition to these programs, the longstanding Teen Writing Workshop and Youth Leadership Program will also be running again. Between the 4 programs, nbCC is offering youth development opportunities for young people ages 12-19. The programs include a creative writing and arts program, 2 leadership skill building opportunities, and a paid position designing and implementing programs to benefit youth in the region. 

Thus far, one week into regular programming, the four programs have a combined total of 38 individual participants. While this is short of our initial goal, there is still opportunity for young people to sign up! All four programs have room for more participants, particularly the Youth Empowerment and Youth Leadership Programs. These programs are a great opportunity for young people to work alongside their peers from across the region, and build the existing leadership skills that they have. The programs are youth-driven, and give young people an opportunity to engage with topics that they are passionate about. It is also a great opportunity to meet other young people, and hone your interpersonal skills!

For any young people interested in any of our programs, you can reach out to Carrisa or Tim at nbCC. Give us a call at 413-663-7588, or an email at, or

 ~Tim Shiebler, Youth Development Coordinator

Annual Youth Conference Getting a Fresh Name & Look

The long running 411 in the 413 youth conference is receiving a rebrand. The further we’ve gotten from any practical application of the 411 assistance line, the more we have realized that it is an idea which is slipping into obscurity! Since the conference is designed by and for young people, the planning team recognized the need to rename the conference to something a little less outdated. Though it may pain some readers (and this writer) to realize, there are not many young people who recognize the 411 for what it came to mean for so many of us above the age of 20.


There have been many conversations about a new name for the conference (including a clerical error that resulted in a very strange possible new name being voted as the 3rd best option by last year’s conference participants), the group has decided on “The 413 Youth Conference” as the new moniker for the program. This year’s conference will be the first under this title, but rest assured that the planning team will remain faithful to the tenets that have made the conference a mainstay in Berkshire County for so long! 

 ~Tim Shiebler, Youth Development Coordinator.

Community Outreach Volunteer Program Accepting Applicants for 2023 Session

nbCC is seeking community-minded individuals to take part in the Community Outreach and Civic Engagement Volunteer Training. The weekly training will be held on Mondays, from 5:30 to 8:00p.m., starting January 23, 2023. Participants will learn about our local services, providers, and organizations. They will engage in workshops on leadership, accessing local government, community organizing, conflict management, and more. No prior education or experience necessary.

Applications are available online at: or by calling 413-663-7588



Every year we invite the community to come together to recognize and celebrate our many unsung community heroes that go above and beyond for their community. 

The ceremony will take place at the MCLA Church Street Center from 5:00 - 7:00pm. There will be complimentary snacks and refreshments. Masks optional. We hope to see you there and please bring your friends and family! 

It's not too late to recognize someone! Deadline for submissions is 11/11/22.

You can recognize someone for any of the following categories: 

Businesses & Groups Pulling Together - These agencies/businesses and groups have contributed to help a neighborhood or the wider community, working together for the benefit of others.

Youth Taking the Lead - These young people are making a positive difference in their community.

Family Support - This category celebrates those that have advocated and/or supported family units in a variety of ways.

Community Health and Wellness - This category celebrates those who have helped to make their community a healthier place to live.

Neighborly Acts - These neighbors go above and beyond for their community; helping others out in lots of different ways


Calling the office at 413-663-7588


Filling the online google form at


Stop by during office hours to fill out a form.

nbCC Events and Programming this Month

November DIY Craft: Turkey

All month long

Open to kids of all ages and their families. Share your finished craft on our Facebook page for a chance to win a prize! Call our office to register for your FREE craft kit: 413-663-7588 

W.o.W. Workshop: Fire Cider & Other Immune Boosters

Friday, Nov. 4, 5:00 - 7:00 pm, UNO Community Center, 157 River Street, North Adams

Make your own Fire Cider!

Learn the benefits behind this ancient remedy. Grow in you knowledge of your body’s natural defense, the Immune System.

Fire Cider has long been used in folk medicine for decades and perhaps even centuries. Join community member, Tiffany Kuzia and Jessi Byrne to:

-Learn why Fire Cider is a highly recommended immune booster and cold and flu remedy.

-Learn which ingredients are used and why

-Make your own to take home

-Discuss other natural medicines and remedies best to combat common illnesses

Bring your questions and come ready to dive into your immune system! Registration is required. Contact Jessi Byrne at

Learn Through Play: Recyclable Play

Saturday, Nov. 5, 10:00 am - 11:00 am, UNO Community Center, 157 River Street, North Adams

In collaboration with Child Care of the Berkshires. Activities and circle time will focus on turning trash into treasure. Best for ages 0-5 years. Registration required. Space is limited. Contact us at 413-663-7588 or 

Bike Care 101: Basic Bike Maintenance and Getting the Most Out of Your Bike

Monday, Nov. 7, 3:30-5:30pm, The Armory, 206 Ashland St., North Adams 

Bike Care 101: Basic Bike Maintenance

Get the most out of your bike!

Want to learn how to best take care of your bike? There are a few tiny

tricks that will ensure that your bike stays in good shape much longer!

In this short workshop, we will discuss:

- the importance of proper tire pressure

- which parts of your bike to lubricate and how to do it

- how to quickly assess your brakes

- other procedures to assess your bike’s “health”. All NB residents are welcome! For more info or to register, call us at 413-663-7588 or email to

nbCC Free Family Fun Skate Day 

Friday, Nov. 11, 11:30am-1:30pm, North Adams Vietnam Veterans Ice Rink, 1267 S. Church St.

Join the Northern Berkshire Community Coalition Family Resource Center on Friday, November 11, from 11:30am-1:30pm at the North Adams Skating Rink for a few hours of FREE family fun! Free rentals, skating admission, and light snacks. Parents must accompany children. Transportation available with at least 24hrs. notice. Registration is not requierd for this event.

For more information: 413-663-7588, or 

Monthly Forum: Retaining & Engaging New Community Members

Friday, Nov. 11, 2:00-4:00 pm, 85 Main Street, North Adams.

All are welcome! Join us for our monthly community conversation. This month’s conversation will focus on what we can be doing better to engage and retain our newer residents and businesses. No registration required, but we encourage attendees to wear their favorite local swag. Masks optional.

FRC Family Event: Clay Ornaments 

Saturday, Nov. 12 , 10:00-11:00am, UNO Community Center, 157 River Street, North Adams

Join us to make festive decorative holiday ornaments! The workshop is FREE and all supplies are included. Facilitated by ceramic artist, Renee Wlodyka. Registration is required. Space is Limited. Contact us at 413-663-7588 or 

FRC Parenting Workshop: Budgeting 

Saturday, Nov. 12, 1:00 - 3:00 pm, First Baptist Church, 131 Main Street, North Adams. 

Join us for FREE workshop presented in coordination with Adams Community Bank. Be in control and reach your goals! Learn the importance of budgeting. Create a budget that best suits your family. Childcare and transportation available with at least 24hrs notice. To Register, contact: (413) 663-7588 or

FRC Parenting Workshop: Holiday Meals on a Budget

Monday, Nov. 14, 11:00am-3:00pm, UNO Community Center, 157 River Street, North Adams

First 5 to sign up will receive a $10 Walmart gift card! Participate in the preparations! Sampling and sharing our meal. Recipes of cooked items. Leftover ideas. Budget friendly recipes! Transportation  available with at least 24hrs. notice. Registration required: 663-7588 or email 

Parenting Workshop: Active Parenting- The First 5 Years

Tuesdays, Nov. 15-Dec.6, 11:00am-1:00pm, 61 Main Street, Rm. 213, North Adams. 

Learn the 5 different stages children go through in the 1st 5 years. Learn about parenting sytles and bonding and how routines can help. The ACT Method.  

REG. REQUIRED. Transportation available with at least 24hrs notice. To register: 413-663-7588 or

The Neighborlies Award Celebration

Wednesday, Nov. 16, 5:00pm-7:00pm, MCLA Church Street Center, 375 Church Street, North Adams

These awards will be presented on Wednesday, November 16th, 2022. The ceremony will take place at the MCLA Church Street Center from 5:00 - 7:00pm.  There will be complimentary snacks and refreshments. Masks optional. We hope to see you there and please bring your friends and family! 

P.S. - It’s not too late to recognize someone! Submit your Neighborly Award recognitions here:

Positive Discipline for Infants

Wednesday, Nov. 30, 3:00pm-4:00pm, 61 Main Street, Rm. 213, North Adams. 

Learn about age- appropriate positive discipline techniques that can help any parent be more effective without resorting to shaking, shouting, or spanking.  

REG. REQUIRED. Transportation available with at least 24hrs notice. To register: 413-663-7588 or 


* Our offices will be CLOSED and there will be no programming on Thursday and Friday, November 24 & 25.

nbCC Bike Collective Open Hours

Mondays, 3:30-5:30pm, The Armory, 206 Ashland St., North Adams 

Bring your own bike or work on a bike at the bike collective. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from other community members on basic bike fixes, or team up with more experienced bike mechanics to rebuild a bike. Tools and stands are provided. All NB residents are welcome! For more info, call us at 413-663-7588.

nbCC Youth Empowerment Program

Mondays, 5:00-6:30 PM, 61 Main Street, Rm. 213, North Adams. 

Free and open to youth, 6-8th grade, who live in or attend school in North Berkshire. A weekly group to talk about school, emotions, navigating teen years, making friends and more. Snacks provided; transportation available. Register: call 413-663-7588

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 4:00pm - 6:00pm. nbCC’s FRC living room, 61 Main St., Suite 212, North Adams

This is a group for grandparents who are actively parenting their grandchildren giving them a safe and confidential space to share similar experiences with other grandparents. Free pizza and childcare are provided, but you must register beforehand.663-7588 or email 

Youth Leadership Program *No programming on election day, November 8

Tuesdays, 5:00pm - 7:00pm. nbCC’s Conf. Room, 61 Main St., Suite 213, North Adams

Free and open to youth ages 14-19 who live in or attend school in North Berkshire. Young people are changing the world and you can too. Make a positive change in yourself and the world around you. Develop leadership skills, discuss what drives you, meet other young leaders and plan projects in your community. Snacks provided; transportation available with 24 hrs. notice.

24/7 Dads Parenting Support Group

Wednesdays, 10:00 am -11:00 am, UNO Center, 157 River Street, North Adams.

 A support group for dads. Children need their fathers. Fathers need their children. Discuss difficult issues and develop more effective coping techniques.

Teen Writing Workshop

Wednesdays, 5:00pm - 7:00pm, UNO Community Center, 157 River Street, North Adams. 

Free and open to youth ages 13-19 who live in or attend school in North Berkshire. Aspiring writers and poets! Join this incredibly supportive group and get 1-on-1 help from a professional with your writing and performance style. Opportunities to perform and be published. Snacks and supplies provided; transportation available. Register online: or call 413-663-7588 

Family Resource Center Peer Parenting Group

2nd & 4th Thursdays, 9:30 am -10:30 am, UNO Center, 157 River Street, North Adams.

A peer-driven/peer-supported group in a judgement-free, confidential space. Snacks provided. Children welcome. 413-663-7588 or

UNO Community Center Coffee Time

Fridays, 1:00pm - 4:00 pm, 157 River St., North Adams 

 Come on over and join the UNO neighbors for coffee and conversation. All are welcome. 

Click here to see what's going on at nbCC in November!

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