Our Savior's Lutheran Church

Thursday Newsletter

October 17, 2024

Coming this Sunday

22nd Sunday



October 20, 2024

Sunday Worship Service

10:00 a.m.

In Person and Livestreaming

Coffee Fellowship

Join us in the Fireside Room after worship for coffee and conversation.

Open House from 2-5 pm Sunday to meet Pastor Candidate Pr. Janell Monk in the Fireside Room

Scripture Readings this Sunday

First Reading

Isaiah 53:4-12

The suffering servant


Psalm 91:9-16

You have made the Lord your refuge, and the Most High your habitation

Second Reading

Hebrews 5:1-10

Through suffering Christ becomes the source of salvation


Mark 10:35-45

Warnings to ambitious disciples

From the Interim Pastor

Halfway through October! There are some important dates coming up. 

On Sunday, October 20th, everyone has the opportunity to meet Pastor Janell Monk. There will be an open house from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Come, share some refreshments, and meet the person who will be the subject of the congregational meeting on Sunday, October 27th.

On Sunday, October 27th, there will be a special congregational meeting for the purpose of voting on whether or not to extend a call to Pastor Janell to be the pastor of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church. In Lutheran theology, God’s call to the role of ordained ministry is something that has to be mutually discerned. The individual prayerfully discerns whether or not God is calling them to be the pastor in a particular role in a particular place; and the people of that place prayerfully discern whether or not God is calling that person for the role. The Holy Spirit has an essential role in this process of discernment.

We have congregational meetings because the Holy Spirit has an essential role. In a meeting, those present have an opportunity to share their perspectives and people can listen and seek to discern how the Holy Spirit is speaking through others. Of course, in this process, the Call Committee shares what they have learned of the candidate and explains why they have recommended Pastor Janell; but any voting member of the congregation has the opportunity to speak. It is because of this dimension of the process that absentee voting is not allowed at any congregational meeting. 

At a meeting to vote about extending a call, paper ballots are required. There will need to be a two-thirds majority to approve extending a call. In other words, at least two-thirds of the people present will be stating, “I believe that God is calling Pastor Janell Monk to be the pastor of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church.” The ballots will be counted immediately. A phone call will be made to Pastor Janell. If the vote is to extend the call, paperwork will be completed and forwarded to the Synod office. Bishop Laurie will sign it and forward it to Pastor Janell. She will then have thirty days for more prayerful discernment. In most cases, the pastoral candidate has already completed their discernment and is ready to give a verbal “yes” to the phone call before the official paperwork makes its way through the steps. 

Again, this is all about both the pastor and the congregation discerning that God is calling this particular person to this particular place. The role of the bishop has been to assist this process by carefully sorting through initial profiles and staying in touch with the congregation’s Call Committee. Certainly, Bishop Laurie seeks to prayerfully discern which profiles to forward to call committees, but it is not the role of the bishop to determine whether or not a particular pastor is the “right” pastor for a particular place. It is the congregation’s role to extend a call. 

Prayer has been important throughout this entire process. Prayer continues to be crucial during these steps. And prayer will continue to be central in the future. God is at work. God has been at work throughout these three years of interim time. God will continue to be at work in the life of the congregation and in the lives of each person. 


Pastor Sue

Thank You!

Thank you to the diligent quilters for the lovely quilt. I will treasure it and I will think of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church every time I use it.

Pastor Sue

Video on Gaza

The presiding bishop of the ELCA, Elizabeth Eaton, has a video regarding Gaza. Click here.

From the Call Committee and Church Council

Open House to Meet Pastor Candidate Janell Monk

Sunday Oct 20th from 2-5 PM there will be an open house at church for the congregation to come meet the candidate in person.

Congregational Meeting, Sunday October 27th

On Sunday, Oct 27th there will be a congregational meeting after worship to vote on whether to extend a call to the Pastor candidate and approve the compensation package.

There will be a zoom link for those voting members participating at home.

Anyone may view the meeting, but only voting members of Our Savior's are eligible to vote.

Mission and Ministry

Book Discussion Group Meets Sunday

We meet Sundays in the Conference Room, 11:15 am-12:30 pm except Fellowship Forum Sundays. Books are available at $12 each. The new book is Dear Church: A Love Letter from a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the U.S., by Lenny Duncan. This Sunday we are on Chapter One, "Dismantling White Supremacy and the Power of the Gospel." This informational topic should bring up a lot of conversation along with how the gospel would help us during these modern issues. All are welcome to join in discussion.

Ruth Circle Meeting Monday

Ruth Circle Meets Monday, 10/21 at 10:00 am in the Conference Room

Social Statement Conversations

It’s not too late to join one of the discussion groups: Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. or Thursdays at 2:00 p.m.  If you cannot come to all five sessions, come when you can. 

Hunger Alleviation Mission-Requested Food Items

Here is the new Fall list from Hunger Fighters for their most-needed items:

  • dry pasta,
  • canned tuna and chicken,
  • meat,
  • tortillas,
  • soups,
  • chili,
  • cereal. 

Thank you all for your continued support to the community in need. 

Faye Nelson

All In For Foster Kids

Wilsonville Royal Family Kids Casino and Auction Fundraiser, Saturday, October 26, Charbonneau Golf Club

Doors open at 5:00 p.m. Join us for an evening of cocktails, dinner, a silent and live auction, raffles and gambling with house money to win prizes. Auction items include: Royal Family Kids Quilt, one week at an ocean front condo, wine tastings, golf outing, and many more fun items. Go to www.forthechildrenwilsonville.org

Playhouse Build for Habitat for Humanity

The Playhouse Build event was a great success! Many people showed up to help and to drop off donations for Habitat ReStore! The Lake Oswego Review even sent a reporter. See the article here (you have to log in to see the full article but you can scroll through the photos).

Some photos from the event.

Volunteers gather to get started.

Nancy at work.

A group effort.


Church Events

In the

Next Week

Thursday October 17

10:00 am Ageless Shepherd Group Meeting - Conference Room

2:00 pm Social Statement Conversations - Conference Room

6:30 pm Church Council Meeting - Conference Room

Sunday October 20

10:00 am Worship Service - Sanctuary

11:00 am Coffee Fellowship - Fireside Room

2:00 pm Open House with Pastor Candidate - Fireside Room

Monday October 21

10:00 am Ruth Circle - Conference Room

Tuesday October 22

9:30 am Ladies Shepherd Group - Conference Room

7:00 pm Social Statement Conversations - Conference Room

Wednesday October 23

1:00 pm Hook Shepherd Group- Conference Room

7:00 pm Choir Rehearsal - Sanctuary

Thursday October 24

10:00 am Ageless Shepherd Group Meeting - Conference Room

2:00 pm Social Statement Conversations - Conference Room

Sunday October 27

10:00 am Worship Service - Sanctuary

11:00 am Coffee Fellowship- Fireside Room

11 am Congregational Meeting/Pastor Candidate Vote - Fireside Room

To see the monthly calendar of church and community events at OSLC, click HERE.

Links to Online Services

The easiest way to watch the Livestream of upcoming services is to go to the OSLC YouTube page and click on the red SUBSCRIBE button. There's no cost, it's free!

When new livestream videos begin, you'll receive a notification to click on and enjoy the live service. Recordings of the livestream will be available afterward.

Watch a replay of the Sunday Worship Service

at Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Lake Oswego, OR

Read more


Living Lutheran Available Online

Do you miss reading the Living Lutheran? Content is still available online and via email at livinglutheran.org.

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Our Savior's Lutheran Church

15751 Quarry Rd/PO Box 1548 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 | 503-635-4563 |

oslc@oursaviors.net   www.oursaviorslo.org

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