January 11, 2024

Dear Kehillah Community,

Thanks to your generous contributions to the K-Fund, we’re able to provide our faculty members with regular opportunities to explore the frontier of teaching and learning. As Head of School Daisy Pellant recently described, we hosted instructional technology expert Evan Harris last week to help us better understand the newest technology that is changing education: AI. 

With our school’s location in Silicon Valley, our community is particularly aware that AI is not going away. It is our job as educators to find the best ways that AI can serve us and serve our students in their learning process. As Evan said, “You will not be replaced by AI in the near future but by someone who knows how to use AI.”

Using the acronym I.P.A.D., Evan led us in a discussion of how AI can help us with our:

  • Ideation of processes and thought 
  • Personalization of projects and research
  • Automation of repetitive tasks
  • Data/Design, aiding us in visualization and pattern recognition for informed decision-making 

Photo courtesy of Evan Harris

These moments of disruption make communication and transparency particularly important. In that spirit, I want to share some of the materials that Evan reviewed with us, including his presentation and training resources

I also want to highlight three suggestions for parents to know and do in order to support their children in their AI educational journey.


  1. Understand AI's Educational Role: Parents should know that AI tools like ChatGPT can aid in research, provide additional learning resources, and offer personalized assistance.
  2. Be Aware of AI's Limitations: Recognize that while AI is beneficial, it's not a replacement for critical thinking and human interaction. Encourage a balanced approach to learning that incorporates AI tools without solely relying on them.
  3. Encourage Responsible Use: Educate children about responsible and ethical use of AI tools. Promote respect for diverse perspectives and discourage any misuse or inappropriate behavior while using AI technologies.


  1. Engage in Open Communication: Foster open discussions with your child about their experiences with AI tools. Encourage them to share their insights, questions, and concerns regarding AI's role in their learning process.
  2. Stay Informed and Educated: Continuously educate yourself about AI developments in education. Stay updated on advancements, best practices, and potential risks associated with AI tools to provide informed guidance to your child.
  3. Encourage Critical Thinking: Emphasize the importance of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Encourage your child to analyze information received from AI tools critically and evaluate its credibility and relevance.

Having worked for more than 30 years in a wide range of public and independent schools in the U.S. and internationally, I recognize that Kehillah is lucky to have teachers and administrators who embrace growth and continually look to the future. I’m excited to partner with our faculty and be in an ongoing conversation with you about how we are safely and constructively leveraging these technologies to advance our school community. 


RM Pellant

Dean of Academic Technology

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