Dear sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, part of a growing repentance remnant globally,

Did you spend time yesterday with the Lord on His Holy Convocation, the Day of Atonement? After confessing your sins, did you take the next step-----sincere repentance----- ? Did you experience the joy and freedom? And during this powerful process, what Wisdom did you receive? Did the opportunity to interecede, to pray for others, arise in your spirit as you confessed any sins?

Repentance and intercessory prayers go together perfectly. As we confess our sins, our "vessels" are that much more clean, more open to the Holy Spirit and His blessings and direction, including praying for others.

I like the King James version of James 5:16:
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

Our brother, John Robb, has an excellent list of current prayer needs. Please join me in this suggested process: read his list; then take 5 or more minutes alone with the Lord; confess our sins first; then, experiencing the joy and freedom from His forgiveness, repent from that sin pattern, replacing it with His Word as our path forward, and then----ask the Lord which direction to pray as an intercessor, in Jesus/ Yeshua's holy name.

Dear Prayer Warrior Friends,
Thanks for your continuing prayers for Afghanistan. The latest we have heard is both encouraging and distressing. There are reports of some wonderful opportunities by local Christian workers who are leading hundreds of people to Christ because of their great anxiety over Taliban governmental oppression and of angelic visitations protecting some from Taliban death squads. Unfortunately, there are also reports of such death squads going around at night and taking other people away for probable torture and/or execution. Even children have been killed in this way. Please keep covering the brothers and sisters who have decided to stay and bear witness during this time of great crisis for their nation. Pray also for those who feel especially endangered, some of whom have been able to get out on past flights or across the border into surrounding nations. Amidst all the shaking that has hit that nation, this could be the kairos opportunity for the many unreached Muslim people of Afghanistan to turn to Jesus Christ, who so passionately wants them to be part of His eternal family. 
My wife and I had the great privilege last week of visiting a large Afghan family of Jesus followers, who before their evacuation had been involved in discipling others in their land. They had barely managed to get on one of the last flights and ended up in a military camp here in our state of southern New Mexico along with about 10,000 others and only the clothes on their backs. It was our joy to bring them some extra clothing, toilet articles, and toys for their children with the help of others who contributed in providing this aid. They met with us along with their children at the front gate, where we were able to have some quiet sharing and prayer together before they headed back to their tent. A pastor friend who lives in that vicinity will follow up with them today to bring some additional assistance. Please pray for the tens of thousands of refugees that have left Afghanistan and are being resettled here in the USA and other countries. Let’s pray that in the awful disruption and pain of having to leave their homes, other family members, and possessions they will have both the opportunity and openness of heart to receive the Gospel of Christ through caring local believers and churches. 
Myanmar still needs our prayer attention as well. Civil war conditions and martial law are present in parts of the nation as the united front of former civilian government leaders and the people continue to resist the illegitimate military regime that has killed many hundreds of those who have opposed their oppressive rule. I have heard from a local pastor and as well as from the missionary son of one of my colleagues that they continue to carry out both humanitarian aid and evangelism efforts in spite of the difficult and dangerous conditions they and their families have to live with. Let’s pray for His protection over all who are seeking to let their light shine for the Lord in serving the diverse people groups of this much troubled nation. Again, even as nations shake in conflict, the Redeemer works according to His bottom-line for the salvation of many.  Pray too for the removal of this wicked regime in God’s time and way and the restoration of a free and fair government.
Canada- A Canadian prayer leader friend requests our prayer support for their very crucial national election on Monday: “Canada is presently in a federal election campaign with the vote scheduled for Sept 20, 2021. Canada currently has a liberal left leaning globalist minority government determined to take the nation down a Marxist or socialist path. They called an early election (two years early) so they could achieve a majority government and secure their future agenda. At the time they were solidly in the lead in polls by 10-12 basis points. Now in the polls they are in a dead heat with our Conservative opposition who, although not all we would like to see, would be better than a liberal majority. We believe the current standings reflect an increased level of prayer across our nation in the past month. We are praying for a righteous government that would allow God’s purpose and destiny for Canada to unfold. Please join us as you are able”. Let's pray accordingly and ask that the Lord will mercifully remove the oppressive, wrongheaded rule that this beautiful nation has been suffering under for some years. 
Down south in the USA, we have a similar and worsening problem under the same kind of increasingly despotic federal government. May we see God “clean house”, removing wicked, self-serving officials in both these North American nations and bringing forth honest and good governance based on our traditional Judeo-Christian values!
Germany, the most powerful nation in Europe, also is facing a very pivotal national election on September 26th. A prayer leader colleague there asks us to pray for the following:
1.     That the church will arise and bring His Kingdom into all spheres of life.
2.     That the radical Left Greens who are spearheading the anti-Christian policies of Queer politics, feminism, abolition of parental rights, full-term abortion, gender, and sexual diversity in the schools will somehow be stopped.
3.     That the Conservatives will unite and be given the opportunity to continue leading the nation and will represent Christian values.
Thanks so much for joining in this prayer battle for our world! The King is coming!
Best regards in Christ,

Join us to be a part of our global repent team. Yesterday we had our first participant, Mahadeo, from Mauritius.

And do please join our ending drought project. You can join from any site on the

National Day of Repentance is the only Christian ministry solely focused on putting into practice both personal and national repentance. Repentance is God's Gift to be used to come into His Kingdom, to cleanse from old sin patterns to become more like Him, and also to heal a nation. No church, no denomination, no key individual supports National Day of Repentance. Although two of us work as volunteers, costs and requests for food pour in each day far beyond our capacity to fulfill these requests. Would you please pray for us? And then give from a cheerful heart as the Lord leads?
THANK YOU--whatever the amount you give, you'll receive a blessing--- 2 Corinthians 8:2-4 and Luke 8:3--- and Fruit that will abound to your spiritual account, Philippians 4:17.

God bless you!

Pastor Jeff Daly
National Day of Repentance
"The Gift of Repentance" a half hour TV program can be seen on Saturday
mornings 9:30 Pacific.
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