November 28, 2018
skyBeacon STC: Signed, Sealed, Delivered!
The day has finally come! A 272 aircraft AML for skyBeacon has been received. See this newsletter for information on the following!

  • skyBeacon STC data package accepted by FAA with 272 aircraft AML
  • Shipping information
  • How to get skyBeacon installed
  • Where to purchase
  • How to get your $500 FAA rebate
  • Wingtip fairing adapters
  • Starboard options - skyLight and skySensor

So many questions!! We love your enthusiasm. Our voicemail and email inboxes are overflowing. We try to answer many of your questions here, but you may also find your answer on our Frequently Asked Questions FAQ page below!
STC Received: 272 Aircraft AML
We are shipping skyBeacon after receiving the STC this week. We would like to say a special " thank you" to the Chicago ACO for their patience and guidance through this process.

We've created a couple of new areas on our website to aid you in knowing what to do next:
Shipping Information

We've been ramping up production and will be shipping all pre-orders received by mid-Nov by the end of the year.

If you've placed a pre-order, you should have received a personalized email from us. We need your help to prepare your skyBeacon order. We've created a form to gather your aircraft information so we can make your skyBeacon install as smooth as possible. You will need your order number to complete the form. Click the button below to go to the survey form. Note this is applicable only if you've ordered directly from uAvionix.
Not on the AML? No Problem!
Good news! Even if your aircraft is not on the AML, you ’ll have no trouble getting skyBeacon installed in your Part 23 aircraft, based on the lead STC/AML. The FAA created a policy to make it simple to use the lead STC to install ADS-B Out equipment on additional Part 23 air frames. (Part 23 includes most general aviation aircraft). This policy was designed to keep ADS-B installs moving smoothly and make things easier for your installer.
Will it fit on my airplane?

This is the generally the hardest question to answer, since we don't have the details of every aircraft wingtip shape out there, and we don't know if your aircraft has been modified with upgraded wingtips, etc.

We need your help with this one. We have provided a to-scale mounting template. Print it out and check for yourself. Please let us know if it works for you, so we can answer the question for the next pilot.

We do have some additional adapters to make skyBeacon more applicable to more aircraft with our wingtip fairing adapters. See more on this in a section below.

Finally, take a photo, post on social media, and tag it with #beaconinstalls and #screwadsbonyourwing to help us show off!
Watch the 30 second installation video above.
Where can I Purchase skyBeacon?

You can order directly from our web page at the link below, or order from one of our trusted resellers (just click directly on their logo).
Be sure to get your $500 rebate!

skyBeacon qualifies for the $500 FAA rebate. Make sure you get yours while funding lasts! We've put together a helpful guide on claiming your rebate from the FAA.
Wingtip Fairing Adapters

In order to make skyBeacon more accessible to more aircraft - we've developed two wingtip fairing adapters. These adapters aren't quite ready to ship just yet, but will be available shortly for only $100 each. We expect to be shipping these by the end of the year.
What about tailBeacon???

One thing we've learned from all of your questions, is that tailBeacon is going to be very popular. One reason for this is that there is some uncertainly of whether skyBeacon will fit your wingtip, and a second reason is because you may be looking for symmetry with a matching right-side light.

We've tried to address both items in this newsletter. With the AML and fairing adapters, we have tried to address the fitment questions. See the next section for some news on our skyLight matching right side light.

tailBeacon IS coming, but has been delayed due to the delays for skyBeacon. We've communicated previously that tailBeacon is a spin-off of the skyBeacon certification - so necessarily we needed to complete the STC first. tailBeacon is the next priority.

We still expect to achieve the tailBeacon TSO by the end of the year, but the STC will likely push into early Q1 of 2019. The STC strategy will leverage heavily the Non-AML installation process detailed above. We will get there, but if you are anxious about reserving your $500 rebate while the FAA funding still lasts - your best bet is to go with skyBeacon.
Finally, what about my starboard side options? I want a matching light!

We hear you. We've felt it most important to focus on the products that help you meet your mandate deadline, and we will be following up with starboard side options.

For the experimental/LSA aircraft owners - we already offer skySensor - a starboard side ADS-B IN receiver and position/strobe light. Currently these are available online and through our resellers.
We will not be certifying skySensor, but we will be producing a certified starboard side matching light called skyLight in Q1. We will be offering bundle pricing, but will extend the discount to customers who have already purchased skyBeacon. Reserve your rebate, get skyBeacon installed - don't wait for skyLight - we'll get it taken care of for you.