This One is for Everyone
"Treat everyone with respect and kindness. Period. No exceptions." (Kiana Tom)

Now that's something we can all agree on, right?

Let's keep up the "kindness kick" with our week 2 calendar below.

And don't forget that Giving Tuesday is in just one week!

When you give to us through our Facebook page on Giving Tuesday , November 27, Facebook and PayPal will match your donation!

You can make a donation and/or create a fundraiser on that day to share with your friends. If you give $40, we get $80! If you raise $200, we get $400! Matching starts at 7:00 am and is for THAT DAY ONLY.
Kindness Calendar: Week Two!
Kindness Calendar Week 2. Forgive someone. Take supplies to a local animal shelter. Get to know your neighbors. Turn off your digital device and really listen. Sharing an inspiring quote on social media. Cook an extra meal and surprise someone.
Disability Rights Texas Kindness Calendar: Week Two

  1. Forgive someone.
  2. Take some supplies to a local animal shelter.
  3. Get to know your neighbors.
  4. Turn off your digital device and really listen.
  5. Sharing an inspiring quote on social media.
  6. Cook an extra meal and surprise someone with it.
  7. Decide what cause you'll support on Giving Tuesday on Nov. 27.

Join Disability Rights Texas each week during the giving season and show a little kindness to the world.
Need Help?
If you are a Texan with a disability who believes your rights have been violated, please call our Intake Line at 1.800.252.9108 or our Sign Language Video Intake Line at 1.888.362.2851. Intake hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Online Intake Available 24/7
Can't call during our regular intake hours or can't get through due to high call volume?  Click here to complete our online intake form available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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