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U.S. Department of Education National Blue Ribbon School
(2021, 2014, 2008)
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On Read Across America Day, students were able to bring a blanket, pillow, or stuffed animal to school and use during our celebration of reading! | |
Dear Parents,
I hope you had a blessed and joyous Easter with your families! Yesterday we gathered together at 8:10 am in the gym for morning prayer to celebrate the Easter season. Our joyous song-filled morning prayer was led by our 8th grade Faith Committee.
As we begin to prepare for the next school year, I would like to highlight a couple of opportunities for parents to get involved in our school leadership programs.
Our SAC (School Advisory Committee) is seeking a few new members to serve on the board for the next three years. Please review the details in the article below and prayerfully consider submitting an application before the April 25th deadline. Please contact Stacy Austin (stacyandrob2001@yahoo.com) with any questions.
Home & School has four positions open for the 2024-25 school year. Please see the story below for more details. If you are interested, please reach out to Venessa Lookabaugh (vmlook04@gmail.com) and/or Ashley Jones (ashleypaigejones1@gmail.com) for more information.
Next Monday, April 8th school will be closed for students to spend the day safely experiencing the solar eclipse with their families. Please click here to find some educational materials to help you prepare for this historic event. Students will be bringing home viewing glasses on Friday.
Easter Blessings,
Kathy O'Reilly
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Photo Newsletters: 6th Grade | | |
Click the link below to view a photo album and learn what the students have been up to in class. | |
Home & School Open Positions for 24-25 |
Home & School is looking to fill the following positions for the 2024-25 school year.
Vice Co-Chairs:
The vice co-chairs assist the co-chairs in overseeing the committees and special school events. The Co-Chairs are also responsible for overseeing the Gifts of Gratitude program in December and May and recognizing birthdays of office staff. They are also responsible for helping manage holiday and end of year gifts for the entire St. Brigid Staff. The position is a one year term before filling a one year term as Co-Chairs. Time commitment: moderate and consistent. The co-chairs should attend the monthly Home & School meetings.
Barn Bash:
This position coordinates the yearly barn bash at Leeds Farm which occurs every October. Time commitment for chairs: moderate from September-October and minimal through the rest of the year.. Volunteer opportunities within the committee: Volunteers on the committee are asked to assist for a few hours the night of the event. Opportunities include working check in, serving food, helping with set up, etc.
Room Parent:
This position coordinates the selection of room parents and assists at all school parties, and helps assist room parents with planning 1-2 parent-only socials per school year. Time commitment for chairs: moderate and consistent. Volunteer opportunities within the committee: Room parent volunteers help coordinate classroom parties, plan parent-only socials, teacher birthday recognition, etc. The time commitment for volunteers is moderate and consistent throughout the year.
This position works closely with and assists recess staff in coordinating and ordering supplies and equipment needed for recess, as well as manages inventory. Time commitment for chairs: moderate and consistent.
If interested, please reach out to Venessa Lookabaugh (vmlook04@gmail.com) and/or Ashley Jones (ashleypaigejones1@gmail.com) for more information.
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School Advisory Committee Application Open |
Take an active part in making our already amazing school even better. Apply for a position (3-year term) on St. Brigid's School Advisory Committee (SAC). The purpose of the School Advisory Committee is to provide the pastor of Saint Brigid of Kildare Parish and the principal of Saint Brigid of Kildare School with advice and to make recommendations regarding issues affecting the school.
The mission of the School Advisory Committee is to promote and support a distinctive religious learning environment that provides for the propagation of the Catholic faith and values, fosters academic excellence, and develops fully the intellectual, social, physical, and emotional capabilities unique to each student. SAC meets once a month during the school months on the second Monday of the month at 6:30 PM. Prior to applying, please consider if you can commit to this time commitment for a three-year period.
The deadline for applications is April 25, 2024 and they can be submitted via the link below.
Please contact Stacy Austin (stacyandrob2001@yahoo.com) with any questions.
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55+ Game Day with 8th Grade | Each month the 55+ Club enjoys a Game Day in Hendricks Hall. In March the group was joined by St. Brigid 8th graders from the Service Committee. This fun mix of new friends played many rounds of domino and card games. Laughter could be heard in Hendricks Hall all afternoon! | | |
Catholics at the Capitol: Parent Advocacy Day |
Don't miss your chance to join Catholics from across Ohio in advocating for policies that respect life, focus on the poor and vulnerable, and recognize families as the central social institution of society.
View video invite from Bishop Fernandes >
Event Details:
When: Tuesday, April 9, starting at 9:15 am
Where: Downtown Columbus, OH (near Statehouse)
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Counselor April Newsletter |
Click the link below to read the March newsletter from our Spirit of Peace Clinical Counselor, Maegan Flannery.
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The SBK Walking Club is back! Join us April 9th at 8:30 am.
The St. Brigid Parents Walking Club is an opportunity to meet new people, get some exercise and enjoy God's beautiful scenery! All are welcome!
We plan to meet by the Church, under the bell around 8:30am. Our walk will proceed down and around Avery Park and back to the church, plan for about 45 minutes.
Feel free to sign up via the sign up genius to get weather related updates. Thank you!
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Plastic Lid Collection Complete |
Thank you to the many recyclers who contributed to our plastic lid recycling program! We have now completed that program and are no longer able to accept plastic lids.
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News from Our Parish & Community | |
Vacation Bible School 2024 |
June 17-21, 2024, 9 AM - Noon
Registration is now open!
Click the link below to register and to learn more.
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Eucharistic Adoration - April 5 |
You are invited to spend time with Jesus in the Eucharist to feel his light and love on Friday, April 5th for First Friday Eucharistic Adoration following the 9:00AM Mass and concluding at 4:00PM with Benediction.
“The eucharist bathes the tormented soul in light and love. Then the soul appreciates these words: Come all who are sick, I will restore your health” - St. Bernadette (Feast Day: April 16)
Jesus invites each one of us to spend time in silence with him in Eucharistic Adoration to restore us. All are welcome, including families with children. If you wish to sign up for an hour, please use the QR code or email Shelly Cocumelli at rocks1dad@aol.com.
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Meetings: Wednesday April 3rd - May 15th , 9:45-11 AM, Church Basement
Childcare: Please signup HERE if you are planning to bring a child to Mom to Mom. Children are always welcome to join us at the Mom to Mom meetings. We will bring some toys to the meeting to help entertain any little ones that join us. If we have enough children/interest, we will attempt to provide childcare.
This spring join Mom to Mom as they read and reflect on Lisa Hendeys, A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms. Guided by the example of the saints, Hendey eloquently links personal stories, scripture and prayer and soul-strengthening exercises into a spiritually rich and deeply practical resource for Catholic women.
Allow A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms to help you grow in your faith and enrich your heart, mind, body, and soul by spending each week with a different saint. You can purchase this book at Ava Maria Press or on Amazon. We hope you will join us!
4/3/24: A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms: St. Kateri Tekakwitha: Seeing the True Beauty of God in Our Natural Surroundings
4/10/24: A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms: St. Martha of Bethany: Serving with Grace, Generosity, and Hospitality
4/17/24: A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms: St. Gianna Beretta Molla: Respecting the Dignity of All Human Life
4/24/24: A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms : St. John Vianney: Appreciating our Clergy and our Faith Family
5/1/24: A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms: St. Joseph: Answering God’s Will in Our Daily Work
5/8/24: A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms: St. John The Apostle: Treasuring the gifts of our friendships
5/15/24: Gear Up for Summer!
Questions, please reach out to Gracie Dziewiatkowski at marygracedzski@gmail.com or Sara Norton at nortonsarae@gmail.com
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Released for church viewing only
We hope you will join us as we watch and discuss this amazing Biblical story!
The Chosen is a historical drama based on the life of Jesus and those who knew him. Set against the backdrop of Roman oppression in first-century Palestine, the series shares an authentic look at Jesus' revolutionary life and teachings, through the eyes of his apostles.
If you have not yet watched The Chosen and would like to participate in our upcoming study, you will want to catch up by watching seasons 1-3 at home. It is available online through Angel Studios at
www.angel.com/watch. You can also watch all three seasons on Prime Video or Netflix.
We will be using the following study guide for this series: God’s Goodness for the Chosen: An Interactive Bible Study, Season 4 (Volume 4) (The Chosen Bible Study Series). If you choose to purchase the study guide, it is available on Amazon for $12. However, it is not necessary to purchase the study guide to participate in the series.
St. Brigid Bible Study Sessions:
April 9/10/11 — Episode One May 7/8/9 — Episode Five
April 16/17/18 — Episode Two May 14/15/16 — Episode Six
April 23/24/25 — Episode Three May 21/22/23 — Episode Seven
Apr 30/May 1/2 — Episode Four May 28/29/30 — Episode Eight
There are three ways to participate:
- Wednesday Evening Group: Join other parishioners in this study/small groups; Wednesdays, 7-8:30 PM, Berry Room
- Thursday Morning Group: Join other parishioners in this study/small groups; Thursdays, 10—11:30 AM, Berry Room
- Women’s Bible Study: Join a community of women in prayer and study; Tuesdays, 1:00-2:30 PM, Immke Room
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Make It A Date - April 20 |
All married and engaged couples are invited to St. Brigid's 29th Make It a Date!
Father Black will be the featured speaker.
There will be light appetizers and a chance to catch up with old and new friends.
At the conclusion of the event,couples leave on their own date at a venue of their choice to talk about the evening and how it relates to their own relationships.
Please RSVP to Jessica Freiburger at 4freixys@gmail.com or 614-282-5095 by April 18.
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Requirements to Volunteer with our Children |
If you are 18 years or older and interested in volunteering with youth activities at SBK, attending PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN is required before you can volunteer. Register under the Columbus Diocese at www.virtus.org
Upcoming Virtus Protecting God's Children (PGC) session:
April 17, 2024 Zoom (Columbus) 6:00pm
All volunteers with our children and youth must complete PGC, a St. Brigid volunteer application, submit the signed code of conduct, copy of photo ID, registration with Selection.com/Fastrax and complete a criminal background check prior to volunteering.
Full details and forms can be found at https://stbrigidofkildare.org/safe-environment/
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News from Our Catholic High Schools | |
Please email any alumni news for sharing to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org. | | |
BWHS & St. Charles Summer Camps |
Registration is now open for summer camps! Bishop Watterson High School and St. Charles are hosting a variety of summer camps, including academics, athletics, art, theatre, robotics and more, ranging for children in incoming grades 2-9. Click the links below to learn more.
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BWHS Mothers' Club Luncheon |
The Mothers' Club Luncheon and Style Show will be held on Sunday, April 21st at Villa Milano with doors opening at noon. This event has been a Mothers' Club tradition for decades. It's a wonderful opportunity for past, present, and future moms and alum to gather, do a little shopping, bid on auction items, and of course enjoy our senior models on the runway.
The BWHS Mother's Club is seeking donations to help make a successful event. If you would like to sign up to donate, view their sign up genius link here.
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BWHS Boys Volleyball Feeder School Night |
Thursday, April 4 at 6 PM
Admission is free for feeder school boys -- provide names in advance to be added to a guest list by texting Emily Smith at 614-715-3239.
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Submit Materials for Wolfhound Wednesday |
If you have information you'd like included in the next Wolfhound Wednesday, email it to Allie Wing at mrs.wing@stbrigid-school.org.
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www.stbrigidofkildare.com | |
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