Is it really Fall?
It is hard to believe that it is late October. The late summer weather kind of tricked our minds about the calendar. Although the warm September and October weather may have had our wardrobes embracing summer, the beginning of this school year has lifted more than two months of work—for both students and staff. Some very heavy work!
As we have worked to get everyone back into the routine of school, kids and staff members have not only been learning the new “grade level” of content together, they have also been making up for time lost. Everyone is working incredibly hard.
This time of year traditionally brings on the opportunity to check-in with each other through conferences. That certainly continues this year, but is perhaps even more critical for all of us.
Thank you, families, for engaging with teachers and staff members about how the school year is going for your children. We know that this takes extra time, but the conversations are so important in order to bridge the relationship between school and home for kids. We also recognize that this year is different, which also makes this home-to-school communication so important.
I would like to thank all of our staff members for all of their hard work. The “lifts” I mentioned earlier are very real. Through sub shortages and managing the pandemic, the “heavy lift” of the year might make it feel more like February right now than October! However, staff continues to remain focused on students. If you have the opportunity to thank a staff member—no matter what their role in CRCSD—it would be greatly appreciated.
So, back to the question, “Is it really fall?” It absolutely is. Here’s to the changing of the leaves, hot cider and fall sports moments in cozy sweatshirts, and a hope for things to slow down just a bit before winter is truly upon us. Thank you for all that you do to support kids together. Happy Fall!
Noreen Bush