Our Hope
During the season of Advent, we centered our hearts and minds on the themes of that
season: Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. These describe the ethos that guides the Kingdom
of God, as preeminently ushered in by the birth of his Son Jesus, as opposed to the way
of “the world.” God-with-us (Emmanuel) is the source of our trust in God’s holy reign
overcoming the depths of our brokenness and despair.
In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, God sent his Son to walk this earthly life with us,
to share a way of living centered in humility and a common humanity, guiding us to a
path that returns us to the author and provider of all creation.
May the Spirit of this Christ be with you and your loved ones as we once again welcome
his entry into humanity this Christmas.
Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to all whom God favors.
Pr. Mark