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  4. Resources


June 30th, 2021 Newsletter
Sorry we missed you

Last week we sadly canceled the Castlegar Freedom Rally with very short notice due to an extreme heat warning. We apologize for any excitement bubbles being popped, but
we DO INTEND on rescheduling and putting on an excellent rally full of HEART & support.

See you SOON Castlegar

July 24th
Interested in being a part of this event in some way?
E-mail us!


Share the word far & wide

Excellent speakers, passionate musicians, information booths, family-friendly, food & more!

We will keep you posted with more details soon.

See you there!

August 21st

Excellent speakers, passionate musicians, information booths, family-friendly, food & more!

We will keep you posted with more details soon.

See you there!
Interested in being a part of this event in some way?
E-mail us!

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Sign up new members  Find Here

Stop the Experiment Find Here
To All Medical Practitioners Find Here
Know the Facts Find Here
Exposing Their Plan Find Here
At What Cost Find Here
COVID Vaccine May Put Your Baby at Risk Find Here
Join in on the next
Local Vigil
This Saturday,
July 3rd
@ Noon
In Nelson -In front of CIBC on Baker St.

In Winlaw-in front of Mama Sita's Cafe at 5709 Hwy # 6

In Castlegar-on the side walk at1502 Columbia Ave. in front of No Frills

In Trail - at the statue on Victoia st. & Bay Ave.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Let's be on best behavior, dress nice, smile & be polite
Feel Free to invite friends who you think are ready to take action
All are welcome to
Planning Meeting
July 11th
at 116 Vernon St. Nelson

Free Parking along Vernon St.
See Map Here
Bring a Folding Chair if You Can
COVID-19: No mask needed for indoor public spaces as of July 1, as pandemic fizzles in B.C.

Provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry says COVID-19 transmission plummeting, paving way for step three of restart plan

no jab for me
Translated into 39 Languages

An excellent collection of resources to share, read and learn everything there is to know about the "jab"
BREAKING: Pastor Artur found GUILTY for contempt of court for hosting worship services

This wasn’t the news any of us wanted to hear. But we were ready, and we aren’t done fighting — but we will need your help.
CDC Finds More Cases of Heart Inflammation Than Expected in Vaccinated Young Males

More than 1,200 cases of heart inflammation in adolescents and young adults following Pfizer’s or Moderna’s COVID vaccine have been reported to health authorities in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on June 23.
With Bill C-36, Trudeau Government Launches Dangerous New Assault On Your Freedom Of Expression

The trend in all of this legislation is clear: More government control, less freedom. And C-36 takes that to a terrible new level.

News Nuggets
June 28th

legislative information forum to discuss Connecticut's policies on required immunization for public school children

The truth about ALL germs and the history of germ theory. Viruses aren't the only mythical unicorns out there.

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) and former Green Bay Packers player Ken Ruettgers held a press conference June 28 with families who want to "be seen, heard and believed by the medical community" after suffering adverse reactions to COVID vaccines.
Public Citizen and Daily Kos Pinch-Hitting for Big Pharma in RFK Lawsuit

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. filed a petition with the Supreme Court of Westchester County to order Daily Kos to disclose the true name of “Downeast Dem” — a blogger who libeled Kennedy on the Daily Kos platform last year. 
Lisbon Court Rules That Only 0.9% of ‘Verified Cases’ Died of Covid-19 – Not 17,000
As Portuguese Government Claimed

How To Build A FARADAY Cage that actually works

In simple terms, a Faraday Cage is just an electronic isolation chamber. Or even more simply it’s a special container that prevents electrical signals or waves from passing through it. A basic way to think of a Faraday Cage is it allows any electrical pulses to go around the container. They work by enclosing a specific area in a layer of conductive material (usually a metal). This outer conductive layer creates a “protective skin”. This then blocks electrical signals from passing through the box.

Antidote for Spike Proteins & COVID19 Vaccination

Foods that help disable spike protein:

Citrus fruit (especially blood oranges, due to their high hesperidin content — hesperidin is a chalcone like quercetin that deactivates spike protein)

Peppermint (very high in hesperidin) Wheatgrass and Wheatgrass Juice (blades are high in shikimate)

• Superherbs to help disable spike protein:

Schizandra Berry (high in shikimate)

Triphala formulations: In Sanskrit, the word Triphala means "three fruits”: a combination of Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis), black myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) and belleric myrobalan (Terminalia belerica). The terminalia fruits are rich in shikimate. St. John’s Wort (shikimate is found throughout the entire plant and in the flowers)

Comfrey Leaf (rich in shikimate)

Feverfew (leaves and flowers are rich in shikimate)

Gingko Biloba Leaf (rich in shikimate)

GiantHyssop or Horsemint (Agastache urtifolia) (rich in shikimate)
Sean Arthur Joyce's Blog
Read Poetry, art, great prose, and social justice in
Friends: Sean Arthur Joyce has a new book out!

When COVID-19 struck the world and turned it upside down, Joyce decided to record his impressions during the year in a series of linked poems—a kind of poetic ‘diary.’ Why poetry instead of prose? Because poetry condenses language to its most potent constituents. Poetry at its best also allows space for intuition to render the spiritual essence of a scene. Joyce chose to base the poems on actual events, both personal and on the world stage, since the first lockdown in March 2020.
“I wanted it to reflect the highly emotional journey this crisis has subjected us to during the past year,” says Joyce. “By sharing our experiences we can find mutual comfort. I also believe that if you’re going to take a reader through the valley of the shadow of death, you’re under obligation to bring them back out into the light.”

To view a teaser video of the poem
“The Day After Covid” Click Here
For more information Click Here 

Order: Here


Student Mask/Covid Exemptions
Sign and send letter of exemption: Notify your child’s school officials that your child will no longer wear a mask, use hand sanitizer, participate in social distancing, or take the experimental vaccine. 


Employers are not medical professionals and, therefore, they are unlawfully practicing medicine by prescribing, recommending, and/or using coercion to insist employees submit to the experimental medical treatment for Covid-19, namely being injected with one of the experimental gene therapies commonly referred to as a “vaccine”.
Sending Letters Needed

Vaccine Notice of Liability

We need all hands on deck to protect our children from this harmful and deadly “vaccine”

One-on-one meeting with a school principal
One of our very own freedom fighters wrote out and read this letter to their principal personally! It is moving, intelligent, informed, and powerful!

We encourage any who are interested to read and emulate this action, to encourage open discussion on the risks of what is presently happening at our schools!

Looking for more Action's?
Unmask our kids: Teri Mooring - BC Teachers' Federation - Sign Here
Business owner survey - How the lockdown measures are affecting you Here
in the Kootenays
Support the Businesses which are upholding Masking Exemptions

List of Safe Businesses Here
Join Kootenay Freedom Telegram Group
Encrypted Chat Rooms, Zoom Meetings
& Share Resources

Kootenay Freedom Info Hub

Join Here

Kootenay Freedom
Parents & Teens Group

Just Right Click & Click "save image as" & save to your file- Then print.

  1. Find BC Human Rights Mask Exemption Poster Here
  2. Find BC Masking/Exemptions Order M425 Here
  3. Find List of Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms Violations Here
  4. Find The Evidence Does Not Support Masking Here
  5. Find "No Mask? We Won't Ask" Poster Here
  6. Find Actions4Canada Up To $75,000 Here
  7. Find Actions4Canada Letter to Businesses Here
Weekly updates with special guest speakers.
Video clips of weekly meetings are available on the VCC channels
Please subscribe Here

The Zoom registration links for these exceptional meetings are sent to VCC members every Monday – please become a member of VCC today for as little as $5/yr: Join Here

Members of VCC also receive the weekly newsletter, the Choice Insider with actions, updates and links to VCC resources.

*Choice Insider* newsletter editions Here

Watch and listen to Superb Video & Audio Presentations Here

Watch our videos on Bitchute Here

To make a donation to Vaccine Choice Canada or to their Legal Fund Open Here
For Vaccine Choice Canada Printable Resources Open Here
Non Violence
Before we went on any protest, whether it was sit-ins or the freedom rides or any march, we prepared ourselves, committed to the way of peace – the way of non-violence – the way of love – the way of life as the way of living.

John Lewis
Provisional Charter
Kootenay Freedom is a volunteer-run group consisting of people from the West Kootenay region, formed in 2020 in response to growing concern related to COVID measures.
Our goal is to empower people by providing educational material and resources and by coordinating planning meetings and public events. Our mandate supports medical freedom, vaccine choice, informed consent, privacy rights, unbiased journalism, transparent science, free speech, democracy and the opening of the economy.
Kootenay Freedom is governed by an executive committee consisting of a rotating chair and administration and includes a membership of 809 participants.
Need a support group?
Please call Dan at 250-352-0108

To volunteer or for more information contact: info@kootenayfreedom.com

You can withdraw your permission to receive our emails at any time by clicking unsubscribe.

Thank you for your support!