Exhibitor Newsletter | Know Before You Go

NGAUS 2024 begins next week, take a moment to review these important details. We look forward to welcoming you to Detroit!

Schedule of Events and Attire Guide

Click here for the full schedule of events and the Attire Guide.

Attention Exhibitors: New and All

You are invited to two events – No RSVP Required


Thursday, August 22 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Exhibitors’ Reception | Exhibit Halls B,C – Minuteman Stage 

Saturday, August 24 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

New Exhibitor/Corporate Member Orientation | Exhibit Halls B,C – Minuteman Stage

Official NGAUS 2024 Vendors

Labor, material handling, shipping, furniture, and carpet/flooring: Shepard Exposition Services, orders@shepardes.com, (404) 720-8600 

Hanging Signs, Rigging: Shepard, overheadrigging@shepardes.com 

Audio/Visual: Premier Creative Group, AV@PremierAV.net, (313) 540-4060 

Catering: Sodexo Live!, jennifer.mcdonnell@sodexo.com, (313) 969-2375 

Cleaning: Huntington Place, (313) 877-7960 

Internet: Huntington Place, orders@huntingtonplacedetroit.com, (313) 877-8277 

Electrical: Freeman Electrical Services, Detroit.Electrical@freeman.com, (574) 369-0106 

Lead Retrieval: American Tradeshow Services (ATS), exhibitorsalesteam@american-tradeshow.com, (985) 240-5507 

Registration: American Tradeshow Services (ATS), questions@american-tradeshow.com or (985) 240-5511 

Security: S.A.F.E. Management, skubiak@safemanagement.net, (313) 877-8224 


This hotel reservation site is the only official hotel reservation site endorsed by NGAUS. NGAUS does not solicit exhibitors and attendees via phone and email to make reservations. Reservations made through third-party companies are not guaranteed. Never provide your hotel confirmation number to a third party. Please do not engage with anyone to reserve hotel rooms other than Mark Phillips/Lamont Company, NGAUShousing@lamontco.com, the official hotel reservation company for NGAUS.

Exhibitor Service Desk

The exhibitor service desk will be located in the back left side of the exhibit hall and will be open during move-in hours, show hours, and move-out hours. 

Exhibitor Move-In


General Move-In Hours: 

Wednesday, August 21 • 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm 

Thursday, August 22 • 8:30 am - 4:30 pm 

Friday, August 23 • 8:30 am - 4:30 pm 


If you need to work later than 4:30 pm, be sure you have everything you need to work in the exhibit hall, as you cannot re-enter the hall after 5:00 pm


The aisle carpet color is tuxedo. All booths must be carpeted or have other floor covering installed, no exposed concrete. Booth spaces without carpet or other floor covering on Friday, August 23 at 4:30 pm will have carpet automatically installed at the exhibitor’s expense. 


Please be sure your booth display follows the IAEE Guidelines for Display Rules and Regulations. NGAUS abides by the International Association of Exhibition and Events (IAEE) Guidelines for Displays Rules and Regulations that outline the standard heights, lengths, and requirements of booths and the “Line-of-Sight” style. If an exhibitor’s booth is not in compliance, the exhibitor will need to correct the display onsite at the exhibitor’s expense. 

Shipping and Material Handling Information

Show Site Shipping Address: 

NGAUS General Conference & Exhibition 

(Exhibiting Company Name, Booth #) 

C/O Shepard Exposition Services 

Huntington Place 

1 Washington Boulevard 

Detroit, MI 48226 


Must Not be Delivered Prior to: Wednesday, August 21, 8:00 am 


The Direct to Show Site shipping label is on page 24 of the Exhibitor Service Kit. NGAUS 2024 is marshaled. Please see the Marshaling Yard instructions in the next section of this newsletter. 

Material Handling or Drayage includes the unloading of your shipment, transporting it to your booth, storing and returning your empty crates/cartons and reloading your shipment at the close of the show. This is a separate fee so review all rates and information beginning on page 25 of the Exhibitor Service Kit. If you wish to self-unload booth materials from your own vehicle (trailers not permitted) using the Exhibit Hall docks, review POV instructions on page 35 of the Exhibitor Service Kit. Please see page 32 for Cartload Service ordering. 

Marshaling Yard

Move-in for NGAUS is marshaled, so all vehicles (trucks, van lines, privately-owned vehicles) delivering shipments to show site must check in at the marshaling yard in Lots 1 and 2. The address for the Marshaling Yard is: 


640 Temple St. 

Detroit, MI 48201 


Please be sure to give the Marshaling Yard information to your shipping carrier. 

Move-In Dates

Yard Open

Receiving Cut Off

Yard Close

Tuesday, August 20

8:00 am

3:00 pm

4:00 pm

Wednesday, August 21

6:00 am

3:00 pm

4:00 pm

Thursday, August 22

6:00 am

3:00 pm

4:00 pm

Friday, August 23

6:00 am

3:00 pm

4:00 pm

Saturday, August 24

6:00 am

10:00 am

11:00 am

Self Parking for Privately-Owned Vehicles (POVs)

Exhibitors arriving in privately-owned vehicles and not using the docks must self-park in the Washington Blvd Garage, on the corner of Larned St. and Washington Blvd., underneath Huntington Place. You may hand-carry your items and Huntington Place allows the use of 2 or 4-wheeled dollies when not moved through the loading dock area. Mechanical or powered equipment to transport your items is prohibited at all times and requires union labor. 


Please Note: Unloading at the entrance to Huntington Place is strictly prohibited. You MUST park your vehicle. Credit card is the only accepted form of payment for all parking areas at Huntington Place. 


If you need cartload service through the docks, please see the information below. 

Cartload Service for Privately-Owned Vehicles (POVs)

Cartload Service provides services to exhibitors arriving in privately-owned vehicles (POVs) and have small hand-carried items weighing less than 200 lbs. that need to be delivered to and from the dock/booth location and need the assistance of a cart. Exhibitors may not use mechanical or powered equipment to unload their items. 


Trucks, rental trucks, vans, trailers, and personal trucks (1) ton & over do not qualify for cartload service. 


Cartload Service Includes: 

  • One laborer 
  • One flat bed cart (approximately 3’ x 4’) 
  • One trip 


Please see page 32 in the Exhibitor Service Kit for complete details, rates, and the order form. 

NGAUS Exhibitors Moving In From EANGUS Exhibition

Please reference this document for move-in tips to help make your move-in as efficient and cost-saving as possible. This information was also emailed to the primary contact for each exhibitor participating in both events. 

Labor Rules & Regulations - Exhibit Labor

Michigan is NOT a “right-to-work” state. All exhibit and display work in the Detroit area is performed by union personnel. Please be sure to review the guidelines on page 135 in the Exhibitor Service Kit to help you in understanding what is performed in each trade.  


Union exhibit labor claims jurisdiction for the installation, dismantling, and first cleaning of prefabricated exhibits and displays. In booths up to a 10 x 30, the exhibitor may erect their own display if it can be done by the exhibitor without the use of tools within two hours. If exhibitors should need Union assistance, they may be employed by completion of labor forms beginning on page 136 in the Exhibitor Service Kit.  


Union Labor is not required to put your products on display, to open cartons containing your products, nor to perform testing, maintenance or repairs on your products. 

Exhibit Hours

Saturday, August 24 • 10:00 am - 5:00 pm 

Sunday, August 25 • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 

Monday, August 26 • 8:00 am - 12:00 pm 

Exhibitor Registration/Badge Pick-Up


Wristbands will be available prior to the opening of Exhibitor Registration and will be valid during move-in and move-out hours only. Exhibitor Registration will be located in the Main Lobby outside of the exhibit hall. 


Registration Hours: 

Wednesday, August 21 • 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm 

Thursday, August 22 • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 

Friday, August 22 • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 

Saturday, August 23 • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 

Sunday, August 24 • 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 

Monday, August 25 • 8:00 am - 12:00 pm 


Online registration has closed, however, you may make any changes to existing registrations in advance of the show by contacting American Tradeshow Services (ATS) at questions@american-tradeshow.com or (985) 240-5511. You may also make changes and register onsite for your complimentary badges at Exhibitor Registration.  

Complimentary Exhibitor Badge Allotment Info: 

  • Category A & B booths: 2 complimentary exhibitor badges for each 10 x 10 / 100 sq. ft. of space  
  • Category C & D booths: 1 complimentary exhibitor badge for each 10 x 10 / 100 sq. ft. of space  


Additional exhibitor badges may be purchased onsite at the conference rate of $180 each. 

NGAUS Mobile App

Search for NGAUS in the Apple App Store or Google Play and download the app to begin exploring the conference and exposition!

NGAUS Expo Navigator

NGAUS 2024 will premier an innovative AI tool to gain all event information very easily. The AI link will be accessible on the NGAUS mobile app or by capturing a QR code on signage while at NGAUS 146th General Conference & Exhibition at Huntington Place in Detroit. This future-forward tool will allow voice or typing prompts to answer event questions for specific answers sought by attendees. Complete exhibitor list, categories, and descriptions are included. 


Complimentary unsecured public Wi-Fi is available in Huntington Place for casual browsing.

NGAUS 2025 Sales Office

All 2024 exhibitors have the opportunity to select their 2025 exhibit space in priority point order and the majority of exhibitors will have the option to select their 2025 exhibit space while in Detroit. 



  • You will receive an email the Week of August 19 with an invitation to select your NGAUS 2025 exhibit space during a scheduled appointment in Detroit. Included in this invitation will be your appointment date and time and your priority points.   
  • The night before your appointment, you will be sent a reminder to attend your appointment.  This reminder will include a link to the live 2025 floor plan and a link to a NGAUS 2025 Application for Exhibit Space. 
  • During your appointment, please come to the Exhibit Sales Office located in the lobby to the right of the Exhibit Hall Entrance in Office B1. Each exhibitor will be allowed 10 minutes to select their space. 


Each company is assigned priority points throughout their exhibit history. Points are assigned based on criteria which includes, but is not limited to, the number of consecutive years exhibiting, amount of exhibit space taken, dollar amount of sponsorships and advertising purchased as well as points awarded based on Annual Corporate Membership and Legion de Lafayette contributions. All 2024 exhibitors will be able to select their 2025 exhibit space in point order (highest to lowest).  

Dismantling & Move-Out

Move-Out Schedule

Monday, August 26 12:00 pm - 11:00 pm 

Tuesday, August 27 8:00 am - 12:00 pm 


After the show closes at 12:00 pm on Monday, August 26, Shepard will begin returning empty containers and skids in no particular order as soon as the aisle carpet is removed and/or plastic protection is installed on top of the floor. This process will take several hours, so please take this into account when making your outbound travel plans. 


All exhibitor materials must be removed from the facility by 12:00 pm on Tuesday, August 27. Any materials remaining in the hall will be rerouted or returned to Shepard’s warehouse to await disposal at the exhibitor’s expense. 


Freight carriers must be checked in with Shepard no later than Tuesday, August 27 at 12:00 pm. Please give the Marshaling Yard address, lots, and hours to your shipping carrier.

Marshaling Yard

640 Temple St.

Detroit, MI 48201

Lots 1 and 2

Move-Out Dates

Yard Open

Yard Close

Monday, August 26

10:00 am

9:00 pm

Tuesday, August 27

5:30 am

2:00 pm

Post Show Paperwork & Labels

Shepard customer service representatives will gladly assist you in preparing your outbound shipping labels, outbound Material Handling Authorization paperwork, and outbound shipping in advance. You may find these forms included in the Exhibitor Service Kit on page 22. An email with links to an online portal will also be sent to the exhibitor contact on record for the booth. Labels and paperwork will also be available onsite at the Exhibitor Service Desk. Make sure your carrier knows your company name, booth number, and the carrier check-in deadline. 


To ship out or load out any materials from the building, you must have a Shepard Outbound Material Handling Authorization form. Make sure to pay your balances in full with Shepard Exposition Services to receive the form. Once you’re packed and ready to leave, fill out the form and return it to the Shepard Service Desk. Label your boxes and leave your shipments in your booth space. 

Marketing Toolkit

We have compiled a variety of tools and resources to help you realize your goals at NGAUS 2024! Find event logos, personalized email signatures, social media templates, and more in the Marketing Toolkit

Quick Links


NGAUS has partnered with Tradeshow Logic to support exhibitors at NGAUS 2024. Reach out if you have any questions or need help! 



Erin Harrison 

eharrison@tradeshowlogic.com or (770) 432-8410 x167 


Exhibit Sales: 

Companies A - K 

Dawn-Marie Copin 

dcopin@tradeshowlogic.com or (770) 432-8410 x159 


Companies L - Z 

David Rudel 

drudel@tradeshowlogic.com or (770) 432-8410 x154

The National Guard Association of the United States | 202-789-0031 | ngaus@ngaus.org

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