Dear St. Alphonsus Families,
Happy Monday! We had a great time at Trunk or Treat on Friday and loved seeing so many families there. Also on Friday, we had our big Pie in the Face event which was the all-school reward for making our goal for the Glow Run! Officer Marcus and Mr. Evrard from the parish joined in on the fun! You can check out pictures from both events below.
There are a lot of important reminders for you this week. First, we are opening up the sign-ups for Parent-Teacher Conferences, which take place on Thursday, November 21 from 4 to 8pm. You can find more information and the sign-up link below.
Second, don't forget that Daylight Savings is coming up this weekend! It will get darker earlier which is Mrs. Schermetzler's favorite thing about this time of year (it means Christmas is coming and you all know how much she loves Christmas, haha). We have a cute reminder for you about this below.
Third, we have made some updates to the school Mass dress code and the school store. You can read more about these below. Speaking of Mass, this week we will be attending two Masses--our regular school Mass on Wednesday, and a special All Saints Day Mass on Friday morning at 8:00am. This Mass is open to the public as well, so please feel free to join us, as All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation. Students should wear their Mass polos on WEDNESDAY and their regular uniform polos (any color) to Mass on FRIDAY.
Lastly, be sure to check out all the dates and calendar notes below. There is a Save the Date for the Christmas Concert as well as for the Home & School Meeting on November 4, amongst other things!
With that, we wish you a great week! As a reminder, you can always find an archive of our school newsletters on our website here. This is the first stop for you for information about what's going on at school!
Best regards,
Ms. Parey, Principal
Mrs. Schermetzler & Mrs. Bruhn, Leadership Team