☆☆Support for Troops & Veterans☆☆
Deb Robbins , Armed Services Chairwoman -


Armed Services
Upcoming Events
August 27, 2022 -NAVAHCS Hiring Fair - Building 15 Theatre on VA Campus.  from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. Applicants need to apply for one of the open positions on USA Jobs by August 22nd to attend the Hiring Fair.

September 20, 2022 - Free Virtual Veterans Creative Arts Competition and Show      12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. This is a fun event with many categories such as painting, drawing, ceramics, pottery, sculpture, photography, craft kits, knitting, needlework, and many others. Submit a photograph of your entry and email to between 9/1/22 and 9/14/22 with the following information:                  

Subject Line: 2022 Art/Category#
Artist Name/Category#/Category/Title
Veteran phone number and mailing address
For questions call 928-445-4860 x 6342

September 21, 2022 - 3rd Annual Virtual VA Mental Health Summit 
 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. MT.  Online event hosted by the VA and Be Connected. For more information call Mary Dillinger at 928-717-7587.

To get details on Events for Veterans, go to: ​

Suicide Prevention Poker Run: September 3rd from 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. For more information, please call 928-445-4860 ext. 2713. 
Stand Downs

Mohave County Stand Down: September 9th from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. at Western Park, S. Desert Ave, Parker, AZ POC is 928-669-4436.

Williams Stand Down: September 9th from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Williams Recreation Center, 300 W. Railroad Ave, Williams, AZ. POC is 928-286-7446. Click here for more info
Prescott Stand Down: September 16th (from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.) & 17th (from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.) at U.S. Vets located at 1040 Whipple Street, Prescott, AZ. POC is 928-379-1763.  ​Click the image below for more information!​
Thanks for your generous donations in the Red Envelopes!!!
RWOP just donated $1,500.00 to U.S. VETS-Prescott to help with
their mission to give homeless veterans a hand up, not a hand out!
Deb Robbins - Armed Services Chairwoman, Sheryl Gillum- U.S. Vets, Sherrie Hanna - RWOP President
Veterans Discounts

Papa Murphys - get 25% off your order! Location: 3298 N. Glassford Hill Rd. Ste 105 in Prescott Valley. Ben, the manager, has been doing this for years and welcomes veterans.
Sea World San Diego Waves of Honor - Get a complimentary admission ticket for you and up to 3 dependents once a year to Sea World! For Veterans thus offer has to be used by 9/5/22. For Active Duty Military, the offer is good until 12/31/22. You must be registered with

Mesothelioma Hope offers free resources that are reviewed by certified oncologists and provide detailed information about mesothelioma and its impact on veterans. 1 out of 3 mesothelioma patients are veterans so our mission is to raise awareness about this cancer and other asbestos-related diseases. 

​1 out of 3 Mesothelioma Patients is a Veteran. 🇺🇸
Volunteers Needed:
U.S. Vets needs volunteers to help set up for the 9/16 and 9/17 Stand down. To volunteer call Michelle Brien at 928-356-2771 or To find out more about other volunteer, donor, or employer opportunities visit

VA Ambassadors, Greenhouse, Wheelchair Assistants, etc.
VA needs ambassadors, greenhouse and wheelchair assistants to name a few. If you have time to help, call Volunteer Services at 928-776-6013. There is a process of getting finger printed and a background check but the work is very rewarding.

DAV needs volunteers in their 2 thrift stores (730 N. 5th Street or 726 W. Gurley) to help sort donations and get them on the floor and also drivers to provide transportation. You can just go to one of the thrift stores and sign in when you’re available to help or contact Pete Walter, Public Service Officer for DAV Chapter 16 at 928-910-2207. Monies from the sales in the thrift stores go to help veterans.

The VA desperately needs volunteers! They had 300 prior to Covid but only 40 now. If you have time to help, call Volunteer Services at 928-776-6013.They can use Ambassadors at the information desk, Wheelchair Assistants, help in the ER room with lab work, Greenhouse, many opportunities. 
ESGR (Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve)
Another volunteer opportunity is with the ESGR (Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve. These volunteers work to promote and enhance employer support for military service in the Guard and Reserve. Contact is Larry Jacobs, Regional Director at 602-380-3829. 
DAV is always looking for large item donations and volunteers
to help at their 2 thrift stores in Prescott.
To volunteer, contact Pete Walter, Public Service Officer for DAV Chapter 16 at
DAV accepts clothing, housewares, furniture etc.  DAV has trucks to pick up large items.

The National Crisis Line is now easier to remember! Simply Dial 988 then Press 1. accepts food donations for their food pantry (RWOP just donated $1,500 to them thanks to you). They also need NEW sheets and pillows for the transitional housing. Take items to the U.S. VETS Outreach.
Veterans Only:
If you need a Veteran ID Card, go to: With this card you can get discounts in many places.  

  • Nurse’s Life Line – 877-252-4866  If you’re feeling ill and not sure if you need to go to the ER or doctor and want to talk with someone, they are available 24/7.

  • Crisis Line is always available for any vet who needs help by calling 800-273-8255 and press 1 if you’re a vet, or you can have a confidential chat by texting 838255.

  • The National Crisis Line is now easier to remember! Simply Dial 988 then Press 1.
Republican Women of Prescott * PO Box 10932 * Prescott, AZ 86304-0932

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