Missed Friday's D'var Torah?
This past Shabbat, we were so delighted to host Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger from Roots. His D'var Torah on Friday night focused on the important and inspirational message of creating common ground and building a just and secure future for both Palestinians and Jews. Roots work is focused on fostering a grassroots movement of understanding, non-violence, and transformation among Israelis and Palestinians.

Rewatch (or catch up on) the D'var Torah by Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger.

Learn more about the work of Roots and how to donate if you feel compelled to support Roots’ amazing work:
Challah Midrash Corner
Caryn Etkin baked this beautiful challah for Parashat Tazria illustrating a perpetual fire that shall be kept burning on the altar.
- This Week's Events -
Monday, April 4
At Your Leisure...

Support Beth Emet Passover Food Drive
Today through April 10 the Tzedakah Committee is leading this year’s Passover Food Drive for the clients of the ARK. 
There are two ways to participate:
  • Shop at Mariano's (3358 W. Touhy Ave., Skokie) on Sunday, April 10 between 1:00-5:00 pm and drop off the kosher food donations with our volunteers outside the front doors (signs and flyers will be available on site)

  •  Purchase food from any grocery store and drop off donations at Beth Emet’s west entrance during business hours between April 1 and April 10.
The Ark will gladly accept any Kosher for Passover foods, however there is a particular request for the following items: canned or jarred gefilte fish; Rashi or Kedem grape juice; kosher for Passover cooking oil; kosher for Passover jelly; and macaroons.
The Tzedakah Committee is also soliciting volunteers for one-hour slots during our collection drive at Mariano’s Sunday, April 10, 1:00-5:00 pm. Volunteers will distribute flyers about the drive to interested shoppers or help transport collected food to The Ark. If you would like to volunteer, please email Neal Shanoff or call 847-302-6332.
Purchase Your Copy of the New Mishkan HaSeder: A Passover Haggadah
Passover is almost here! Through a generous donation to Beth Emet, we have copies available of the CCAR’s newest Haggadah, Mishkan HaSeder, at a reduced cost of $18 per copy. Combining age-old texts, fresh insights, inspiring poetry, new translations, and breathtaking art, Mishkan HaSeder sets a new standard in Passover Haggadot. Using the beloved format of Mishkan T'filah and Mishkan HaNefesh, this Haggadah offers beautiful new translations by Rabbis Janet and Sheldon Marder in conversation with an extraordinary collection of poetry from a diverse array of poets. The running commentary by Rabbis Oren Hayon, Seth Limmer, and Amy Scheinerman draws out the historic background of the seder rituals, builds on the social justice issues of our day, and offers contemporary connections to Passover. Contact Geoff to let us know how many copies you wish to purchase, and then we will be in touch to coordinate pickup. Chag Pesach Sameach!
Passover Seder Matching
Need a home for seder or have an extra chair or square on your Zoom screen? Let us be your matchmaker! Please let us know if you are interested in hosting or being hosted in person or on Zoom. Please email Bekki Harris Kaplan or call the office (847-869-4230) by Friday, April 8.
Tuesday, April 5

11:30 am
Daily Meditation
Join the meditation room from Institute for Jewish Spirituality.
7:30 pm
Soul Stitchers
Know how to knit and/or crochet? As a tribute to Nikki Zarefsky z”l, join us for an hour (on zoom) of knitting and connecting as we create shawls to warm people during services and/or healing shawls that will bring warmth to those in need in a hospital, home or other settings. Newcomers are welcome and encouraged to join! Please send us an email with any questions.
Zoom Link - Ph: 312-626-6799 - Meeting ID: 868 2649 2061 | Passcode: 1224
Wednesday, April 6
11:30 am
Daily Meditation
Join the meditation room from Institute for Jewish Spirituality.

7:00 pm
Social Action Committee Meeting
Whether a first-timer or a seasoned regular, hear updates and learn how you can become involved with supporting Afghan refugees, providing food, shelter and other provisions for homeless and/or hungry individuals (we have several paths from which to choose), addressing climate change and so much more.
Thursday, April 7
10:00 am
Qigong with Netiva Caftori
There are so many moving parts in our day-to-day lives. Our very own Netiva Caftori invites us to experience the healing practice of Qigong with her. Qigong is a millennia-old system of coordinated body posture and movement, breathing, and meditation used for health and spirituality. Beginners are encouraged to try out this session.

11:30 am
Daily Meditation
Join the meditation room from Institute for Jewish Spirituality.
7:00 pm
The Power of Hope: Standing Together in Israel/Palestine
In-Person and LiveControl
In partnership with J Street and the New Israel Fund, we welcome Omdim Beyachad (Standing Together). Alon-Lee Green, founder and National Director of Omdim Beyachad, and Sally Abed, a prominent Palestinian voice and national leader of Omdim Beyachad will discuss the work they've been doing together and their experiences on the ground.
Omdim Beyachad (Standing Together) is an organization of Jewish and Arab Israeli residents/citizens who fight for the end of Occupation, the end of differential treatment of Jews and non-Jews in Israel, and better conditions for all Israelis. Learn more about Omdim Beyachad.
Friday, April 8
9:30 am
A Close Look at Torah with Rabbi Andrea London
There are many ways to interpret Torah and its nuances of meaning that are often overlooked. We continue our learning from last year, reading and interpreting the text of the Book of Deuteronomy line by line. New learners are always welcome.
Zoom Link - Ph: 312-626-6799 - Meeting ID: 880 3271 0378 l Passcode: 785827

11:00 am *Rescheduled from last week*
Sabbatical: A Roadmap to Communal Equity and Eco-Sustainability with Rabbi Aryeh Bernstein
This past Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish calendar entered the sh’mita year, the once-every-seven-years biblical sabbatical. While in our contemporary Western context sabbatical is generally a personal interruption of the work cycle, for the Torah and Jewish law, it is a societal institution. We will study core biblical texts about sh’mita and some rabbinic texts, enabling us to reflect on economic and ecological justice implications we might learn for today.
Zoom Link- Ph: 312-626-6799 - Meeting ID: 825 3183 2183 | Passcode: 1224
11:30 am
Daily Meditation
Join the meditation room from Institute for Jewish Spirituality.

6:30 pm
Kabbalat Shabbat Service
In-Person and Virtual (fusion worship)
Pre-registration is not required, just come!! Be sure to wear a mask and have your vaccination information on file. (If you haven’t already provided the details, submit all vaccination and booster information here.)
To listen to the service dial 847-869-4230 and press 7
Saturday, April 9
9:30 am
Kahal Shabbat Morning Service
Whether in person or online, participate in worship by signing up for an honor via the online honor form. Pre-registration is not required, just come!! Just be sure to wear a mask and have your vaccination information on file. (If you haven’t already provided the details, submit all vaccination and booster information here.)
Zoom Link- Ph: 312-626-6799 - Meeting ID: 813 2237 5514 | Passcode: 1224
Sunday, April 10

9:00 am
Weekday Minyan
Zoom Link - Ph: 312-626-6799 - Meeting ID: 834 4048 4441 | Passcode:1224

10:00 am
Visit The Illinois Holocaust Museum
Did you know that the Illinois Holocaust Museum has recently opened a new section focusing on the Holocaust experience in the Former Soviet Union? With all the world events happening, what an incredible opportunity we have for a specially designed docented tour! Accompanying us on the tour will be Yonit Hoffman, Beth Emet member and Senior Director of Holocaust Community Services.

Yonit will also facilitate a discussion during a boxed lunch following the tour.
**Feel free to eat your lunch during the discussion or you may take it to go.** 

Participants may stay and visit other museum exhibits following lunch.
Participants must show proof of Covid vaccines upon entry; masks are currently required throughout the museum.
Cost of tour and lunch (maximum 20 participants):
Registration closes Wednesday, April 6th
$18 general ticket
$12 seniors
$8 students
1:00 - 5:00 pm
Passover Food Drive at Mariano’s
The Tzedakah Committee is leading this year’s Passover Food Drive for the clients of the ARK. 

Shop at Mariano’s (3358 W. Touhy Ave., Skokie) on Sunday, April 10 between 1:00-5:00 pm and drop off the kosher food donations with our volunteers outside the front doors (signs and flyers will be available on site)

The Ark will gladly accept any Kosher for Passover foods, however, there is a particular request for the following items: canned or jarred gefilte fish; Rashi or Kedem grape juice; kosher for Passover cooking oil; kosher for Passover jelly; and macaroons.
If you would like to volunteer, please email Neal Shanoff or call 847-302-6332.
Monday, April 11

11:30 am
Daily Meditation
Join the meditation room from Institute for Jewish Spirituality.

5:00 pm
Inclusion Committee Meeting
Join the Inclusion Committee as we examine our current practices and explore ways to create a culture of belonging and inclusivity for Beth Emet members of all abilities. We know that all individuals can contribute to our community.
If interested, please email Terri Michaels or call (847-691-8167).
Tuesday, April 12

11:30 am
Daily Meditation
Join the meditation room from Institute for Jewish Spirituality.
At Your Leisure... Volunteer!

Beth Emet Dayenu Circle
Don't miss Climate Shabbat for Earth Day, Friday, April 22, and an environmental cleanup on April 24. Contact Sharon Smaller to help with the Friday night or Sunday afternoon events.

Drop Off Bags to Members
Interested in making deliveries? Want to connect with other members?  We are looking for volunteers to drop off yahrzeit bags or Beth Emet gifts bags to members. To learn more, contact Bekki Kaplan.  

Support an Afghan Refugee Family
The family continues to need help with English practice, such as learning letters, numbers, and American money, or rides for shopping and appointments. Contact Alison Finkel or Rosalie Greenberger.
Events or links may change on occasion - check out the calendar on the homepage of bethemet.org for the most up to date information!
- Coming Soon-
A Brief Kabbalat Shabbat Service will be Recorded
Friday, April 15 at 6:30 pm
To mark the first night of Passover we will have a pre-recorded Kabbalat Shabbat service. This service will be accessible on our website.

Passover First Day Festival Morning Service
Saturday, April 16 at 9:30 am
Conversations to Nourish Our Soul with Marci Dickman
Wednesday, April 20 at 7:15 pm 
Explore your spirituality or connection to the Mystery or the Divine in the world. We will use the prayerbook, poetry, and ourselves as our texts, aiming to deepen our connections and discern meaningful paths in our daily lives. Our tools will include mindfulness practices, journaling, questioning, and conversation. Doubting God’s existence? Come explore.
This session was postponed from the original date of Thursday, March 24
Beth Emet Celebrates Earth Day

Earth Day Climate Action Shabbat with State Senator Laura Fine
Friday, April 22 at 6:30 pm
This special Shabbat service, spearheaded by Beth Emet’s Dayenu Circle, will focus on our Jewish values, which guide us in the fight against climate change and other environmental challenges. Guest d'var Torah by State Senator Laura Fine, will be speaking about the intersection of climate and mental health. With environmental-focused melodies by Cantor Cotler and meditation by Rabbi Memis-Foler, this is sure to be a great night!
Cleaning Up Our Community
Sunday, April 24 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm
Our Earth Day activities continue outdoors with a litter clean-up at the Northshore Channel along McCormick between Dempster and Church in Skokie.
BE Connected provides great ways in which to engage with our community, try something new, and connect at a time in which it is easier to do so by logging on virtually from the comfort of our own homes, especially nice during these cold months! 

Each week you will receive a dedicated email with a listing of opportunities for the next ten days as well as upcoming highlights to add to your calendar. For the latest list of events as well as links, check out our website. If you do not have access to a web camera for a video call, we always include phone numbers. And if you have an idea for a program as we expand the reach, contact Marti Netler.
If you'd like to unsubscribe, please do not hit the unsubscribe button below.

To find prior content, search communications@bethemet.org in your mailbox.