Shabbat Inspiration, Worship Schedule, and LifeCycle Notices
Friday, April 15, 2022 / 14 Nisan, 5782
Chag Pesach Sameach! Happy Passover!
Beth Emet Offices are Closed Today in Preparation for Passover

For emergencies, please call the main number (847-869-4230), and press 4. We look forward to connecting when the offices reopen on Monday, April 18.
As I child, I attended a Jewish day school in the San Fernando Valley. It was affiliated with the conservative movement and strictly observed Jewish holidays and rituals. I always loathed Passover because the teachers would check our lunches to see if we brought any food not Kosher for Passover. It meant I had to substitute all the leavened bready goodness for my sandwiches for the dry, crumbly substitute of matzah. Needless to say, my ability to barter lunches with other kids diminished for the week. Being the naïve, entitled youngster I was, I thought to myself, “This is what it was like to be a Jewish slave in Egypt. This is why we call it the bread of affliction.” And while I still believe that matzah is a poor substitute for sandwich bread, I hold the same sentiment I did in elementary school but with a different perspective.

Our holidays are rote and repetitive. We chant the same prayers, sing the same songs, and eat the same foods every year. But while those are constants, we are the variables! We grow and experience things differently. A passage from Torah or line from the Haggadah can have a profoundly different impact year to year.

So where am I at this year? Well, I still loathe matzah sandwiches, but I also respect it as a symbolic food. When I bite into matzah now, I no longer think of the lame school lunches I used to eat, now I think about what I am a slave to; what controls my life in a negative way. It is almost Spring, a time of renewal, not just for the plants and animals, but for us too.

My hope is that we use our seders to deepen our connection to each other and our tradition, but also to use the opportunity to reflect on ways we can renew ourselves. May you be inspired to change for the better and find renewal in the form that best suits your needs.
From the entire Beth Emet family, chag sameach!
Shabbat Shalom,
Cantor Kyle Cotler
Sunday, April 17

9:00 am
Sunday Morning Minyan
Zoom Link - Ph: 312-626-6799 - Meeting ID: 834 4048 4441 | Passcode: 1224

10:00 am
Young Family Meet-Up at Bent Park
Let's hang out together. Come with your kids and we’ll schmooze, play and meet new folks. The event will be cancelled if it’s pouring rain. 
Beth Emet Challah Midrash 5781- Get Your Own Coffee Table Book!
We have put together a book about Beth Emet's Challah Midrash from 5781. If you would like your own copy, please donate at least $43 to Beth Emet: the gematria (the practice of assigning a numerical value to letters and words) for challah ח ל ה. There is a sample copy in the lobby. 

Email Bekki to order your copy! 
For a Complete Listing of Services and Programs-
Check Out Our New Website!
Worship Support
To access worship services virtually, please check the latest info/links on the online calendar. Please note that Kabbalat Shabbat services are also posted on Facebook Live. Kabbalat Shabbat Livestream will include virtual t’filah to follow the service. If you don’t have a copy of Mishkan T’filah (siddur /prayerbook) at home for Kahal Shabbat morning services or Kabbalat Mitzvah services, you can get a free online flip book.