Chapter Update
July 22, 2021
Authenticity, Creativity, and SINGING?!
A Taste of virtual ICON 2021
AFP SEWI Chamberlin Scholar Ellen Wilkinson is ready to tell you all about the Best and Worst of this year’s ICON conference.

ICON is the annual international fundraising conference organized by the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

Gracious Celebrations
Observing every day acts of kindness
This time of the year is full of celebrations. Events commemorating our nation’s heroes on Independence Day. Ceremonies honoring academic graduates. Wedding festivities to bless the union of couples. Sporting events to cheer on the successes of favorite teams. Fairs and festivities that celebrate our sense of community.

Free For(u)m for Fundraisers Farewell
Thanks for the memories
Remember last year when we were all just going to stay close to home and limit contacts for two weeks? If only it had been that simple…

Membership Moments
Meet Michele Weinschrott
There’s a friendly debate among seasoned AFP members about who has been a member the longest. Membership records don’t always clear up the confusion. (If you’ve ever tried to renew your membership after lapsing for even a short time, you’ll understand why. This is also a good reminder to renew your membership now if you’re lapsing this summer!)


Whether you're looking for your next big career move or trying to find the perfect candidate, this is the place to start. Our job board has become one of the top places in Wisconsin for all kinds of nonprofit job postings and requests for proposals from consultants.

More chances to learn and connect...Register today!
Welcome to our New Members

Aimee Alexoff
Cathy Carr
Cindy Cooper
Shyla Deacon
Melissa Knitter
Jeffery Mazurczak
Patrick Mooney
Elizabeth Quick

Thank you to our Renewing Members

Jessica Bauer-Phipps
Bridgett Brown
Jenna Czaplewski
Scott Griffith
Mary Kay Gundlach
Rikki Harry, CFRE
Christopher Hoar
Will Janisch
Leona Knobloch
Margaret Lidstone
Mary Anne Martiny
Tanya Mazor-Posner
James Moore
Jayne Pfeifer
Jamie M. Pratt
Timothy Rippinger
Meghan Roesner
Chuck Rozewicz
Kelly Schlicht
Rebecca Surges
H. M. 'Tre' Waldren, III, CFRE
Heather Willette
AFP SEWI will be closed August 3 - 18.

Need help before then? Contact Julie

The job board will not be affected by this closure - Hire On!
Association of Fundraising Professionals, Southeastern WI | 414-399-0281 | |