February 21, 2019
Farm News. Farm Views.
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Dairy Girl Network helps women achieve goals
During tough times in agriculture and, more specifically, the U.S. dairy farming sector, it’s easy to believe you are the only one with doubts and fears and questions. The feeling of isolation can be intensified when the demands of milking cows twice a day keep you on the farm and away from others.
That’s one reason for the Dairy Girl Network. But it’s not the only reason that the group was founded and not the only reason that the group has grown to some 5,000 members in just a few years.

Koch rolls out new nitrogen inhibitor
Koch Agronomic Services
A new nitrification inhibitor for anhydrous ammonia and UAN has hit the Corn Belt market. Koch Agronomic Services’ Centuro is the first nitrification inhibitor to receive the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act registration in more than 40 years. Centuro will hold the nitrogen in the ammonium state three times longer than untreated ammonia.

Productivity determines profitability: Reproduction stressed in sheep, goat workshop
Richard Browning
Animal traits are influenced by the genetics of the animal and the environment. Genetic management is based on selection and mating decisions,” said Richard Browning, agricultural science research professor at Tennessee State University.

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