SEPTEMBER 25, 2020
Over the next few weeks, we will be highlighting many of our ministries and the opportunities available to get involved and deepen your faith at St. Brigid of Kildare Parish. We hope you all find a group, committee or activity that meets your talents or interests and allows you to feel connected within our large parish.

To sign up for any of these ministries, use the link below
(or complete and mail in your Volunteer Commitment Form):
The Men’s Spirituality Group’s purpose is to awaken, renew and grow the Catholic Spirituality of St. Brigid men. This includes the Annual Retreat, Coffee & Prayer (first and third Saturday of each month) and other Catholic faith opportunities for men of our parish.

All men of our parish are invited to invest in their personal and spiritual growth by joining the annual Men's Retreat.

For additional information, please contact Mitch Grant or Mark VanHuffel.
New Parishioner Welcome Committee
The New Parishioner Welcome Committee seeks to welcome every new family or individual to our parish by personally contacting them and inviting them to get involved and participate in parish life. This ensures that all members of our parish feel connected to our faith community.

If you are interested in joining the welcoming committee, please contact Carmen and Mary Murico.
55+ Group
All adults over 55, married or single, are invited to join this group. Monthly meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month and include various speaker topics. This groups also hosts several social events throughout the year including monthly lunches at a local restaurant, themed parties in Hendricks Hall, Potlucks at the Park and Country Club Christmas.

All interested adults should contact Bill Campbell.
CREW (which stands for Catholics Ready, Eager and Willing) is a need-based volunteer group. 

Throughout the year, there are many times that we could use your hands to help make a difference here at St. Brigid of Kildare.

Sign-up today to receive all the CREW requests via email, but only commit to those that appeal to you and fit in your schedule! You’ll meet new people, feel connected to our parish family and be the first to know that we aren’t too shy to ask for help!

Art and Environment
Volunteers of the Art and Environment Committee ensure that the church is decorated according to the seasons and celebrations of the liturgical calendar. Some of the tasks include ironing linens, potting plants, watering flowers, hanging wreaths.

If this sounds like fun, contact Amie Lopez. We are always seeking new friends to help! 
To complete your Offertory Commitment Form for 2020-21, use the link below
(or complete and mail in the paper version):
7179 Avery Road,
Dublin, OH 43017