March 20, 2021

Dear Beloved St. Paul’s UMC and Wesley Foundation Family,

Grace and peace to you, friends, in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who heals us in the broken places. It is, in fact, those broken places we’ve been focusing on these last few weeks. In today’s worship, we are thinking about broken pottery and ceramics, how they can be reclaimed, as we’ll see in Christine Stangel’s studio, or how the broken edges can become beautiful, as in the Japanese art of Kintsugi. This journey of Lent is reminding us that God is a God who reverses our expectations, and who redeems the brokenness of the world. You can worship with us by clicking here.

Children's Sunday School
As we continue to learn about the events of Holy Week, today's lesson is about Jesus appearing before Pontius Pilate, and we learn what it means for Jesus to be King. Have egg #6 ready to go! 

Small Group Discussion
Even as we move through this new phase of the pandemic, there is still a deep desire for us to connect with others in meaningful and enriching ways. While we may not be sitting down the pew from one another in the sanctuary, we have found that gathering together on Zoom each weekend in small groups has been, in many ways, an even better way to actually make real relationships! Join us this weekend, as we discuss the themes of this weekend’s worship. We would love to have you! You can join us by clicking here (if you are using the Zoom App, the meeting ID is: 859 0584 5591 and the Password is: stpauls).

Standing Against Racism
As we have had to state several times over the course of this past year, there is no room for racism and hate in the discipleship journey. This week’s horrific events in Atlanta are another example of how racism continues to be a major problem not only in our culture at large, but in our neighbors and ourselves. We grieve with those who have lost loved ones, and with those who live in fear. As we read this letter from NFAAUM (New Federation of Asian American United Methodists), let us resolve to do better in every way we can, as individuals and as the church. As one potential way to stand in solidarity, the Penn State APIDA (Asian Pacific Islander Desi American) Caucus has organized a vigil and open mic on the steps of Old Main on Sunday, March 21, at 6:00 PM. 

As Spring has officially arrived; as the broken journey of Lent continues; as we move through this next phase of the pandemic toward regathering, let us – in everything and in every way – be known for our love for God and neighbor. 
Pastor Greg.

Order of Worship

Call to Worship
One: As we come to worship today, we long to know that same overflowing cup that the psalmist wrote about in the 23rd Psalm,
All: but we are broken; the cracks in us feel too severe.
One: May our worship bring us again to the One who fixes what is broken;
All: remind us that your strength is made perfect in our weakness.
One: We claim together that the shadows prove the sunshine, that the cracks are where your light shines through,
All: and that you redeem and reclaim us, calling us to you in new ways!
Opening Hymn: “Jesus Calls Us” – UMH 398
Prayer of Confession
Compassionate Lord, forgive us for our failings on this broken pathway. When we are afraid; when the road ahead is too uncertain; when we would trade faithfulness for the status quo, forgive us. When we withhold parts of ourselves that we think are too unworthy, or when we deny our brokenness, relying on our strength, forgive us. Help us to know our brokenness, and to know your mercy which heals us. Amen.
Words of Assurance
Passing the Peace
Children’s Message: Virginia Loewen
Scripture: John 12:20-33, NRSV – Felix Boake

Message: “The Broken Way: Reverse” – Greg Milinovich

Baptism: Otto Hilse

Pastoral Prayer

Prayer Song: “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace” – FWS 2171

Closing Hymn: “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” – UMH 298

Discussion Questions:

  • What do you think the story in Acts 10 has to say to our world today?

  • How do we sometimes allow our own prejudice to affect how we think the Gospel of Jesus is open and available to others?

  • Now that we have reached a whole year of shutdown due to the pandemic, how can we continue to be the Church in ways that are inviting and open to others?
St. Paul's United Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation
250 East College Avenue | State College, PA 16801 | 814-237-2163 |