Dear Friends,
The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread throughout New York City, The United States, and on a global scale. That is why it is imperative that everyone does their part to protect our most vulnerable communities. We must continue to implement preventive measures, including staying home and practicing social distancing. Group sports and other large gatherings constitute a public health risk and should be avoided .
This virus is highly contagious and can infect any age group. As we take steps to prevent its spread, we must be keenly aware of our older residents and those who have weakened immune systems. These individuals, if infected with the virus, may require advanced medical care to help their immune system fight the illness, which in turn increases the burden on our healthcare facilities. There are individuals who carry this virus but are asymptomatic, and therefore create a greater health threat by interacting with others. That is why staying inside and practicing social distancing is not only beneficial for personal health, but also necessary to help those whose health is put into jeopardy if they contract the coronavirus.
While the State of New York and New York City work to fulfill the immediate medical supply needs of our hospitals, if you are able to donate supplies, including masks and gowns that will protect doctors and nurses, email or call 646-522-8477.  
I want to commend medical personnel in New York City, the State of New York, and the entire country who are risking their personal health to ensure that patients with COVID-19 are given the proper care they need. They are truly doing God’s work, and we must always keep them in our thoughts as they perform essential medical services for sick patients.
This week, the New York City Public Schools have begun remote learning activities with students and their families. This is new territory for the New York City School system, and our teachers and educators will need time to adjust for the m to continue to provide a quality educational experience without direct interaction with students. If you would like to receive a remote learning device from your local school, fill out this form and the schools will fulfill each request on a rolling basis until all needs are filled: h ttps://
The Department of Education is also providing free meals to New York City students at locations across the city. To find a location near you, go to:
In the coming days, New York City will make decisions on how to lessen the density of crowded spaces in our parks and public areas. It is important to respect and obey the guidelines issued by our state and city governments that will help prevent the continued spread of the novel coronavirus. We are facing a major healthcare crisis that must be dealt with appropriately at all levels of government and in our communities.
 There will be regulations issued that disrupt our daily routines and our ability to interact with friends, family, and colleagues. These are all for the common good and will function to protect the at-risk community. The City of New York will continue to implement significant changes to public resource availability, with the goal of easing the burden on our healthcare system. By changing our behaviors and doing what is right for our friends and neighbors, we will rise to the occasion as a city, state, and country, and have a stronger community than ever before.   
Thank you so much for your continued cooperation during this challenging time. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact my office directly at 718-287-8762 or email .
Truly yours,
 Council Member Mathieu Eugene
40 th District