supporting your team member(s) in
influence through data insights
#ITI recap.
  • this week we explored how to choose the best data visuals when presenting to stakeholders. #keepitsimple

  • we have continued to work on our data analysis skills--pulling reports, refining searches, and determining what the real request is from our clients/internal stakeholders. #analzye data

  • knowing your audience when presenting data has been a major focus--how much data to share, guiding their stakeholders to see what's in it for them, which visuals help to tell the story to be persuasive. #knowyouraudience
#discussion questions for you to chat about with your employee(s).
  • let's discuss why presenting visuals can be helpful for our client..
  • you can pull a sample RMI, Talent Radar, or other visual to talk through with your team member.
  • what do you see when you look at this visual?
  • what questions do you think our client will ask?
  • have them pull a report for your next 1:1 for a requisition they are filling. ask them to describe what they would share with their stakeholder from the report.
#action items for you.
----encourage your team member to sign up for coaching with their facilitators if they haven't already.

----you will begin to receive calendar invites for the final presentations. please respond if it's not a good time, so we can collectively work to find an alternate time.

----if your team member has multiple absences; remind them.. more than 2 absences & they are dropped from the program.

---review the discussion questions with your team member.
"it is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." Sherlock Holmes
it's time for ITI applications for Q2

  • it's time for Q2 ITI applications. if you or your team members are interested; please complete this application. you can visit our ITI Connect page to learn more.
  • the deadline for applications is March 11
  • all pre-learning must be completed by March 18th
  • kickoff is the week of March 29
#thanks for your support.