[someone in this world is depending on YOU to do what God has called you to do]

Hi, y’all,

Please remember it’s never too late for you. You are on God’s time clock.

God has not forgotten you “I Will Not Forget You I Have Carved You on The Palms of My Hands” Isaiah 49:15

Someone in this world is depending on YOU to do what God has called YOU to do.

Let this burn into your mind, soul, and spirit. God loves YOU RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE! He knows everything about you.

If you are reading this it is not by accident.

You have been chosen. He needs you to complete the task He has set before you. You are so worth it!!!

I can't control life, people, things, or outcomes. When I let go and surrender I feel a freedom. When we weave in FAITH GOD will find the thread. Have faith in YOURself. Fight the NEGATIVITY and BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!

If you're using all the tools you can't go wrong! One day at a time. I use this quote a lot because I truly love and believe this. "God opens millions of flowers without forcing the buds.. reminding us not to force anything, for things happen perfectly in time".

#Believe #Faith #Hope #Love

YOU ARE NEVER ALONE… Today 1 word, 1 touch, 1 smile, and 1 post can break a child, teenager, adult, or someone free from bondage!


"I have learned now that while those who speak about one’s miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more." C.S. Lewis

My Favorites -

"I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves." - Harriet Tubman

Do not ignore or turn your back on what is controlling you. Are you a slave to it?

"When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer." Corrie Ten Boom

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." Helen Keller

I love you and pray today, this second you will see yourself as Jesus does!!!

❌♥️❌♥️, Ruby

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