Friday, October 18 | Fun Food Orders Due by 3pm | Friday, October 18 | Girls Basketball Pack the House, games begin at 5:30pm in Gym | Saturday, October 19 | Yearbook (2023-24) orders due | Saturday, October 19 | Parent Foundation Witch Ride | Saturday, October 19 | SPR Service Week Begins | Tuesday, October 22 | Weekly School Mass, 8:45am at Church | Tuesday, October 22 | FSA Meeting (rescheduled), 7pm Innovation Center | Wednesday, October 23 | $3 Charitable Dress Down Day for Breast Cancer | Thursday, October 24 | 7th Grade Living Rosary, 8:45am in Church | Friday, October 25 | Hispanic Heritage Month Assembly, 1:45pm in Gym | Friday, October 25 | 8th Grade Halloween Dance, 6:45pm at School | Friday, October 25 | Parish Quarterly Concert Series, 7pm at Church Hall | Saturday, October 26 | SPR Service Week Continues | Monday, October 28 | Monthly School Board Meeting | Tuesday, October 29 | Van Gogh Picture Retakes | Tuesday, October 29 | 6th Grade Retreat, Camp Manitoqua | Wednesday, October 30 | 1:30 Dismissal, Staff Development | Thursday, October 31 | Fun Food with Baracco’s | Thursday, October 31 | Halloween | Friday, November 1 | Weekly School Mass: All Saints Day, 8:45am at Church | Friday, November 1 | 4th Grade Saints Wax Museum, 10am in Gym | | |
Fun Food & Yearbook Orders Due
Fun Food, Order by 3pm - The FSA is organizing "Barraco's Fun Food" on Halloween; this is a special hot lunch day for all students, and our traditional hot lunch from Gilhooley's Country House will not be available on this day. As previously shared, the deadline to order is TODAY at 3pm. If you have any questions, reach out to Elise Mayer at Order here!
2023-24 Yearbooks - Yearbook orders are due tomorrow, October 19 - Order here! Please use passcode: 1017023074133939.
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Pack the House Tonight!
All are encouraged to join us tonight for "Pack the House," honoring Girls' Basketball! The theme is "Red Out" and 7A is kicking off the night at 5:30pm. 8th-grade games begin at 7:10pm. Pack the House events demonstrate our school spirit and celebrate the dedication of our 8th-grade student-athletes. Full details here.
A reminder that all children must have an adult chaperone. Children are not allowed to be unsupervised at sports events in the school gym.
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Witch Ride Tomorrow!
The 3rd Annual Parent Foundation Witch Ride is tomorrow, Saturday, October 19. This fun event raises
awareness and funds for the St. Barnabas School Parent Foundation. Gather at 4:30pm in the parking lot for the 5pm departure. Join the (adult-only) ride or come out and greet the witches on the route through the neighborhood. Learn more and view the route!
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Dress Down to Support Breast Cancer
Dress Down in Pink next Wednesday, October 23! Students are welcome to participate in a $3 Charitable Dress Down in Pink to support breast cancer. Students should wear pink tops paired with jeans, athletic pants, or bottoms. Contributions will benefit Ginger Rugai's YMe Softball organization. Donate online via credit card payment or bring $3 cash to school by October 23
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Prayers and Support for Weekley Family
It is with great sadness that we share the news that Emanuel Weekley, father of Ethan Weekley, Class of 2024, passed away unexpectedly earlier this month. We are heartbroken and send all our love and prayers to Ethan, Tanya, and their entire family. One of our school's greatest blessings is the power of prayer and our ability to come together as a community. Please join us in wrapping our love and arms around Ethan during this difficult time. Arrangements for Mr. Weekley are today and Saturday, view the details.
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Thinking of Ms. Miller
We also ask for prayers of support and healing for Ms. Jeanne Miller, our School Counselor. Ms. Miller is an integral part of our school community and a source of great comfort and guidance to our students. Ms. Miller has not been feeling well and has been recovering at home in recent weeks; we look forward to her healthy return in the near future.
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Procedures for Communicating with Staff
The preferred way to reach our staff is through email or by calling our Main Office at 773-445-7711. All emails are published in the Staff Directory on our school website. Because several teachers and administrators are also members of our Parish, access to personal cell phone numbers can be readily available to many. We kindly ask that you refrain from calling and texting staff via their cell phones to address school-related matters. Keeping communication centralized to staff’s work email accounts is the most efficient and accurate way for us to manage information. Thank you for your attention and consideration.
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Dealing with Head Lice
Head lice can be frustrating and time-consuming for households with school-age children. Per our school handbook, we do not exclude students, nor do we implement classroom or school-wide checks for head lice at school. Recently, some parents have inquired about a rumored lice outbreak. We want to assure you that while it is not uncommon for any school community to experience head lice, we are not currently hearing of a significant number of cases at our school. Please read more about the St. Barnabas lice policy and tips for managing and reporting.
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8th Grade Reminders
Pizza Party After PTH - All St. Barnabas 8th grade students who attend Girls PTH tonight are invited for pizza in the lunchroom after the games. The event concluded at 10:30pm, and all students must be escorted home by an adult guardian.
Measurements Needed - We are ordering graduation gowns next week! Parents, please remember to submit student's height no later than Monday. Complete the quick form here.
Required Halloween Permission Form - Get ready for the Nightmare on Longwood! The Parent Committee is planning an incredible evening for the upcoming 8th Grade Halloween Dance on Friday, October 25. Please submit the required student RSVP and permission by Monday.
Stay in the Know: Class of 2025 Events
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After Care Pick-up Change
Today, as we prepare for Pack the House, After Care pick-up is at Door 10, the side gym doors at the far south-west side of the school building, closest to Longwood Drive. Next Friday, October 25, as we prepare for the 8th Grade Halloween Dance After Care, pick-up is at Door 1, the School's Main Entry doors on Longwood.
We appreciate you sharing this information with any additional caregivers responsible for After Care pick-up for your children.
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Service Continues!
Volunteers from the Southside Parish Renewal Parishes are invited to share in a week of service throughout the Chicago area. Numerous sites are available for all ages of volunteers beginning tomorrow. Please consider becoming part of this meaningful experience. Learn more and register here.
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Catholic Family Survey
The Archdiocese of Chicago is seeking ways to support and engage young families. To help with this mission, we encourage all Catholic families within our school to answer a survey. We are grateful to you for sharing your insights. Begin the survey.
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100th Anniversary Gala
The 100th Anniversary Gala Celebration is on Saturday, November 23, 2024, at Olympia Fields Country Club. All are welcome to join in this memorable evening. Visit the 100th Anniversary page for all the details, including event tickets and sponsorship opportunities.
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Halloween at St. Barnabas
Halloween Details - Halloween is an exciting time at St. Barnabas School. As you begin your plans, we ask you all to take a few moments to review the details on costume rules, the parade, class parties, treats, Teal Pumpkin Project, and the pumpkin decorating contest. Read more.
Pumpkin Decorating Contest - Get creative and decorate for the annual Student Council Pumpkin Decorating Contest! Student-decorated pumpkins can be brought to school Monday, October 28 - Thursday, October 31, for display in the Main Hall. Pumpkins may be decorated using paint, glue, paper, fabric, etc., but may not be carved.
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Celebrating Hispanic Heritage
As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, Culture Club has created an ofrenda in our Main Hall to celebrate Dia de los Muertos. We invite families to add to our altar by sharing a photo or small memorial token of someone special who has passed on. Items may be dropped off to Sr. Schell in the Spanish Room, marked with the student's name and homeroom. All items will be returned to families after the event.
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Thank you to the many athletes, coaches, and parents who worked to create a memorable Homecoming. It was an honor to celebrate our Buckeye pride with so many enthusiastic fans!
Thank you to The St. Barnabas Parent Foundation for generously gifting our school staff last week. We thank you for recognizing and showing appreciation to our returning staff members for their commitment to Catholic education.
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We are a community of unique learners, always growing and learning.
Questions, Comments - Email us.
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