Issue Date: Friday, March 10, 2023

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"Life moves pretty fast; if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller

It is hard to believe we are approaching St. Patrick's Day, the third trimester, and the start of numerous memorable spring festivities! A huge, heartfelt thank you to everyone who made Pat Mac Day, St. Baldrick's, and Parker's Party a success. It was a weekend full of pride, joy, and love. We enjoy seeing so many of our students with bald heads and beautiful haircuts illustrating love and support for those battling pediatric brain cancer. We raised over $60,000 in total for the Special Olympics of Chicago and Pediatric Brain Cancer. THANK YOU for your generosity towards two extraordinary organizations. We continue to be proud of our incredible band members who showcase their talent. This past Monday, they performed fabulously at the Winter Band Concert in LaGrange. It is truly music to our ears to hear and see our students excel in and out of the classroom. As Confirmation interviews continue with the 8th grade and Fr. Donovan, it is a reminder that our time with our 8th graders is growing shorter and shorter. We are proud of their efforts and preparation for this next chapter of their faith and life journey. Please continue to keep them in your prayers. This week wraps up the 2nd trimester. We are in awe of our dedicated faculty and staff and are beaming with pride for our students who strive to do their best daily. Yesterday, the Junior High students, teachers, and staff members made our way to line Western Avenue to honor and pay our respects to fallen CPD Officer Andres Vasquez-Lasso as he was laid to rest. May God bless him and the angels welcome him with open arms to Heaven's gate. We are so proud of our students' reverence and respect during this emotional experience. 

This weekend and always, we are LUCKY to be Buckeyes! We hope to see you on the St. Barnabas parade float or along the route on Sunday. Have a safe and fun weekend. We will see you on Tuesday to kick off the third trimester of the school year. ~ Mr. Stack and Ms. Sadowski

Stay in the Know



Saturday, March 11

St. Patrick’s Day Mass & Reception, 4pm at Church

Sunday, March 12

St. Barnabas Float in the Southside Irish Parade

Monday, March 13

No School

Friday, March 17

Trimester 2 Reports Cards sent home


Sunday, March 19

St. Joseph’s Day Parish Mass and Pasta Party, 5pm at Church

Tuesday, March 21

Down Syndrome Awareness/Parker’s Party Dress Down

Tuesday, March 21

Community Involvement Committee Meeting, 7pm on Zoom

Wednesday, March 22

FSA Scholastic Book Fair, Day 1, Church Hall

Thursday, March 23

FSA Scholastic Book Fair, Day 2, Church Hall

Friday, March 24

St. Barnabas Parent Foundation Casino Night, 6:30pm at Ridge CC

Sunday, March 26

8th Grade Confirmation, 1pm at Church

Monday, March 27

School Board Meeting, 7pm Media Center

Wednesday, March 29

1:30pm Dismissal, aftercare until 5:30pm

Friday, March 31

8th Grade Stations of the Cross, 1:45pm at Church

Friday, March 31

Notre Dame Jazz Band Concert, 7pm at Gym

Thursday, April 6 - Sunday, April 16

Spring Break, No School

Monday, April 17

Classes Resume

Early Dismissal and Days Off Calendar

Order Hot Lunch

View Lunch Menu

Volunteer for Lunch Duty

Contribute a Staff Snack

Report Absence

Scrip Tuition Savings

FSA Membership Toolkit

No School March 13


A reminder that we have no school this Monday, March 13.  We hope you all enjoy the long weekend.


This past Monday we launched our Service Day registration. We are filled with enthusiasm for this meaningful day in service to others. Link to Monday’s email launch HERE.

Students and chaperones must register by March 17. Parents/guardians may not send chaperone and student registration requests to homerooms teachers; kindly register through the ONLINE REGISTRATION.

A reminder that Grade 4-8 students choose an off-campus service opportunity. Each service site has a limited number of spots available, and sign-up is first-come, first-serve for grades 4-8. Some of the service sites are already full, but options are still available for all grades.  


The Archdiocese of Chicago, in partnership with the University of Chicago, conducts an annual survey that measures school climate and culture. It takes just a few minutes to complete, and we invite all parents/guardians to take the survey by Friday, March 17. Sharing your thoughts on areas of strength for St. Barnabas or areas of growth is greatly appreciated. To date, about 30% of school parents have completed the survey, and we would love to hear from more of you. Click HERE to complete the survey.

Parade Weekend


All are invited to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day with St. Barnabas School & Parish at the 4pm Mass & Reception this Saturday and Parade festivities on Sunday. There is still time to order sweatshirts or baseball hats to show off your Buckeye Pride. Order on MEMEBERSHIP TOOLKIT.

Parade Details -

  • FLOAT - We are #18; look for the red & white float. 
  • MEET - Gather on 103rd Street in front of Beverly Bank.
  • TIME - Arrive NO LATER than 11:30am. 
  • RSVP - If you plan to join, please respond to Lauren Doig at 708-601-1104 or This is important, so we know how many people to expect.
  • DAY OF QUESTIONS - text Lauren at 708-601-1104.
  • SIGNS - Please make signs to carry and show our school and parish some love!
  • ALCOHOL PROHIBITED - There is a zero-tolerance policy for alcohol. Absolutely no alcoholic beverages will be permitted on the parade route.
  • CANDY - Nothing can be thrown from the float or by parade marchers. Please do not bring candy to toss. 
  • ENDPOINT - The parade concludes at 115th & Western; we anticipate arriving between 1:15-1:30 for those who wish to coordinate a ride home.


The FSA is hosting the Scholastic Book Fair on Wednesday, March 22, and Thursday, March 23. Please consider volunteering for this special student event held in the Church Hall. Volunteers are needed for set-up and the breakdown and also during the event. View the class schedule linked HERE, should you wish to volunteer when your child attends. Preschool-Grade 5 students attend with their homeroom, and Grades 6-8 attend with their ELA class. Register to volunteer on MEMBERSHIP TOOLKIT


Congratulations to 8th Grade White who won the White Bracket of the South Side Catholic Conference tournament! Thank you for your incredible effort and sportsmanship.

Come cheer on 4th Grade White in their championship game of the South Bracket of the South Suburban Basketball League. The team will play St. Michael’s at 11am on Saturday at Marist HS. 

8th Grade basketball
4th Grade Basketball


All are welcome to celebrate St. Joseph’s Day on Sunday, March 19, with a 5pm Mass at Church followed by a pasta dinner in the Church Hall. Reach out to Erin Liebenauer at with any questions or offers to help.

St. Joseph's Day


Whether you attend Mass every week or haven't been through the door of a church in a decade, Southside Parish Renewal (SPR) wants to hear from you! This is a opportunity to make your voice heard and contribute your talents and time to an effort that will leave a lasting impact on the Beverly, Morgan Park, and Mount Greenwood communities for generations. Learn more about SPR HERE.


All men of St. Barnabas are invited to participate in the Men’s CRHP Retreat, March 25-26. For more information or to register, please email or connect via phone or text with Brent VanHootegem at 312-498-6274 or Joe Stoiber at 773-590-4305. Additional details can be found HERE.

Stations of the Cross


For a unique experience of the Stations of the Cross, gather the kids and take a journey through the neighborhood. Stations are posted in the front yards of 14 St. Barnabas area locations. All are encouraged to walk and pray anytime during Lenten Season. CLICK for written and narrated audio prayers for each station and enjoy the pilgrimage!  

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ONE Barnabas - We Belong to Each Other

Questions, Comments - Email us.