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Your City. Your Money. Who Decides?
Budget Breakdown - Wednesday, July 13

July 11, 2011

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Dear NOLA CPP Stakeholder,


Greetings. We would like to remind you about an important meeting this Wednesday evening. Along with our partners in NOCOG, we are hosting a session that will explain the city's new budget process.  This will also help you prepare for the upcoming forums Mayor Landrieu will host, where you will have a chance to tell city how you want it to spend your tax dollars. Keep reading for more information. Thanks.   


The NOLA CPP Team  



Your City, Your Money - Who Decides?




"The Budget Breakdown"

Citizen Training On The City's New Budget Process


Wednesday, July 13th, 6-8pm

Grace Episcopal Church

3700 Canal St.


Conducted by Bob Rhoden, former Commissioner of Criminal Justice and Finance Department staffer


Presented by the
New Orleans Coalition on Open Governance


Free and Open to the Public

Pre-register by calling (504) 267-4665 or emailing


The City of New Orleans' new budget process calls for public input on how your tax dollars are going to be spent across six priority areas: Public Safety, Children & Families, Economic Development, Sustainable Communities, Open & Effective Government, and Innovation.


Budget breakdown  

  • Did you know that 58% of the city's budget goes to public safety? Are we spending the right amount of money on the programs that actually make us safer?
  • Does spending 3% on Children & Families, 2% on Economic Development, and 17% for Sustainable Communities give us a better quality of life?
  • Did you know that greater community input last year could have led to funding for violence prevention, emergency medical services or community engagement?

This training will help you understand the budget process and how you can influence the way your tax dollars are spent.  This may sound like a dull or difficult topic, but this workshop will make the budget easy to understand - plus it's YOUR money at stake!



Please contact Nick Kindel at (504) 267-4665, or visit our website if you have any questions. 




The NOLA CPP Team 

Committee for a Better New Orleans and the NOLA CPP would like to thank the following major supporters:

Open Society Foundations            Chevron             GNOF

Case Foundation                                     Surdna   

To become involved in the NOLACPP, please contact
Nick Kindel - Pilot Projects Coordinator
Office: 504.267.4665
Committee for a Better New Orleans (sponsor of the NOLACPP)
4902 Canal Street, Suite 300
New Orleans, LA 70117