Speaking 101


April 24, 2014 


Hey All:


You know I love you, right?  My blog post this week is Speaking 101.  I don't post a blog post every week but only when I have something really relevant to say or when I reach some type of milestone in my life. 


I can officially call myself an "audio producer" and "audiobook narrator."  I have 35 videos at Cathy Harris TV and I just finished my first audiobook "Diabetes 101: 3rd Largest Killer."   Wow...what an experience!!!  I can't believe I did it!!!


The audiobook will be available soon at Amazon.com, Audible.com and Itunes.com and with me at my events especially since Diabetes is the number one killer of African Americans.  


At this point in my life, I really wasn't looking for anymore titles, but as a business owner, you will find out that you will end up doing a lot of the work your ownself especially if you want it done right.


I use to hate how I sounded on recordings.  But remember most people are their biggest critics.  Sometimes your biggest enemy will be that brain between your two ears telling you what you can or cannot do. 


Remember the old voice recorders, I thought my voice sounded like a frog but as I grew older -- I learned to love my voice.  We all have things that we don't like about ourselves and sometimes those things can become our greatest assets.  However, I still cringe sometimes when I hear my voice but at this point in my life, it's as good as it gets.


What everyone need to understand is that everyone is human and you should never give up on yourself and the possible talents you might have that can help others.  Remember everyone has some type of talent or passion which is of value to others.


Becoming a speaker was hard work along the way.  After being on anti-depressants for one year after I blew the whistle in 1998, not only did I have memory loss, but I had to work with a speech coach from a college just to learn how to talk again.  


I also attended toastmasters.org which was very beneficial in helping me present to an audience which I recommend for any business owner especially all up and coming speakers and authors.


Medications of any kind will not only mess you up, all medications (especially antidepressants) will have side effects and will sometimes take away abilities that you may never get back again.  However, I am happy to announce my memories eventually returned and that was the only time in my entire life that I have ever been on medications.


When I retired from U.S. Customs in 2005, and launched my company, AngelsPress.com, I was a speaker but not an Empowerment Speaker.  So my company at that time was only a publishing company - not empowerment company. 


The only topics I was well-versed in was "workplace discrimination" and "international traveling" -- but most people don't fight back so I knew I could not build a second career on the topic of workplace discrimination or even international traveling -- so I had to gain access to topics that people really wanted to hear more about.


So how did I do that?  In order to gain valuable knowledge and put myself in a position to have access to great information, not only did I continue with a national e-newsletter that I had launched in 1998 to expose U.S. Customs, National Black Agenda Online, but my home and car literally became a learning center.


In 2012, I launched an initiative to show others what they needed to do to take control of their own lives and gain valuable information


Every step I have taken in my life up until now seem to have been in divine order to put me where I really needed to be to bring peace, joy and happiness into my life and the people's lives that I care deeply about. 


I want to thank everyone who have known me over the years for your support and others who are getting to know me now.  I wish you nothing but peace, joy and happiness and as an Empowerment and Motivational Speaker, I will continue alongside of you in the fight to make your lives and the lives of the people you care deeply about ... like heaven on earth.  Just remember "All in Divine Order."






Cathy Harris, Speaker, Author, Trainer

Angels Press, CEO, President, Publisher

Non-GMO Health Movement

P.O. Box 5288

Atlanta, GA 31107

(770) 873-2072

www.CathyHarrisSpeaks.com (Lectures, Seminars, Workshops)

www.AngelsPress.com (Empowerment and Publishing Company)

www.TheCathyHarrisStory.com (The Cathy Harris Story)



Did You Know that Diabetes 

is the 3rd Largest Killer in the U.S. next to Heart Disease and Cancer?


Did you know that Diabetes 


of African Americans???



Cathy Harris Releases

New Audiobook

"Diabetes 101: 3rd Largest Killer"

(Audio Sample)



Available as E-book, Paperback & Audiobook












Chapter 1: What is Diabetes?

Chapter 2: How is Diabetes Diagnosed?

Chapter 3: Who Gets Type II Diabetes?

Chapter 4: Avoid Harmful Ways While Living With Diabetes

Chapter 5: Diabetes Long-Term Complications

Chapter 6: The Real Diabetes Healers


About the Author




This book will educate you on why there are so many people in this country dying, going blind or losing limbs to diabetes?


Diabetes is a lifelong manageable disease that can be controlled and the goal is not to let it control you.


Diabetes is not and should not be a death sentence for anyone, however, due to the lack of information and education, many people do die from the disease.


It is after all the third largest killer in the U.S. and the NUMBER ONE killer of African Americans!


According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC.gov), over 40% of people today or millions of people are walking around with diabetes already ravaging their bodies.


Many people are misdiagnosed with diabetes because again it is one of the diseases that is extremely hard to recognize or diagnose.


Diabetes is sometimes not detected until something terrible happens such as a heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure.


Not only is it extremely hard to diagnosis, but the symptoms of diabetes mimics many other diseases.


So finding out if you have diabetes will be key to living with the disease and managing it correctly. Good luck! 

Diabetes 101 - 3rd Largest Killer available as E-book, Paperback and Audiobook
Diabetes 101 - 3rd Largest Killer available as E-book, Paperback and Audiobook

Eating sugar is bad for diabetes. But did you know that eating too much sugar turns off the brain 
and stunts your growth.



Coming Soon...

Cathy Harris Presents More 
Empowerment Training
  • Natural and Holistic Health Training
  • Business Workshops for Youth and Adults
  • Fiction and Non-Fiction Writing Workshops for E-books, Paperbacks and Audiobooks
  • Workplace and Whistleblower Training Workshops
  • Etiquette and Self-Esteem Workshops
  • Goal Setting/Dream Mapping Workshops
  • Train the Trainer Workshops
Health, Business and Self-Publishing Seminars



Do You Have a Nice Voice? 
Why Not Get Into the 
Audiobook Narrating Business...
 Business Idea of the Week 


Audiobook narrators are high in demand businesses.  Most authors will not want to buy the equipment which cost less than $300 to record their own books. 

Are you a youth business owner or adult business owner and others have told you - you have a nice voice?  Then why not get into the audiobook narrating business?  

My writing seminar and workshop is my HOTTEST event so I know you can do well in this field.  All you need to do to market yourself is join online and community writing groups and other business groups. 


This business would be extremely easy to set up.  I learned to do this in a matter of days, not weeks, months and especially not years. 


It is just one of the businesses that I will be discovering in my upcoming business workbook "Top Businesses for Youth and Adult CEOs" which will list over 300 businesses.


 Top 'Sign of the Time' Businesses

(click here)



AngelsPress.com Business Network

(click here)


Did you know that every business owner 

should have a group of ETHICAL BUSINESSES 

to refer others to?




Should You Start a 
Non-Profit Business?
April 24, 2014
by Syndicated Columnist Cathy Harris

People who start Non-Profit businesses or organizations, want to feed, clothes and shelter the homeless, work with wayward girls, and/or help prisoners get back acquainted with society, however, starting this type of business can be very heartbreaking and can set you up for failure. 


Many African American business owners rather start a "Non-profit" than a "For-profit" business.  Instead of conducting their own research, many business owners have listened to someone in the community who told them the government will give them FREE money to start a Non-profit or a Not-for-Profit business. 


I have seen Non-profits who have been out there for 5, 10 or 15 years STILL begging for money from the government.  What's more alarming is that there is a whole new generation of potential young business owners coming behind them that are also begging for money from the government.    


A Non-profit can raise much needed funds by receiving public and private grant money and donations from individuals and companies. Many Non-profit organizations apply for grants after filing their 501�3. 


A 501� 3 will exempt any organization or group who donate money to Non-profits from paying taxes on any donations.  But this money is monitored CLOSELY by the IRS which makes your Non-profit subject to more scrutiny.


The federal and state governments do not generally tax Non-profit Corporations on money they make that is related to their non-profit purpose, because of the benefits they contribute to society.  Tax information can be found on the Internal Revenue Service website at http://www.irs.gov/charities/index.html.


Many people have actually put their lives on hold because they seriously believed they would receive grant money to start their own Non-profit businesses especially former prisoners.  People in the movement can't seriously think that the government is going to give them grant money to open up a Non-profit.


Even after filling out stacks of paperwork about your potential goals for your Non-profit, it's like winning the lottery.  And if you are one of the lottery winners, there's no guarantee that you will ever win it again.


You have to dig for this grant money and many people are not willing to do that.  They are also not willing to pay others to do it either.  Others will tell you they will dig for it for a fee only to get your money and your hopes up and leave you at the end with -- nothing.


The grants that are passed out to a very few Non-profits are so small that when these organizations run out of money, they refuse to pay their employees.  These employees end up working for FREE for three to four months or more - even during the holidays. 


Not only do these employees work without pay when this grant money runs out but most people who work for Non-profits, don't have any type of dental, disability, health or life insurance.


There are lots of steps involved in opening your own Non-profit such as clarifying roles, drafting by-laws, creating job descriptions, and providing proper orientation for new members as they come onto the board.


Some of the other obstacles that you will face with a Non-Profit Corporations are finding organizations willing to offer valuable services like accounting and payroll assistance; hiring additional staff; or to purchase office equipment.


Non-profits are just that "Not-for-Profit" - which means chances are you are going to end up spending your own money to make your Non-profit work.  The options should not be to open a "Not-for-Profit" Corporation but it should be to open a "For-Profit" business.





Customer Service 101


April 24, 2014


by Syndicated Columnist Cathy Harris 


African American business owners have horrible customer service skills.  Most are afraid to put their pictures on their websites because they are afraid if people knew they are black, they would not make money. Because of this it will be extremely hard to "BUY BLACK."


Many don't even know that they are a business owner. Hint...Hint...If you have services or products, you are officially a business owner which means you need to conduct yourself in a professional manner.

Many won't return phone calls or emails. Not returning phone calls and emails are bad customer service skills. Remember it's easier to keep a customer than it is to obtain a new one. So ask yourself how well you play with others. 


If you cannot get along with all kinds of people, you should reconsider starting a business or learn how to get along with others better.  Starting a business means you will have to work with a lot of other people -- especially to get up and running. 


Personal service is still what differentiates one company from another. Whether you operate on the web or not, make sure you and your employees are responding to your clients' needs with the added value they expect today.


October has been designated as "National Customer Service Week." This is the time when progressive organizations recognize their customer service representations through gifts, workshops, lunches, etc. They realize that these individuals have a tremendous impact on whether their customers stay or leave.


As I listen to colleagues, friends and family, I hear them talk about the lack of customer service consumers receive from most businesses today. In fact, when customers receive outstanding service they are surprised.


According to research statistics, customers leaves companies because -- 1 percent of customers leave because someone in the company dies; 3 percent change location; 5 percent make other friendships; 9 percent go to the competition; 14 percent are dissatisfied; and 68 percent leave because of "bad customer service."


It's gets worse! Research shows that out of 25 dissatisfied customers - one customer complains; Twenty-four are dissatisfied but don't complain; six of the 24 non-complainers have serious problems; and the 24 non-complainers tell 10-20 people about their "bad experience."


Dissatisfied customers can be very problematic and the main problem is that you usually don't hear from them. For every disgruntled customer who calls or writes to your company, you can be sure that there are 10-14 others who didn't bother to let you know they were unhappy. More important, dissatisfied customers don't keep their dissatisfaction to themselves, they tell others.


Cathy Harris

 The Ethical Black Business Coach



  Other Business Articles

Black Women are Choosing to 
Going Natural = Healthy Bodies
Healthy Bodies = Productive Lives

These are Beautiful "Selfies"


My Hair, My Crown, My Glory
My Hair, My Crown, 
My Glory
Keep Your Daughter's Hair Natural and Healthy
Keep Your Daughter's Hair Natural and Healthy




click here


ACLU Bill of Rights Dinner 

Honors Whistleblowers

Cathy Harris, Customs Whistleblower
Thomas Drake, NSA Whistleblower

Daniel Ellsberg, Pentagon Papers Whistleblower



May 12, 2014, 4:30-9:00 p.m.  

Westin Copley Hotel

Boston, MA

(click here)






Last Chance for Floridians...


The Cathy Harris Empowerment Tour will be leaving the Florida area by June 1, 2014 -- so if you have family, friends and colleagues in that area tell them to reach out to Cathy Harris now to set up a 

FREE Health, Business or Self-publishing 

Seminar or Workshop. 



Support the 

2014 Cathy Harris Empowerment Tour 

now setting up Health, Business and Self- Publishing Seminars and Workshops  

in the state of Florida  

(click here)


Cathy Harris is known as The Empowerment Guru

  and is the author of 20 non-fiction books which covers topics on family and community empowerment, health, youth and adult entrepreneurship, writing/publishing, workplace discrimination (sexism, sexual harassment, sex and race discrimination), whistleblowing, law enforcement, government, domestic and international traveling, politics, media, beauty, car buying and selling for women, aging/retirement - just to name a few.  Her books and articles are full of content-rich material to help anyone get back into the driver's seat and are available at



Cathy Harris can be reached through her company, Angels Press, P.O. Box 5288, Atlanta, GA 31107, Phone: (770) 873-2072, Website: http://www.angelspress.com, Email: [email protected]. To view events planned for the tour and to follow Cathy on tour go to http://www.cathyharrisspeaks.com. To work with Cathy or add your city to the tour or schedule an event call (770) 873-2072 or email [email protected].