True Blue Talk                       June 2013 
In This Issue
How to Write a (Publishable) Guest Column
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Featured Work
Nonprofit Client Featured in TV and Print News
Encouraging the Next Generation of PR Pros

Featured Work

It's been an exciting few months for client Cody Consulting, which helps health plans increase efficiencies.

First, we had the opportunity to create a suite of marketing materials for a healthcare industry conference (below is the table-top banner artwork).

And Managed Healthcare Executive, a national magazine, published the guest column we secured and co-wrote for CEO Deb Mabari in its April issue.

We appreciate that Cody Consulting's leaders have trusted us with the firm's PR and marketing needs for the last year-and-a-half. 


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Thank You!
We can't believe True Blue Communications celebrated its third birthday in May - time flies when you're having fun!

A million thanks to our clients for their business and our colleagues and friends for their continued support over the years.

How to Write a (Publishable) Guest Column


Guest column we secured in a quarterly trade magazine for a commercial real estate client
Being published as a contributing writer in a news publication is a great way to increase visibility and credibility for you and/or your organization.


Articles authored by an industry expert who is not on the news staff are typically called "guest columns" or "bylined articles."


If you plan to submit a guest column to a publication for consideration, here are tips on how to approach the writing to give you the best likelihood of being published.


Make it relevant to readers

Research the publication and read other guest columns to gain a solid understanding of what makes it into print. Your column should be highly relevant to the news outlet's readers.


Ask yourself, "What is a challenge these readers face to which my knowledge can provide a solution?" Ideas for your guest column topic will come from answering that question.


Advertising is off-limits

A guest column is not an advertisement. If you want to talk about how great your company is, and list your services and products, the publication will be happy to sell you an ad.


Keep your guest column content strictly informational. While you may want use generic personal examples to support points in your column, only do so if it significantly enhances the clarity or understanding of the article. Columns sharing industry tips or trends are a great way to go - just remember, this is about the readers, and not about you/your company.


Keep it simple

Guest columns written for a news publication should not read like a book report, college essay or white paper. Pick a very narrow topic and make simple points to support your tips or advice.


When writing, avoid industry jargon, use short sentences, and be as clear and concise as possible. This will greatly enhance the reader's ability to understand and learn from your column (and the editor's willingness to publish it).


Make the headline attention-grabbing

While your writing, for the most part, should be simple and concise, try for a headline that grabs the reader's attention. Be warned that it can be tricky to strike a good balance between crafting a compelling message that is also clear.


Brainstorm different headline options to find an attention-grabbing headline that also accurately sums up the article. When in doubt, don't sacrifice clarity for creativity.


For more PR and marketing tips, insights and news, visit our Blog.
Nonprofit Client Featured in TV and Print News

The Early Childhood Council of Hillsborough County recently celebrated is 30th Anniversary. We were thrilled to help share the story of this amazing organization by earning news media coverage in the Tampa Bay Times newspaper, and on the local CSB affiliate's "Making a Difference" segment.

ECC CBS Segment
Click on the image to watch the CBS TV segment.   


ECC Tampa Bay Times story
Click on the image to read the Tampa Bay Times article.


Congrats to the ECC on achieving this milestone, and here's to another 30 years of helping children and families in Tampa Bay!

Encouraging the Next Generation of PR Pros

Noelle at PRSSA Banquet True Blue Communications Principal & President Noelle Anderson, APR, (left) gave the keynote speech at University of South Florida's Public Relations Student Society of America's (PRSSA) Annual Banquet in April, where she shared "10 Tips for Aspiring PR Professionals."

Also pictured here is USF PRSSA's Even
t Coordinator Morgan Martensen.